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Similarities And Differences In Virginia Woolf's by Native Assignment Help
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This sturdy is mainly about Feminism, which reflects the actual social and political movement. Feminism is the process through which the social movement regarding the prioritization of the m, telepoint of view could be evaluated. As society didn’t prioritize the women's point of view, thus, it is the main focus of Feminism. Furthermore, the chapter will also discuss the “Mothers of feminism”. Some of the great personalities like Simon de Beauvoir and Elaine Showalter are known to be the mother of feminism. They have helped the female in various movements by launching French Women's liberation right back in 1973.
In this research, two essays by Virginia Woolf will be evaluated. Based on the available information, “A Room of One’s Own” and “Three Guineas” will be discussed to determine the similarities and differences between these studies. 2 points of view will be discussed and the differences between these 2 essays will be examined, as both were written by Virginia Woolf. This led to various cons and pros, some of the cons are additional bureaucratic work and some of the female does not like this feminism. The pros that will be highlighted are that feminism gave a higher level of freedom and helped many to get out of unhappy marriages. In this chapter, the scope of the research and problem statement will be discussed and the structure of the research will be evaluated with objectives and research questions. Overall processes of feminism will be discussed based on the essays of “Virginia Woolf”.
Feminism is part of social improvement as social and political decisions could be improved through using feminism. In the United Kingdom, the first movement of feminism started in the year 1850 which represents the organized movement in women's suffrage in Britain and is called” Langham Place Circle”. The information was identified that Barbara Bodichon and Bessie Rayner Parkes are the two leaders who started feminism in the UK for women's suffrage. These two leaders are found as the developers of human rights law regarding women's rights against the society and political factors. Apart from that the employment for women education and marriage processes of women also been improved by these two ladies during the 1850 UK which is called the starting period of feminism.
According to the available information and previous research it was found that the feminist term was incorporated into the English language in the year 1880 and this word indicates the process of supporting women's rights regarding legal and social activities with men. As per the history, it was identified that women are highly excluded from making wealth, government, science, and arts which indicates that women are highly excluded from social participation. Friends it would be stated that feminism is the only process that could initiate the requirement of women to raise their voices to the social representative and it will be helpful to achieve participation in all kinds of social and political activities.
Without analyzing the background of any topic its independence is not possible to be conducted as the background information is highly needed to analyze the current situation and its impact on society. Feminism is highly focused in the study, that's why the essays of Virginia Wolf have been selected here to determine the differences between the points of view regarding feminism in the UK in these two kinds of literature. The possible ways to reach feminism could be implemented in society and its impact on social and political rights for women in terms of maintaining equality between men and women will be the main focus point for this research.
“A Room of One’s Own” could be considered one of the selected essays by Virginia Woolf. Based on the available information the life of a women artist has been identified in this literature and the requirement of having money and one own room to the women have been discussed here. mainly the disadvantages of financial and educational processes and their impact on women's creativity and discussion in this study. This is always in for which feminism could be complemented as the main part of this essay. “Three Guineas” is contemplated as another selected essay of Virginia Woolf and it has some differences regarding the point of view from the previously discussed essay. In this literature, the three guineas represent three social elements. According to the available information, it was identified that the financial relations and its three sources have been contemplated as the main parts of this essay.
According to the previous message it was analyzed that before starting the research analysis the scope of the research will need to be identified. Implementing feminism and its impact on social and political activities have been contemplated as the main scope of this research as women's rights were mainly focused on by the essays selected from the writing of Virginia Woolf. Some various have been planned to be covered in this research such as the importance of feminism in terms of women's rights, and analysis of the differences between the point of view of feminism that has been reflected in two different essays of Virginia Wolf. So all these areas that you plan to cover in this research could be contemplated as the scope of this research.
In the first essay of The Virginia Wolf, the women's rights against the male point of view in the social and political processes have been discussed weather in the second essay the financial elements have been discussed in terms of feminism and women's rights. A first selected essay has been contemplated as writing about women's rights which could maintain equality between men and women. The second essay is highly representative of the promotion of women's employment and the impact of war on women 's rights in society. Differences between these selected processes have been considered as the inbound scope of this research. On the other hand, the process the feminism could be implemented in other countries, and its impact on the newly incorporated countries will be contemplated as the outbound scope of this research.
According to the discussion of (), feminism is not only the process of securing the rights of women in social and political activities. The main reason is that securing the social participation of women is also a major part of feminism which represents the main purpose of incorporating feminism in any country. As per the research, the main focus or the similarities between A Room of One’s Own and Three Guineas are the level of energy and the implication with the help of which the exclusion of women from the education system was highlighted and also the economic independence. A person who has performed some activities and plans to perform some activities to secure women's rights in terms of maintaining equality between men and women is called a feminist. Implementation and its impact on social processes will need to be identified before implementing this feminism as it will highly affect political and social decisions.
