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This assignment aims to read a newspaper article that has been provided, do further research, and answer specifically formulated questions. The assignment shall answer and discuss in-depth four suggestions about how to boost a CV if a candidate does not have previous work experience. It shall also discuss whether or not I am happy with my CV and its reasons.
This section shall review the given article and answer the formulated questions.
There are specific ways through which a good CV can be developed, as follows:
Skill Audit: Candidates shall grasp training, but it is not enough. They shall also look at all kinds of skills needed for different fields. Job advertisements shall be reviewed, and the skills that employers are demanding shall be identified. Then the candidates shall evaluate whether or not they have those skills. This process is called skill audit and helps trace skill gaps (Plant et al., 2019). On tracing the gap, the candidates shall seek training in those absent skills. Skill audit helps to match the employees with their roles. Job roles change over time, and skill audit helps to identify whether or not a candidate possesses those skills for their job role. It helps to prioritize training needs. A pattern of underdeveloped skills can be traced.
Candidates shall connect with peers. Career networks have expanded online, especially during and after the covid19 pandemic. Virtual coffee breaks and chat forums have prospered and are essential for gaining industry knowledge. A Peer network can be developed by searching for people with similar job titles on social media. For example, on LinkedIn, peer relationships can be established that helps to develop a valuable relationship. Such platforms help to connect with peers and to share market and industry knowledge. Peer conversation often leads to training opportunities and work experience. For example, when two peers are searching for jobs in the same field interact, they talk about job vacancies, each other's skills and expertise, and others. Based on collected information from one peer, the other peer can search for jobs from the said sources or opt for the skill training the other peer has. It gives a chance to follow companies where job vacancies are available and become more capable (Al-Azez et al., 2019). It is also recommended to contact the careers department as they might help to connect with the alumni society, and that can help to find job sources. As it is essential to connect with employers, it is equally important to connect with peers as they help in networking and to trace the ideal job (Kaltenbrunner and de Rijcke, 2019)
Making own experience- Jobs are not always advertised; thus, candidates need to do market research and send speculative applications where possible vacancies are present or can be present in the future. It might make a candidate lucky and get a job. Such activity also increases the candidate’s experience regarding how and where to send applications (Naik and Keshavamurthy, 2020). It is essential to know about the job market and interact with potential clients. If a candidate has any side business, then the experience such as problem-solving, marketing, and other skills learned from it shall be used and shared with the employers during the interviews. Thus, speculative applications and own experience always help to get the desired job.
On Each Order!
Focusing on skills: Specific skills shall be considered. For example, voluntary work gives long-term opportunities. It helps to find local roles. It helps to understand the skills required to serve society. It gives an idea about the concerns and issues of society. Based on societal knowledge, various jobs can be identified, such as Job roles related to organizing events in schools and activities to support people (Vasanthakumari, 2019). Moreover, having an interest in volunteering work and showcasing it in the CV helps to attract recruiters, as it highlights the ethics and morality of the candidate.
Personal experience with my CV: I think my CV is good, and I am delighted with my CV as I have followed the format of my CV. I have included a small summary of myself and my job expectation. I have done market research, contacted peers and explored the top organizations in my sector, and then mentioned those abilities of mine that organizations usually want from the candidates, such as the ability to work under pressure, complete projects within the accurate schedule, and others. I have designed my CV exclusively to make it look attractive to recruiters. I have included my clear and formal picture and other personal details such as name, marital status, date of birth, volunteering skills and desires, hobbies, and others. I have also highlighted my academic qualification and year of passing along with the institutes where I have studied. I have performed audit skills and cultured those specific skills such as communication, problem-solving, decision-making, time management, and creativity skills always remain in demand for recruiters then highlighted that I possess these soft skills that I have gained from my academic and other training programs (Kaltenbrunner, and de Rijcke, 2019). Based on market research, I have also highlighted my own experiences that I have gained from my daily life. I have made my CV concise, factual and accurate, and engaging. Thus, I am happy about my CV.
