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Teamwork Strategies in Healthcare: Management Insights Case Study By Native Assignment Help.
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The aim of this assessment is to write three reports based on different scenarios in the health and social care sector. The focal area of this assessment is "Teamwork" and managing team working in the health and social care sector.
The first report includes an in-depth discussion about effective teamwork and the establishment of positive teamwork within a residential healthcare organisation. The second report will focus on the management of the underperformance of a team within the healthcare sector. And the last report will include the recruitment and selection process and policies being followed by the NHS, UK.
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Working as a manager in residential care home along with three new team leaders makes me understand that team development is important when it comes to improving individual and organisational productivity. According to Tuckman’s team development theory, forming, storming, norming, and performing are the four stages that a team will follow for improving their performance within the workplace (Rosen et al., 2018). Afterwards, Tuckman added "adjourning" as the fifth stage of the team development theory to end the team's journey. According to this theory, it is important for the manager to set up team purpose and check whether the team members can fit into that purpose or how can they fit. In this forming stage of team development, the common discussion with team leaders will be:
Figure 1: Tuckman's Theory of Team Development
In the storming stage, as a manager, it can be seen that the egos may start and tempers may flare among the three team leaders. The team members might disagree with one another’s point of view regarding any task. At this stage being manager guidance is important to lead the team in eight directions.
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Order AI-FREE ContentIn the middle of the team development, which can be termed as Norming, in reference to Tuckman’s team development theory, the team leaders or team members used to try to settle down. At this stage, the team has the tendency to be in the groove of working together to strive for a common goal (Rosen et al., 2018). Though, in norming stage, there are few overlaps with the storming stage as new tasks appear, the rate of incidence of conflict used to increase.
In performing stage is where the team hits its stride. At this stage, team members have in-depth ideas about their own’s strengths and weaknesses. At this stage, every member of the team used to be confident and motivated. At this stage, the team members can operate without any strict supervision. Though at this stage, the team does not make at this stage though, from this stage, the team members try to maintain a supportive and cohesive environment creativity used to spark within team with high moralities. The last stage of team development theory is adjourning.
Some common challenges that may appear within teamwork are:
Considering these common challenges, here are some strategies with which teamwork difficulties can be overcome. For example, to build trust within the team and team members and hierarchy, it should be important to put relinquish control and give the team recurring scope to support team members to overcome challenges. Encouragement can be a strategy to unite the team members with a common goal and motivate them to utilize their skills – they can start to trust each other (Weller et al., 2014).
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With the sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote working has become a regular norm. but in the case of remote working scenarios collaboration is becoming a part and parcel of the daily grind and a scattered workforce is becoming a problem. Though, Virtual team-building activities, and online hangouts, can help to overcome the challenge related to building collaboration. The hierarchy can implement team-building retreats where employees can come along and share their experiences. Two-way communication is a unique strategy to bridge physical boundaries and team collaboration (Casimiro et al., 2015).
To handle personalities and develop the performance of the team, the best strategies are:
In reference to a residential care home, the impact of leadership on organisation and teamwork is immense. It affects the team by shaping the employees’ morality, productivity, metrics, and decision-making abilities. For example, when a leader uses a commanding leadership style, that leader tends to establish clear distinctions between the superior and the subordinates. An autocratic leader used to make a decision on his own and restrict the subordinates to interfere in business activities. This in turn can lead to low morality among the workers, which results in an increase in employee absenteeism and a decrease the employee retention (Rydenfält et al., 2017).
In the case of the transformative leadership style, leaders used to believe in providing equal opportunities to their subordinates. They encourage feedback and suggestion from every worker at every level within the organisation (Casimiro et al., 2015). This process can empower morality, and collaboration among workers and can create a mutual understanding within the workplace, which in turn can facilitate the teamwork approaches.