As opined by (), feminism represents that previously women sir excluded from all types of social activities ranging from war to education. Social facilities were available to women before 1850 from that year feminism was found to be started in the UK which was late by Barbara Bodichon and Bessie Rayner Parkes. Based on the information it was identified that the female rights in terms of employment, law, education, and marriage had been closed by these two leaders in 1850. The main context of similarity that lies in both the novels is the greater knowledge of the writing and she also shows the women that wrote with her fiction. According to the researcher, the difference that is highlighted by Virginia Wolf is that the Room of One’s focuses on intellectual and financial learning. On the other hand, the Guinaes focuses on the freedom of women. Education and marriage are considered the major decisions for women along with employment as all these activities are relative to women's rights in society and political regulations.
As commented by (), identify that education is a major part of every citizen in a country and women will need to improve in terms of rights. As per the previous literacy, it was determined that feminism is the only way to help women achieve success regarding social and political activities with equal prioritization from the social representatives. The similarity that is focused on is a woman who writes fiction must have money as well as a room of her own. On the other hand, the three guineas focus on the Critiques of Patriarchy. Participation indicates the existence of women in education and other political decision-making processes. As per this discussion it was determined that securing the rights of women is the main part of feminism and feminists are also contemplated as the social representatives.
In addition, some problems have also been identified regarding feminism and its implementation in society. The main reason is that feminism is considered as a protest against social regulation which is only considered the viewpoint of males. In auditing corporations, the women's view viewpoints over social decisions feminism was implemented in the UK since 1850. All the people in social and political processes do not support feminism as a social development process. At the time of conducting this research some data will need to be collected through using the data collection process and lack of support in feminism may restrict the data collection process. Apart from that the number of Feminists is also very low in the world which reduces the chances of collecting information from the survey and interview. In any case, if the secondary data has been considered as the only process of collecting information for this research they need will result in the dependency on other research.
On Each Order!
This research mainly aims to “evaluate the importance of feminism and the difference between the selected essays which have been written by Virginia Woolf”. The main objectives of this research are:
To conclude, researchers will need to identify the data which could justify the objectives.
Apart from that the research questions will also need to be evaluated, through which the conclusion could be drawn by answering the questions:
6 chapters will be in this thesis, 1st chapter will represent the introduction of interior research and it will represent the processes to reach the research will be conducted and the problems that might be faced by the research at the time of collecting data and analyzing it. Thoughts on that In 2nd chapter the previous literature will be identified and it has been discussed by the researcher to determine the possible success that can be achieved in this research. These on the available information the methods of collecting data and analysing the data will be discussed in the methodology chapter. The data will be collected and analyzed in Chapter 4 and all these data will be discussed in Chapter 5. Collecting the information will need to be compared with the objectives whether achieved or not and based on that analysis the conclusion will be drawn.
Some problems will need to be faced by the researcher at the time of collecting information as the number of feminisms is very low in this world and it will be difficult to collect information from the primary sources. Hence it could be stated that the structure of the thesis represents the chances of achieving success during the research and based on the current structure it could be stated that both the inclusion and exclusion criteria have been considered over the study which will result in the achievement of objectives.
In this chapter, the objectives of this research have been discussed based on the essays written by Virginia Wolf. The zoo point reflected in each essay has been explained in terms of determining the similarities and differences between them which could be contemplated as the main aim of the study. Based on the available information feminism has been considered as the main part of this study thus the history of feminism in the UK has been discussed to determine the requirement of implementing feminism to ensure social and political stability. The possible ways that might be the obstacle to the study have been discussed over here to determine the ways of resolving these issues in the future. The impact of feminism in terms of securing the rights of women and social and political activities will be discussed in the study and that has been structured in this chapter.
In this chapter, the waves of feminism will be discussed to determine the requirement of this process in society to protect women's rights. In addition, these three feminists and their activities will be discussed to determine the actual processes of feminism and its impact on society and political processes. The mother of feminism will be discussed with its advantages and disadvantages and the discussion will result in proper information about the requirements and implementation of feminism in society. The themes and the patterns that will be followed by the research in the study to conclude decimallities and differences between selected as written by Virginia Woolf. Hence, it could be stated that the difference between this to giving points by one person is the main focus of the study and the possible future implementation of feminism will also be discussed.
Gaps and conflicts of the study and the existing literature will be discussed here to justify the research. Gaps in literature and the theoretical implementation will also be discussed in the study to represent the identification of selected topics. Based on the analysis of gaps, research will open the opportunity for further research.
