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This report assesses the questionnaire used by the interviewer Andrew Marr for interviewing Greta Thunberg, environmentalist. This report will analyze the structure of the interview which happened between them and would review the pattern of the interview which was carried out by Andrew Marr through themes. After part 1, in part 2, calculations will be provided based on the CO2 emissions and the initiatives taken by the countries to control it all across the world. The second part of the report would be dealing with statistical data and graphs to demonstrate a proper finding. In the last part of this report, a reflective statement would be provided on the self skills developed by the researcher while conducting this research paper.
Andrew Marr in his interview with climate activist Greta Thunberg asked a few questions related to this climate and the disruptions it has been facing for a long time now. Without asking any general questions, Andrew directly started their behavioural interview with to-the-point questions:
Theme 1: Activist movement in Glasgow
Andrew Marr interviewed Greta Thunberg with the question of the activist movement that has caused environmental disruption through sound pollution (The Andrew Marr Show: Interview with Greta Thunberg, 2021). As this stands against the environment protocols, Greta Thunberg replied that although climate awareness has been spread worldwide, still people around are not getting concerned about it. The activists who have done sound pollution, as per Greta being an environmentalist commented that they have to protest as per their rules whereas all across the world, still, people are not becoming aware of the climatic conditions yet. Greta also added that no matter how many of the residents are becoming climate-conscious, a larger number of them are still walking in the wrong direction.
Theme 2: Political leaders understand the need for climate awareness
Greta has described her view of politicians very distinctively. She said that to politicians, what matters the most is the vote they are gaining from the public. It is henceforth, a politician's responsibility, in a more refined way, a leader to lead their team to a positive pathway. Politicians should fulfil the wishes of their voters in order to be in their demand in future. Therefore, as per Greta, politicians should take on the responsibility of spreading climate awareness amongst their followers as it would spread the word amongst many within a short span of time (The Andrew Marr Show: Interview with Greta Thunberg, 2021). More of all, followers who have the tendency to follow their leader would obviously follow the guidelines the leader is providing and hence, climate awareness can be spread in a better way to many people.
On Each Order!
Theme 3: Speaking offers at climate change conference
Andrew asked Greta about receiving an offer for speaking at the climate change conference as the young voices are required now. Greta commented that she was not asked officially for speaking at the conference therefore she was not sure about it. But when Andrew asked about her opinion on the fact of being not invited to speak at the COP, she said that many people, till today, do not like the fact that younger people are saying or lecturing on an important factor such as climate concern when such adults are living around. She also added that the movement she is leading is vague to many people but is validated by many as well (The Andrew Marr Show: Interview with Greta Thunberg, 2021). Therefore she thinks it is not at all important for speaking on an international platform to spread her own concept but it is necessary that people are contributing to climate safety.
Theme 4: Message to the next generation
Greta in this interview also shared her views about the next generation while protecting the environment. According to Andrew Marr, the revolution started by Greta actually stirred the thinkings of people across the world. Next generation is also trying to follow the footsteps of Greta to bring revolution in the society. As per Greta, they have not done enough for the environment yet. They have done whatever felt right at the moment to save the environment. The movement started by the activists was very random (The Andrew Marr Show: Interview with Greta Thunberg, 2021). The youngsters were outraged because of the fake promises delivered by the political leaders for their own benefit. As per Greta, the young generation may receive lots of criticism during the early days but at the same time, from these criticisms they will learn more about the society and environment and its norms. It will help the movement grow. These days people see activists in a different way with more focused goals.
Theme 5: Response of humanity towards climate crisis
As per the interviewer, human beings can easily achieve whatever they want in real life. They have discovered the cure for polio, a vaccine for coronavirus as well. As per Andrew Marr, possibilities are there to resolve the issues of climate crisis. When he asked the same question to Greta, her response was quite impressive. She believes in humanity. She thinks if human beings do not indulge themselves in excuses and lies, then it is possible to find a cure for such a climate crisis. The main focus is to combat the crisis and human beings should put emphasis on the focus for now. Greta also said that losing focus will not help people to combat such crises (The Andrew Marr Show: Interview with Greta Thunberg, 2021). In the meantime, she thinks that everything is not lost and still there are some hopes which will help to fight against such environmental issues. Human beings can try to do things which will help to prevent the worst things from happening.