Thus, to conclude, it shall be discussed that four suggestions to boost CV have been identified from the given article. First, candidates or employees shall include skill audits to understand the training needs. Next, the candidates shall connect with peers, focus on skills and make their own experience to get the desired job. Next, it shall be mentioned that I am happy with my CV as it highlights my skills (which I have gained after skill audit and proper training) and experience and is designed in such a way that it will attract the recruiters.
Al-Azez, Z.T., Lawley, A.Q., El-Gorashi, T.E. and Elmirghani, J.M., 2019. Energy efficient IoT virtualization framework with peer to peer networking and processing. IEEE Access, 7, pp.50697-50709.
Kaltenbrunner, W. and de Rijcke, S., 2019. Filling in the gaps: The interpretation of curricula vitae in peer review. Social Studies of Science, 49(6), pp.863-883.
Naik, A.R. and Keshavamurthy, B.N., 2020. Next level peer-to-peer overlay networks under high churns: a survey. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 13(3), pp.905-931.
Plant, K., Barac, K. and Sarens, G., 2019. Preparing work-ready graduates–skills development lessons learnt from internal audit practice. Journal of Accounting Education, 48, pp.33-47.
Vasanthakumari, S., 2019. Soft skills and its application in workplace. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 3(2), pp.066-072.
Yu, T., Zhang, Z., Newberry, E., Afanasyev, A., Pau, G., Wang, L. and Zhang, L., Names to Rule Them All: Unifying Vehicular Networking via Named Secured Data.
Degrees are not only the benefits that a student gains from the university but universities also teach the required skills (which are transferable qualities that support success in every given task) that in turn, helps students thrive in their workplace. Thus, getting degrees ultimately helps to improve job prospects for students. When students demonstrate these skills during the recruitment process, it attracts employers and later the skills help them become successful employees and prosper within the organization.
Communication skills- Students communicate with other students who might be from different cultural backgrounds. Communicating with diverse students increases the cross-cultural knowledge of the students. It helps them to understand the language, and behavior and to communicate easily with members of a cross-cultural team in their future professional life. Students also communicate with the teaching and non-teaching staff for different matters. Such interaction improvises their verbal communication power. Students also have to give presentations and explain every slide to the supervisor or in front of the entire class. It improves their visual communication and verbal communication skills (as students have to make the slides visually attractive). Many employers want employees with strong presentation skills and public speaking abilities (as it shall help present professional projects and attract clients). These skills or abilities increase the student's chances of success (Brod, 2021). Research has reported that some introvert students feel uncomfortable talking with others or meeting a vast number of people; university and its requirements for demonstrating presentation or having verbal communication with different members helps to overcome such issues and improves the communicating power of such students (Weinstein et al., 2018). Often it has been found that people face difficulties interacting with opposite gender people but studying in a co-ed university helps overcome such shyness. Such approaches improve the verbal and visual communicating power of the student and they become able to meet and interact with different people in their future workplace.
Students also have to write a lot. For example, journalism students must write articles, essays, and other writing. Even for other subjects, students have to write assignments, projects, exam papers, and others and communicate their thoughts via written communication. In addition, students must interact with their tutors or supervisors via written communications such as e-mails and others (Antunes and Pinheiro, 2020). All these approaches improve the written communication skills of the students and it helps to write notes and essential professional documents later.
Money management skill: Often students stay in university hostels and have to pay their bills, rent, food, and others. It teaches the students to handle money and enhances the money management experience. Moreover, students who are not staying in hostels also have to handle money, for example, they have to handle their pocket money and decide how much to invest in projects, buy copies or books, save for entertainment purposes, and others. This small-scale money management enhances their ability to handle considerable budgets in the future (Cottrell, 2019) Moreover, some students are also involved in part-time jobs or are doing paid- internships while continuing their studies in universities and they learn to handle their salaries about paying university fees, and others. Employers need those candidates who know where to invest and how much to invest. Thus, money management skills help students to handle large-scale or high-risk investment projects easily in their future careers.