Feminism is the process of protecting women's rights in social and political activities to ensure a cooperating environment with equality between women and men. As per the existing analysis, it was identified that the wave of feminism started in 1850 in the UK. Feminism reflects the processes through which an idea could be implemented by the social representative that could ensure gender activism in society. Based on the available information 3 types of feminism waves have been identified from the starting time till now, such as mainstream waves, radical waves, and cultural waves. Based on the available information, mainstream waves are mainly focused on the reformation of institutional processes. It means that gender discrimination has decreased with his wave and it has provided access to women into the please which was highly male-dominated. According to the previous research, it was identified that the mainstream wave is contemplated as the highly promotional wave regarding equality.
In addition to all this as per the history, feminism was not started in the 19th century as the first movement in political ways was initiated in the Western world in the year 1792. This year more than 200 women gathered to promote the rights of women and to ensure equality in society. It is contemplated as the first wave of feminism in the world and after this incident, New Zealand took 30 more years to ensure the voting rights of women. radical waves represented the rights of women in the Vietnam War which was initiated in the 1960s and 70s. Based on the available information this movement has come into account with the inspiration of the civil rights movement to protest against the Vietnam War. At the time of that work, it is found that the women were also a post and joined the protest. The second way mainly came into account to promote equality between genders irrespective of the social and political rules.
After 1792 women got the right to vote and after 1970 women got the right to protest and to take part in all the highly dominant activities. In the year 1990, the third wave of feminism was found to be taking place. Women's rights regarding the power of making decisions. Cultural issues were there regarding gender diversification as women were not allowed to take part in any kind of cultural activities. In this way, a large volume of women have represented their gender equality in terms of the process of dressing, speaking,g and acting in society. Based on the existing research it was identified that the critical race and gender Scholar Kimberle Crenshaw renamed this wave as intersectionality in the year 1990.
Invitations to all these feminists play a major role in implementing feminism in society thus the activities of feminists will need to be discussed here to ensure the proper calculation. Based on the previous research three feminists are considered as the major players in this field to protect the rights of women such as Simon de Beauvoir, Elaine Showalter, and Audre Lorde. These three families are called the main leaders in changing society's thinking against women. This ensures gender equality in the society. Simon de Beauvoir was a French philosopher who raised their voice to ensure the rights of women and she said that women are highly capable of making choices similar to men. According to the school, it is secure that the right to make decisions for every individual has been contemplated as real freedom.
Elaine Showalter initiated the thoughts regarding the minority rights of women and according to this philosopher, feminism has been introduced differently. The major reason is that under the theoretical concept of this feminism, women has advocated the rights of minority and started to protest against the different viewpoints of men. Audre Lorde was needed in society through enhancing self-knowledge about activism enrichment. Through implementing proper knowledge women make their position in society and no one can restrict them in making decisions. According to this philosopher, women are required to implement the differences, include knowledge, and implement diversity. According to her feminist theories each woman will need to become a feminist to ensure the rights of women in society. Information it could be stated that these three selected feminists are playing a major role in implementing feminism in the world. Recently women have not faced issues regarding gender equality in social and political processes and these are the impacts of raising the voices of these philosophers.
Mother of feminism has described sexual equality for women that used to provide rights and equity as principles of female emancipation. Additionally, equality for women was established by a British feminist philosopher Mary Wollstonecraft, who has a present concern about equal rights for women. As per the view of Prieto and Natalia Colorado (2022), the mother of feminism has established the physical capability represented by this philosophy. Based on encouraged public and political participation of women as mothers has explored rights to women for a form of feminism and gained much support from both women and men, largely because it did not threaten the existing gender roles and societal norms as radical feminism.
Advantages of mother of feminism
Disadvantages of mother of feminism
Based on the advantages and disadvantages of mother feminism, both impacts of these physiological approach has delivered different impacts on societal development. According to the prospect of this, physiological factors have delivered the basic requirement of ownership rights to live standard livelihood for women.
The study has mainly focused on Feminism and feminism is part of social improvement as the social and political decision that has been improved through using feminism. Feminism is a part of the socio-political movements and its goal is to define and has to establish “economic”, “ personal”, `” political”, and “social equality”. The better overall treatment of women has to analyze making decisions about the most effective progress of women through using of productive nature through feminism. Additionally, the mother of feminism has presented higher wages for women. Feminism has provided educational opportunities to Western women and it is right to make personal decisions about female problems. These two leaders are the developers of human rights law regarding women's rights against social and political factors. As narrated by Wibben, and Annick (2019) Feminism has presented human rights that lead to better lifestyles and gender equality for women. The main goal of feminism is to explore women's rights and feminism has improvised women's empowerment for the social and political process. According to the available information, it was identified that the financial relations and its three sources have been contemplated as the main parts of this essay.