Theme 6: Positions of various countries in climate crisis
In this interview, Andrew simply wanted to know the steps of various countries. For example, the government of the United Kingdom divided the taxes of domestic flights. Greta answered then, these policies may have a significant role to control the climate crisis in the country but no actual actions are taken by the government to mitigate the environmental issues (Bahagia et al., 2020). Then Andrew added that people of the country are also protesting in favour of climate conservation. He wanted to know if there was any way to mobilise people in a peaceful way without making any disturbance. Greta was confident enough to dodge the question with a proper comeback. In addition to that she replied that no people were hurt while protesting for the environmental changes (The Andrew Marr Show: Interview with Greta Thunberg, 2021). In the meantime, she believes that people need to be angry while dealing with such crises. Government is playing a dumb role here and to mobilise the government it is important to take necessary steps to save the climate. She gave an example of school strike focusing on the environmental issues and it was a huge hit across the world. Without making people concern and anrgy, the demands can not be met properly.
Greta and her open-minded opinions
Greta Thunberg was interviewed by Andrew Marr about the activist movement that has created environmental damage through sound pollution. Because this violates environmental standards, Greta Thunberg said that, despite global climate awareness, many are still unconcerned about it. According to Greta, who is an environmentalist, the activists who have caused sound pollution must protest according to their laws, but people all over the world are still unaware of the climatic circumstances. Greta further stated that no matter how many citizens are becoming environmentally concerned, a substantial portion of them are still going on the wrong path (Brito-Morales et al., 2018).
Greta identifies political leaders as messengers of climate awareness
Greta's perspective on politicians is really distinct. She stated that for politicians, the most important thing is the public's vote. It is now the role of a politician, or more precisely, a leader, to guide their team along a beneficial route. Politicians must fulfil the demands of their constituents in order to remain in their favour in the future. As a result, Greta believes that politicians should take on the task of raising climate awareness among their constituents, as this will spread the message quickly (Prober et al., 2019). More importantly, followers who have a predisposition to follow their leader will undoubtedly follow the rules provided by the leader, allowing climate awareness to be transmitted to a greater number of individuals.
Speaking internationally is not important, says Greta
Andrew inquired of Greta about gaining an invitation to speak at the climate change conference since youthful voices are desperately needed right now. Greta stated that she had not been officially invited to present at the conference and hence was unsure. While Andrew questioned her about not being invited to speak at the COP, she stated that many individuals still do not like the idea that younger people are discussing or lecturing on an essential matter such as climate concern when such adults live nearby (The Andrew Marr Show: Interview with Greta Thunberg, 2021). She also stated that the movement she is heading is ambiguous to many people, but it is also validated by many.
People are going in the wrong direction to date
Andrew Marr interviewed Greta Thunberg on the activism movement that has caused environmental damage through sound pollution. Greta Thunberg stated that, despite global climate awareness, many people are indifferent about this since it breaches environmental regulations (Brito-Morales et al., 2018). According to Greta, an environmentalist, activists who have generated sound pollution must protest in accordance with national regulations, but people worldwide are still oblivious of the climatic conditions. Greta went on to say that no matter how many folks become environmentally conscious, a sizable number of them continue to make poor choices.
People are being conscious
The entire focus of the interview was on the reactions of human beings to these environmental problems. These days people have actually started being very conscious about their surroundings. It is actually helpful for the environment. Consciousness of the people can actually conserve the environment. Greta has mentioned often that people need to express themselves while fighting against some authority. It is okay to make them angry while their anger can help them to achieve their goals (Maxwell et al., 2019). The consciousness of people actually has made them join various climate conservation ventures all across the world. At the same time, they are bringing revolution in this world.
Sharing optimistic views
At the end of the interview, Andrew Marr was very much interested to share the optimistic views of Greta. Andrew totally agrees with Geta’s point that the government only were upto making promises. Whenever a new campaign is being launched , more people are trying to join and finally to get more attention. He also asked if Greta ever felt to give up. In response, Greta actually mentioned that she never ever changed her mind before. There is no way that new changes will not be able to bring revolutionary steps to conserve the environment. Greta always is full of hope and she admitted in the interview that without hope, no activist can work for long (Scoville et al., 2021).
Encouraging new technologies
In this interview, Greta also showed her enthusiasm to use new technologies. When Andrew Marr mentioned that 50 percent of ideas and processes to stop climate change will be enhanced by the latest technology as per John Kerry, Greta supported that enthusiasm. She thought that it would be great if technology and human beings work together to stop the coming crisis of the environment. Activists are not against technology in fact they want to help humanity in a more scientific way (Maxwell et al., 2019). She also shared the fact that right now only a few prototypes are there working in the industry. These prototypes are so new that it will be a very naive decision to put all hope for them. But certainly, there is a chance of technologies to help humanity to save the environment.