Time management: Universities give huge opportunities for co-curricular activities and students often get to involve themselves in them such as in football teams, dance teams, and others. Experts have mentioned that students love co-curricular activities and tend to spend more time on these factors (Hahn et al., 2020). Some students are involved in part-time jobs to gain experience and earn money. Moreover, there are pressures of exams and students have to study also besides, managing jobs and co-curricular activities. Moreover, there is pressure for assignments and projects that the students have to complete within the allocated time. Students must simultaneously handle societal pressure, emotional pressure, internships, studies, and other aspects. Thus, by handling all these sections, students learn to manage and complete multiple works simultaneously and on time, enhancing their time management skills. Such skill helps the students in their future careers as employers value those employees who juggle multiple commitments successfully. These time management skills help the students to handle multiple projects or to complete projects on schedule in their future careers.
Critical thinking abilities: During studies, students face many issues that seem impossible to solve initially, such as tricky questions, challenging assignments, and mathematical problems where students need to think out of the box and carry out more research to reach the solution. Such complexities and issues push the students to think critically and to find innovative solutions to solvethe issues involvedci and Canova, 2020). It increases the critical thinking ability of the students. Employees require this quality to run any project smoothly. Currently, the business market has become competitive where employees need critical thinking abilities to make the product, service, or project output innovative and unique to attract a vast number of customers. Thus, critical thinking skill helps employees throughout their professional life.
Technology Literacy: Technology Literacy is the capability to operate various electronic gadgets that help assess the technology. Technological literacy is relevant to digital literacy which includes evaluating, creating and integrating many innovations and information via technology. Students learn their technology skill mostly from their university while doing different assignments. Students get the information quickly with the internet. After starting higher education, students easily maintain their academics with technology as they get the vast area to explore career choices and learn many soft wares. With the help of virtual classrooms and video lecture, students gather knowledge of different topics. In universities, there are many UK courses, including technologies like Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies, java programming and software engineering, website development and design (Younis, et al., 2021). Students use PowerPoint presentations, internet homework assignments, and classroom tablets to learn in different learning styles. Despite this, students learn about technology from their universities by attending online quiz tests and other activities. The distinguishing factor is that technology universities focus on technology innovations and career directed educational programs (Finley, 2021). After using technologies in university, the students will become more employable and have an easy way to find work when they graduate. In this digital age, things are changing at an exponential rate.
Adaptability: Adaptability is the most important and necessary in an ever-changing quality. Adaptability means to be adjusted easily in new situations, and be modified within the new purpose. Students gain this skill in their academic year. When students start to go to university, they meet with new people from various cultures, states and regions, which help them to adjust with time. So they learned how to accept new things while exploring each other's cultures (Scherer and Niculescu, 2021). From learning new things daily, they dare to cope with the new changes. Apart from this while doing their assignments, they get the courage to force themselves to take risks and it becomes their strength in their workplace. After knowing various cultures, they become open minded about things they never accepted. Also, adaptability enhances the leadership skill which helps them get more opportunities in their work. In a nutshell, being adaptive is the key to success (Shabeer et al.,2020). Adaptability helps students to implement in a new atmosphere, and also helps to handle obstacles. The evolution of the student’s personality makes them professional. With this skill they will prepare themselves to accept the upcoming challenges which will be faced by them.
Teamwork skill: Personal, professional and academic achievements can be achieved when one masters teamwork skill. This is a type of skill that students can learn from university. Often students are required to work in group projects and team presentations where they can learn this skill. Teamwork skills not only benefit students in their university life but also prepare them well for their future. Teamwork skill requires other factors as well, such as trust between peers, communication skills, respect for others’ opinions and many more. To attain a good team, and a successful teamwork, the peers must require the above-mentioned factors. Sometimes, when those factors are absent, one might find teamwork outcomes that are negative. The benefit of learning the skill of teamwork is to be open to various opinions and critiques without judgment. This in turn, in the future will help students to develop a healthy workplace environment. Teamwork can make a group project better, as every individual is entitled to share their ideas and views. This will enable individual students to identify their own and as well as their peers' unique strengths and weaknesses. This ability to identify expertise and shortcomings in others will help the students in their future endeavors (Sokhanvar et al., 2021). Teamwork within the university will give the students an idea about how the real world works. As the students will soon realize that in the real world they will have to form a team and associate themselves in teams to achieve specific goals. As job sectors around the world now demand of their new employees to have quality teamwork skills, universities are incorporating outlines in the curriculum to improve the same. Such measures to develop teamwork skills taken by universities facilitate the students and prepare them well to be a part of a more globalized and dynamic world.