Figure: 2.1: feminism in the USA
Feminism is highly focused in the study, which is why the essays of Virginia Wolf have been selected to determine the similarities between the viewpoints of the essays of Virginia Woolf. As opined by Caswell, Michelle (2021) This is the possible way to reach the feminism that has been implemented in society and it also affects the social and political rights of women to maintain the quality between men and women. Virginia Woolf has developed the equality power between men and women. The feminist approach by philosophers has determined growth in women's empowerment to make decisions about equality in social status.
In this study“A Room of One’s Own” and “Three Guineas 'have been focused on and it has helped to determine the various similarities and differences between the two essays that have been created by Virginia Woolf. It has included the unsolved problems of women that have created a historical inclusion and exclusions of women.
This study has been mainly based on secondary qualitative data qualitative implies all the cultural views whereas data implies countable changes and numerical processes to ascertain more value in learning more value to ensure more returns. This qualitative analysis is done by examining more changes in deploying more insights to gain more value to increase value in the redeeming values. As narrated by Heger et al. (2021)Qualitative analysis has created a complex value to gain more options to inherit the changes of the research study and evaluating the tools has also stated the group comparability and outcome measurement.
In this study, it has been analyzed that equality for women was established by a British feminist philosopher Mary Wollstonecraft, who has a present concern about equal rights for women. It has many criticisms of lack of correct information and government data. There are many limitations of the resources study and feminism has impacted social growth in the long term period. The feminist approach has failed to determine the growth of women's empowerment. This research study has not been fulfilled by the lack of complete information
on feminism. Although, Feminism is a part of the socio-political movements and its goal is to define and establish “economic” Women's rights it has failed to use the proper view of the essays of Virginia Woolf. It has also failed to Improve in the current transitions and also accommodate more viewable returns to get different approaches to different assumptions.
In the study, the conflict is very vital for future evaluations. Therefore, the conflict is the different fourth of the plots of the study. The study dispute was started by Woolf throughout that polemical essay, where she contended that the female author is compelled to employ sexist, patriarchal language because she is unable to use any other language. However, the wolf was eventually connecting antifeminism and feminism in the room of its subsidiaries and maintaining the physical sources. The isolated, romantic image of the artist or novelist as mystically chosen or divinely sent seems to be something Woolf is striving to debunk. But the notion that writing is a tangible entity is also linked to a school of contemporary aesthetics that views writing as a reflective object.
Previous literature about Feminism and decolonizing physiology has to present psychology as describing basic fundamental rights for women. As mentioned by Pirhayati et al. (2018), this prospect of this approach has been used to determine women's empowerment-related rights for incremental issues. Higher incremental growth of women empowerment. According to the communicational activities of feminism have provided higher influence toward women's empowerment through impacting positivity for women's development. According to the prospect of psychological factors, this positive approach has presented a growth of women empowerment through approaching positive employment growth. As stated by Cereijo Lourido et al. (2018), approaching with positivity for women's development has described the growth of employment rate by women empowerment. Through women's empowerment, societal development has been possible in recent days.
Women's equality has provided better salaries to women who are getting similar salaries to men. As per the view of Woolf et al. (2018), the consideration of equity for women depends on effectiveness and efficiency, when using women empowerment in organizational performance. According to productivity women have improvised through the implementation of feminism. According to “A Room of One's Own” feminism has improvised the societal status of women through more information about women's rights. Moreover, implementing the growth of feminism in developed countries has followed certain rules and norms. As mentioned by Alwan et al. (2018), through the government's positive approach to productivity in these present prayers. Based on the ongoing transformation of women's empowerment has described the growth of empowerment pressure to make decisions about the higher influence on women's empowerment and productivity.
Another book presents a view about the feminism of “Three Guineas”, which has explored the effectiveness of this research by making decisions about the growth of women's empowerment through creating awareness about women's empowerment. As per5 the author Banerjea et al. (2019), according to this book describe women's rights as need to be improved in organizational activities but the use of discrimination of salary based on gender creates barriers for women, where the feminist approach has led to another aspect of this research objective of women's efficiency and productivity-related growth.