The major skills that helped me to complete the report were research skills, data interpretation skills, presentation skills, my academic integrity and also time management. Most of the research material is from surveys, data sheets, and prominence on objective quantity, statistical data, and mathematical and numerical estimations. Quantitative research methods are very helpful for the research because they can use pre-existing numerical data for computational and figuring techniques (Loewen and Godfroid, 2019). This is the third part of the report, where I will demonstrate how I completed the whole research and share my thoughts about it, which results from valuable learning.
The first part of the research has analysed the Greta Thunberg interview hosted by Andrew Marr and organised by BBC international in 2021 as part of the COP26 discussion. I am using a draft transcript of the interview, which is available on the BBC online platform Andrew Marr's website (Thunberg, 2020). Most of the interview parts in the transcript paper were very helpful to my research and made me even more outstanding, though I struggled a lot with the qualitative part of the whole research. The 'Uncorrected' section of the whole transcript paper is the most useful section for me, where I can repeatedly analyse serious mistakes and places that might be part of a previous interview hosted by BBC International. In the qualitative research section, I have critically reflected on and analysed various comments and expectations between the overall research considering multiple journalistic and media interviews and online sources. Greta began an environmental conservation campaign and later became an activist. Her youth and lack of experience did not prevent her from understanding the need of environmental protection. During an interview with Andrew Marr, she expressed her thoughts about her movement, her goals, and the latest technology. Simultaneously, she spoke candidly about other countries' environmental policies. She is sometimes disappointed because governments do not place enough emphasis on new laws and regulations to protect the environment. The organisation and analysis of the conversation are illustrated in this report. A few computations are included for the second section to create a valid calculation.
The discussion of CO2 emissions has been the main focus area of the second division in my research. The quantitative research structure, multiple environment websites, data sheets, and surveys are performed during the section to examine perfect data for the research presented in the above section of the report. I have used the effective 5Pss method to understand and implement quantitative methods and to create multiple statistics, tables and graphs to communicate appropriately with the initial goals and objectives of the research.
Doing the quantitative analyses, I have used the SPSS tools and it has led me to undertake various kinds of direct analysis like understanding the top 10 countries reported to produce the most carbon dioxide across the world. On the other hand, a graph is also presented to compare the two metrics for different nations on the basis of the dataset. Apart from that, finding external sources of information, the G-7 countries are also identified using statistical tests.
Greta started a movement to conserve the environment and eventually ended up being an activist. Her young age and less experience did not stop her to understand the importance of conservation of the environment. While doing an interview with Andrew Marr, she cleared her opinion about her movement, her hopes, and the latest technologies. At the same time, she opened up about various countries’ policies to protect the environment. Sometimes she feels very frustrated that governments are not giving enough importance to new rules and regulations to save the environment. In this report, the structure and review of the interview are demonstrated. For the second part, a few calculations are added to draw a proper calculation.
Looking more information about Design
The Andrew Marr Show: Interview with Greta Thunberg (2021). [television]. BBC One. 31st October. 09:45. Available from https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m00116q5/the-andrew-marr-show-31102021 [accessed 22nd March 2022]
Prober, S.M., Doerr, V.A., Broadhurst, L.M., Williams, K.J. and Dickson, F., (2019). Shifting the conservation paradigm: a synthesis of options for renovating nature under climate change. Ecological Monographs, 89(1), p.e01333.
Brito-Morales, I., Molinos, J.G., Schoeman, D.S., Burrows, M.T., Poloczanska, E.S., Brown, C.J., Ferrier, S., Harwood, T.D., Klein, C.J., McDonald-Madden, E. and Moore, P.J., (2018). Climate velocity can inform conservation in a warming world. Trends in ecology & evolution, 33(6), pp.441-457.
Bahagia, B., Wibowo, R., Mangunjaya, F.M. and Priatna, O.S., (2020). Traditional Knowledge of Urug Community for Climate, Conservation, and Agriculture. Mimbar: Jurnal Sosial Dan Pembangunan, 36(1), pp.240-249.
Scoville, C., Chapman, M., Amironesei, R. and Boettiger, C., (2021). Algorithmic conservation in a changing climate. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 51, pp.30-35.
Maxwell, S.L., Butt, N., Maron, M., McAlpine, C.A., Chapman, S., Ullmann, A., Segan, D.B. and Watson, J.E., (2019). Conservation implications of ecological responses to extreme weather and climate events. Diversity and Distributions, 25(4), pp.613-625.
Thunberg, G., (2020). Greta Thunberg. Climate Change ‘as Urgent’as Coronavirus. Justin Rowalt BBC Interview.
Loewen, S. and Godfroid, A., (2019). Advancing quantitative research methods. In The Routledge handbook of research methods in applied linguistics (pp. 98-107). Routledge.
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