Research skill: University perfects another essential skill, and that is the research skill. Research skills require a student to have a focused goal. It teaches a student to assimilate truthful information, data and knowledge in a single place. Through this skill the student will also develop to address and impart the collected knowledge to others. Research skills help students to identify and address a problem, to gather information that might provide a solution to that problem. It also makes students aware of a variety of solutions available, but they must develop the ability to choose the most effective solution to address the issue (Mataniari et al.,2020). Developing research skills in university will help the students to take up higher studies, such as, fellowship. It will make students independent of identifying problems and solving them with intensive research in their future workplace. Research skills are too, a conglomeration of certain factors which enables one to carry out tasks properly. Factors that include developing research skills are, clearly setting objectives, addressing proper questions and issues, exploring the topic intensively, and taking guidance from experts. University life entitles students to inspect all these factors properly. Through university life, students learn how to get properly ready for issues and problems via developing research skill. The university provides the students opportunities to sharpen this skill, by demanding research and dissertation papers, projects and many more as a part of their course. The research skill that students develop in university prepares them skillfully to become a sensible employer in the future.
Thus, to conclude, it shall be revealed that student learns various required skills from their universities and that helps them in their future professional life. For instance, this assignment has discussed 8 important skills including communication, money and time management, critical thinking, technology adaptation, adaptability, team working, and leadership abilities, that a student learns while studying, handling multiple projects, assignments, internships, and others and that helps them to enhance their future professional skills.
Antunes, H.D.J.G. and Pinheiro, P.G., 2020. Linking knowledge management, organizational learning and memory. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 5(2), pp.140-149.
Brod, G., 2021. Generative learning: Which strategies for what age?. Educational Psychology Review, 33(4), pp.1295-1318.
Cottrell, S., 2019. The study skills handbook. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Finley, A., 2021. How College Contributes" to" Workforce Success: Employer Views on What Matters Most. Association of American Colleges and Universities.
Hahn, D., Minola, T., Bosio, G. and Cassia, L., 2020. The impact of entrepreneurship education on university students’ entrepreneurial skills: a family embeddedness perspective. Small Business Economics, 55(1), pp.257-282.
Sokhanvar, Z., Salehi, K. and Sokhanvar, F., 2021. Advantages of authentic assessment for improving the learning experience and employability skills of higher education students: A systematic literature review. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 70, p.101030.
Succi, C. and Canovi, M., 2020. Soft skills to enhance graduate employability: comparing students and employers’ perceptions. Studies in higher education, 45(9), pp.1834-1847.
Virtanen, A. and Tynjälä, P., 2018. Factors explaining the learning of generic skills: a study of university students’ experiences. Teaching in Higher Education.
Weinstein, Y., Sumeracki, M. and Caviglioli, O., 2018. Understanding how we learn: A visual guide. Routledge.
Younis, A.A., Sunderraman, R., Metzler, M. and Bourgeois, A.G., 2021. Developing parallel programming and soft skills: A project-based learning approach. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 158, pp.151-163.
Shabeer, S., Nasir, N. and Rehman, S., 2020. Inclusive leadership and career adaptability: The mediating role of organization-based self-esteem and the moderating role of organizational justice. International Journal of Leadership in Education, pp.1-20.
Scherer, R. and Niculescu, A.C., 2021. ADAPT21: Adaptability as a 21st century skill (No. REP_WORK). Open Science Framework.
Mataniari, R., Willison, J., Effendi Hasibuan, M.H., Sulistiyo, U. and Dewi, F., 2020. Portraying Students' Critical Thinking Skills through Research Skill Development (RSD) Framework: A Case of a Biology Course in an Indonesian University. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 17(2), pp.302-314.
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