The use of feminism in this research aspect has improved through more gain of empowerment through higher productivity in this research aspect. As narrated by Casey et al. (2020), the feminist aspect of the research topic has explored the productivity of women productivity through the utilization of the research topics by adopting previous views of theories and related evidence. Based on encouraged public and political participation of women as mothers has explored rights to women for a form of feminism and gained much support from both women and men, largely because it did not threaten the existing gender roles and societal norms as radical feminism. implementing the growth of feminism in developed countries has been followed by certain rules and nomes. As narrated by Banerjee et al. (2019), according to this book and describe women's rights need to be improved in organizational activities but the use of discrimination of salary based on gender creates barriers for women, The feminist approach by philosophers has determined growth in women's empowerment to make decisions about equality in social status.
Social responsibility has been considered the main part of any organization as it represents the legislative compliances of the organizations. Thus, gender diversity matters in every organization, and the environment ensures their growth. This is the main reason for which feminism is a large part of current social processes that's why this topic has been selected for the research. Feminists represent gender equality and its importance in the social and political environment to secure the rights and power of women. Please don't the available information and previous research women are not allowed to make decisions regarding the political processes and they didn't have voting rights before the first wave of feminism. Initiate the right to vote that helps in making political decisions for women. The rights of women and men are equal in current days which has resulted day to the waves of feminism. To implement the feminism rules in the entire world's political and economic system this topic has been selected to determine the importance of this process.
In addition to this, the similarities and differences between the viewpoints of two selected essays by Virginia Woolf will be discussed in this research. During the study, the relationship between all the regulations in feminism will be discussed and it will help in determining the importance of maintaining equality between women with men. Different types of viewpoints sir discusses with her and their similarities will help in determining the impact of gender equality on the social and political environment. Apart from that the difference between these two viewpoints will explain the possible advantages and disadvantages of feminism in the same political areas. Future research on this topic will be capable of determining what will be the possible impacts of feminism on society. This is the only reason for reaching the current research has been contemplated as the major part of future feminism waves and it will restrict the chances of feminist waves further.
In this research, some gap has been identified in recording dances of previous researchers. The previous scholars thought the Room of One’s Own and Three Guineas had implications for historical exclusion and economic independence. The past researchers have appreciated and said that it has focused on the past women writers whose works were not appreciated and whose creativity was also hampered. Discussions have been made regarding feminism and its impact on society. Hollywood the process by which feminism changes the thinking of social representative and the reason for which feminism came into account was not discussed in this literature review. It is contemplated as the gap of this literature. The disadvantages of feminism waves have not been discussed in the previous analysis which was also considered as the literature gap for this research. Similarities and differences between the viewpoints of two aces of one author have been selected in this study which restricts the analysis of differences between viewpoints of different feminists and it is also a literature gap. According to other scholars, the Three Guineas argues on the historical exclusion of cultural identity which can drive a challenge between the war and fascism.
To reduce the disadvantages, the research will need to be implemented on the same topic and all various things which have not been covered in the present research will need to be implemented in this study. Apart from that the advantages and disadvantages of feminism will need to be discussed and this will improve the experience of the reader of this research paper on the implementation of gender equality on social grounds.
Gender quotes related to approaches in jobs and other activities have been reserved for women and have also focused on the principles of female emancipation. Gender equality theory has been used to present the prospect of the research which is going to be an explorer improvisation of women's empowerment through feminism. To determine the various similarities and differences between the two essays that have been created by Virginia Woolf. It has included the unsolved problems of women that have created a historical inclusion and exclusions of women. Additionally, prospects of gender equality theory have described similar rights and power has been distributed to women to establish equality. liberal feminism, radical feminism, Marxist/socialist feminism.
Figure: 2.2: Theories regarding feminism
liberal feminism
liberal feminism theory is included in this study to conflict with the female emancipation principles. Therefore, the essay conflicts with time literacy. Therefore, the main branch of feminism has been defined by the products within the liberal democracy. This theory's primary goal is to set gender equality in the public sectors such as equal access to education etc. Therefore, this study is making transparent relationships between the genders and providing equal respect for both genders. There are three kinds of research approaches in scientific research where the qualities of the collected research are shown in brief. Although this theoretical framework most concepts are paid equally for the equal work.
Radical feminism
Radical feminism is a perspective of feminism that helps to eliminate male supremacy and it has affected all social divisions that have affected class orientation. Due to the private sphere, it has focused on the political sphere, rape, and domestic violence.
Marxist/socialist feminism
This theory of history reproduction was to better understand the exploration of women and provide better operations in the future.
In this chapter, some previous research has been discussed to identify the importance of gender equality in society. Different types of theories have been discussed which will help in determining the importance of feminism in the current processes. At this time women had the right to vote in making political decisions and organizations which is considered the impact of the feminist wave in the UK and the US. This is contemplated as part of the social responsibility for the organizations to maintain gender equality and gender diversity in their environment to share the same rights of men and women. The advantages and disadvantages of feminism have been discussed with the mother of feminism and it is a large part of this study that ensures the reliability of information. Before the feminism wife and after the implementation of feminism huge differential has been identified in all areas of society and political processes which has been discussed in the literature review.
Gender equality does not mean compliance with the CSR policies for an organization as apart from this the improvement of law and overall environment has been reflected by this decision. The history of feminism has been discussed over here to discuss the security of women's rights with men. Due to these waves, all the women have had the same right to make social and political decisions in recent times and this improves the right of education to the women. The efficiency of the social representative has been increased and ranging from technology improvement has been contemplated as the impact of this feminism. The main reason is that the options of women in all speaks of social processes reduces the efficiency of society and it has been contemplated as the reason for low growth in organisation. The process of feminism has initiated the gender equality not discussed in this literature which is contemplated as the literature gap.
Research methodology shows the different methods and techniques that are used to make the research study more effective and authentic. There are several research methods and data collection processes that initiate more values to enhance more views in getting the response to the research paper. As this research style is related to Virginia Woolf’s essays where the two books are defined based on their similarities and differences. In this chapter, the different research methods, data collection techniques, detailed brief of the research, research obstacles, and tools are evaluated in brief. In this research study, the researcher has shown tremendous moves to assimilate more measures in determining the core values of feminism in the world. In conducting an accurate research study, the researcher has made all the decisions regarding the techniques that bring effective results for the users.
The research approach refers to the procedure explained that is required to fulfill the requirements of the research users. As opined by James et al. (2022), it also shows the broad stripes that are required to activate the stated goals for the research method, data collection technique, and interpretation collection data in brief. Generally, there are three kinds of research approaches in scientific research where the qualities of the collected research are shown in brief. Deductive, inductive, and abductive approaches are the three main types of research approaches that are used to make the study more influential for the users. As per the view of Mader Mcguinness et al. (2021), in the context of the research study deductive approach is the most suitable research approach. This is where the research brief is stated to be true and the conclusion is retained to be true as per the research context.
Figure 3.2: Research approaches
The generalizability of the deductive approach is being evacuated as per the stated norms and shows an effective result. As mentioned by Wehler and Tim Rayborn (2020), using these research approaches may facilitate many opportunities to evaluate “propositions or hypotheses related to an existing theory” that are selected for this research purpose. The selected theory for this approach is stated to be true to ascertain more values to show the accuracy of these research approaches. As per the author Sam et al. (2019), to develop a hypothesis, this deductive approach must be used by the researcher to gain more alternatives that can be easily identifiable to show the changes in this research study. Implications raised because of improper implications are easily solved due to the changes that ascertain in managing the overall changes must be manageable.
In the context of this research study, the approach is to make more viable returns in managing the overall changes to develop more associations to promote the challenges that reflect feminism. As stated by Vergès and Ashley J. Bohrer (2021), as the sources are stated in beef, the two books are used to develop a few hypotheses that can bring remarkable changes in a short period. It is also mentioned that using this approach may bring more favorable income that can easily be demonstrated as a few testing approaches. This hypothesis is clearly to entertain to gain more values to adopt the changes to favor women in the world. As stated by Hause et al, (2018), the other two approaches have different assumptions in which an inductive approach of the known variable is easily estimated to gain more values for the research study. This is used to generate more clear conclusions from unknown or untested concussions.
The data collection method design shows the accurate methods that are used to develop clearer conclusions related to the whole research purpose. As opined by Banet-Weiser et al, (2018), in this research, the researcher has chosen a secondary data collection method to show the effective results of the research. From the available dataset, two techniques are generally explained in two forms: primary data collection method and secondary data collection method. The secondary data collection method resembles all the sources and real data is extracted from the published sources. The data are mainly extracted from “Government publications, Public records, Historical and statistical documents, Business documents, Technical and trade journals''. As mentioned by Priyadharshini et al. (2021), for this research study, the data is extracted from the two named sources which are the books written by Virginia Woolf. In contrast to this, the people's views regarding the feminism factor are also estimated from the above-mentioned sources where these are complicated to resolve the few insights that can be embraced to see the overall research segment.
Other than this method in the primary data collection method all the questionnaires and interviews are taken from external people to ascertain their views regarding the research topic. As narrated by Halley et al, (2018), this is also stated that there are more viable notions that can replicate the requirement of secondary research. The information that is extracted from the above balances is easily estimated in a privileged way. In which the already published data are examined and rephrased as per the research requirement. As opined by Emejulu and Francesca Sobande (2019), this shows a more appreciable segment for the research study to assimilate more real facts and numerical data for the research study. The secondary data set mainly provides numerical and statistical information that can be easily determined by estimating the changes that are deprived by using this data collection method.
Research contains more important aspects that are elected from the research topic and the detailed brief to show the changes in determining the overall assumptions. As mentioned by Jouet Josiane et al, (2018), this research has shown a brief detail regarding feminism and modern culture in which the independent thinking of women is easily shown in brief. This is also stated that more features are extracted to show the changes in managing the determined changes to cover up the losses. In this chapter, the different research methods, data collection techniques, detailed brief of the research, research obstacles, and tools are evaluated in brief. In this research study, the researcher has shown tremendous moves to assimilate more measures in determining the core values of feminism in the world. Using these research approaches may facilitate many opportunities to evaluate “propositions or hypotheses related to an existing theory” that are selected for this research purpose.
This also shows that there are many inquisitive that can promote women's empowerment and can be viable in showing the changes in the working culture. In the book Three Guineas, it is stated that there are many complications in leading more values to empower women to get equal competence in society. Data analysis is mainly done to show the changes in the whole tenure or to get more valuable returns in the future. It is also stated that there are more reasonable changes that are nurtured to gain more positive attributes or to gain more value in managing the changes.
The three causes that are shown in this book show the changes where the nominees are easily solved with the response of the people. As narrated by ?enel et al. (2021), the keen interest of people in women accomplishing their career goals is shown through these cases. In this, the Nazia selectively chose the changes that are deprived to gain more actuatable income to ascertain more changes to develop more changes in deploying the changes in the ethical society. Changes made to these agents implied more variable elements get more accomplished skills, knowledge, and power to gain competence in managing the overall changes. As mentioned by Agius et al. (2022), one of the feminist statements in this study is also depicted as “oppression of domestic life for women is reflected in the oppression of women in society”. This shows many opportunities being neglected to overcome the stages in this study.
The above-mentioned methods, tools, and techniques are solely assimilated to gain more value and improve returns. As per the view of Gorman et al. (2018), this is also stated that there are specific structures that are made that women create to initiate more value and impending more value. The above-mentioned techniques regarding data assist a loss deep cuts the structural changes that are easily shown in the retained value, so the authors that are liable for the changes are shown through the effects of the two books. Segregation and oppression are the two alternative terms in defining the changes to acquire more acknowledgment in gaining more competence and impending more views. As per the view of Walklate et al. (2020), it is also tested the research approaches that are selected for this research and have been admired as having more fruitful value to allocate more ethical components returns. The above-mentioned reviews and personal thinking of the people regarding these drastic changes are also stated in brief.
The book “A Room of One's Own'' describes the freedom to write with the stated value that must be related to the development of future ascertainments for women. It describes the changes that can be initiated in the basic way to resolve more issues or to gain many influential aspects to assure more value in coming aspects. As per the author Zufferey et al. (2019), this is also stated that “Without economic independence and the freedom it allows, women's achievements in the arts and literature will forever lag”. In this part of the research different methods are acquired to show competence in managing the changes in one's life, especially for women. Men-centric views and norms are easily valued to gain more alternative stops showing minimal changes in depriving values to the coming nurtures.
Data analysis is mainly done to show the changes in the whole tenure or to get more valuable returns in the future. It is also stated that there are more reasonable changes that are nurtured to gain more positive attributes or to gain more value in managing the changes. There are two modes of data analysis, qualitative data analysis, qualitative implies all the cultural views whereas data implies countable changes and numerals to ascertain more value in learning more value to ensure more returns. As stated by García-Andrade et al. (2018), in the context of the research study, qualitative data analysis techniques are used by the searcher to show the personal opinions of the people that are already published in a few known journals. This qualitative analysis is done by examining more changes in deploying more insights to gain more value to certain values in redeeming values.
Figure: 3.2: research methodology
Qualitative analysis is also stated as a complex view where the changes are ascertained to gain more options to inherit more changes in the lifestyle of the women. Properties, labels, and categorical behavior thesis also stated that these elements show the normal terms that re-analyze the returns for the research study. As per the view of Ging et al. (2019), segregation and oppression are the two alternative terms in defining the changes to acquire more acknowledgment in gaining more competence and impending more views. The development process mainly assimilates the accurate changes in the qualitative analysis for the research study. This is also stated that many functional errors must be fixed worthy of the development process to show efficiency in managing the changes to reallocate more beneficial aspects. The development has touched every corner of the world as a consequence of major changes that are likely identified in the quality of their lives. The production capacity of business organizations has likely measured a new scale of growth with the integration of women's participation in the field of work
Evaluating tools resembles all the overall minutes in engaging more values to the future research aspects. Evaluating tools are stated as “study evaluative overview, study, setting and sample, ethics, group comparability, and outcome measurement; policy and practice implications; and other comments”. These tools are effectively used to manage the whale research report by applying accurate tools and techniques. As per the author Ringrose et al. (2019), this is also stated that there are more valuable returns that need to be assimilated to evaluate the topic or case study in managing the overall changes. This is also tested that there are more viewable returns that need to be an overdrawn selective component in managing the users to gain more valuable returns in the future. This also tests that there are more attributes to undergo more services unending of the overall impacts. This is also tested that there are more minimal changes that are solely driven to gain more eventful assigns.
Data collection implies a more clear and ethical research survey where the changes are accurately made by assimilating more changes to show the certain standards to rejoice more ventures. “Case Studies, Checklists, Interviews, Observation, and Surveys or Questionnaires' are the core examples of evaluating tools for the given case study. As mentioned by Wood et al. (2021), this is to show the changes that have occurred due to the transitions that are required to assimilate the changes that are deprived to gain more valuable returns in societal norms. Acoustic research studies are required to gain more value this certain more views in managing the changes that are easily deprival in managing gender equality for the whole research report. Improvement in the current transitions also accommodates more viewable returns to get different approaches to different assumptions. This is a lot stated that many implications need to advise the pattern that is thoroughly reflected through the essay.
Obstacles define the research gap in that there are many assimilations in managing the research study. Research gaps are usually referred to as the lacs or the interrupted views to make more changes in managing the whole scenario. Lack of motivation, confidence, focus, direction, support, and taking risks shows the obstacles that a researcher may find while conducting research. In this research study, the researcher has shown tremendous moves to assimilate more measures in determining the core values of feminism in the world. Conducting an accurate research study the researcher has made all the decisions regarding the techniques that bring effective results for the users.
This is also stated that other limitations reflect the research study's lack of gaining more value in the coming years. The diminishing values show the unethical views of respondents which show the hurting sentiments of the people or misusing the published information. As many women have struggled a lot to earn equality and opportunity in their position like that of the male. Segregation and oppression are the two alternative terms in defining the changes to acquire more acknowledgment in gaining more competence and impending more views. The role of women in society lately has developed from that of the previous period a lot. Educational development has drastically changed the perspectives and motives in each section of society that were prevailing in the older generation. This shows the main reason to assimilate the hangers that are easily deprived by using few changes.
The methods that are mentioned above are sustainable for this type of research study, as the researcher's study is related to women's empowerment and their position in previous decades is not likely to be upgraded. Women are equally participating in every field like men and are conquering the world with great triumph. The laws of the concerned businesses have changed much more for the female employees working under the organization for their safety and betterment. Along with that, many organizations are adopting the women's flagship as their advertising and marketing motives to develop a reputational advantage for the company. The above-stated secondary analysis and secondary qualitative methods are the most suitable insights to show the remarkable changes according to the author.
The feminism wave in the country the UK and the US assimilate more dataset that must be contemporary and stated as an important variable. Therefore, it can be stated that there are more required changes that must be commendable to increase value constraints. The above-used methods are easily denominated to gain more viable returns that can easily attract the user's minds in time. Segregation and oppression are the two alternative terms in defining the changes to acquire more acknowledgment in gaining more competence and impending more views.
The literature defines the research that is conducted by seeing analyzing and observing the current information on a specific topic. This included the practical experiments and the ideas and concepts that are related to the abstract of the literature. This is a plan to help the people and the researcher to identify their problems and also introduce new ideas. The past researchers have appreciated and said that it has focused on the past women writers whose works were not appreciated and whose creativity was also hampered. The types of conceptual frameworks that can be analyzed the visual representation and taxonomy.
Based on the above context it can be stated that the books and the research study that are mentioned in brief show remarkable changes in society. The participation of women has drastically changed the welfare of the family and transformed the standard of living that existed in the prior times. The development has touched every corner of the world as a consequence of major changes that are likely identified in the quality of their lives. The production capacity of business organizations has likely measured a new scale of growth with the integration of women's participation in the field of work.
Apart from that, many opportunities have been provided to women for their progress and development so that they can live in a secure and safe environment. As a measure of the women's empowerment factor, sustainable development has also escalated to a new height to the “social development, economic development, and environmental protection”.The development of the women’s perspectives, their individual choice to live, have power over their lives and choices. Moreover, there is still prevailing social pressure that causes deterioration in women's preferences and selection till now. Therefore, educating them and making them understand their fundamentals is necessary for the growth and development of the entire economy and their situation.
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