In team development, trust is essential for developing or building an effective team as this can provide a sense of safety. When the team members within a team will feel valued, and safe from each other, they will feel comfortable sharing their ideology within the team and be committed to taking risks and exposure to vulnerabilities for helping the team to strive for a mutual goal. On the other hand, accountability means that the team members are responsible to perform their actions and taking responsibility for the results (Rosen et al., 2015). The importance of accountability within a team can be defined by the ability to work hard and acquire goals for the team members. Proper team meetings, regular performance analysis by leaders, and motivation, and empowerment by hierarchy within a team can help an organisation to implement accountability and trust within a team.
In any organisation, there are three types of conflicts- task conflict, relationship conflict, and value conflict. The most widely used conflict management styles within a team are:
Management is ready to implement fairness
People wish to encourage others to express their own opinion
The problem is more important that the concerned workers
The characteristics of positive work culture within a team are good and clear communication- open communication is a system or process which can bridge a gap between employees and management.
Opportunities to grow are another characteristic of positive work culture within a team. On-job-training programs and the creation of specific goals for employees to raise and reach promotion are the processes where employees can get a chance to do better and grow within the job (da Silva Nogueira and Rodrigues, 2015).
The culture of collaboration is another characteristic of positive work culture. By creating a sense of unity and equality within the team, and developing an environment of open communication and mutual understanding, a manager can encourage collaboration which can foster camaraderie within employees which in turn can boost their performance.
Employees used to be inspired by creativity and innovation when they are provided with a stimulating atmosphere and a diversified group of colleagues.
Brainstorming is a process by which workers can carry out their roles within a team in creative and innovative ways. When the employees within a team have a wide-open whiteboard to work with, innovative ideas will come up. A brainstorming session can help workers to generate new ideas (Hursman et al., 2022).
Encouraging individuality can foster workers to work creatively and innovatively. Providing a stimulating atmosphere where workers can get the scope to ideate new insights, and share their ideology with others can help them to come up with creativity and innovation when it comes to carrying out project work.
The objective can help to determine the long-term prospect of an organisation. The objective can also help to determine in what direction the company is moving and what will be the expected outcome. The link between the individual, team, and organisational objective is to achieve a common goal within a period. By setting performance objectives, the hierarchy can set the blueprint of how work will be done and the whole team can work to reach that goal, by sharing a similar vision to strive for that result. According to Larsson et al., ( 2022), success, profitability, and effective management are the result of the effective implementation of organisational performance objectives, which can be achieved by the organization through individual and team effort and contribution.
The factors that influence strategic planning within a team are:
Defining the areas of team and individuals and their responsibilities to achieve the goals are mainly carried out by the manager. Within each specific organisation, the managers' role is to scrutinize the objectives in reference to the workplace, and line with teams and individuals. Though, it is also important that individual managers must have to take responsibility on behalf of individual workers and teams to meet the organisational objective effectively. According to Skoogh et al., (2022), it will be the role and responsibilities of a manager and a team to decide how to allocate tasks and duties and how to carry out tasks. This includes ensuring that the distribution has been made to the best use of team members' skills, and abilities.
To agree on the aims and objectives to promote a shared vision within the team, the role of a manager should be to ensure that the distribution of work can meet the team goals and policies, and values of the organisation. Here the manager will also check whether the distribution of work can meet the skills and competencies of the team members. Managers should set goals based on priority and look after the process of allocating work and resources which can allow the team to acquire the setup goal for the organisation (Kessler, 2023). The manager should also be communicative with team members regarding their insight and approach to agree on aims and objectives manager must be receptive to what the team member is saying and advise them to ensure that the final objective is being acquired. If there is any scarcity of resources, then the manager must reach an agreement with team members for changing the priorities and reallocate the resources (Beyer and Ullrich, 2022).
The vision and strategic direction can influence the team practice by ensuring the team members and organisation are prepared enough to deal with the challenges if arise in future. vision and strategic direction can be defined as effective tools to ensure that the team and organisation are not caught off guard and compelled to deal with time and energy to cope with upcoming challenges in the workplace setup (Dalcher, 2022). Additionally, vision and strategic direction can lead managers to identify whether the team or team members have the potential skills and knowledge. It also identifies the staff skills, needs and resources, and the external factors like partnerships and resourcing when it becomes important for an organisation to acquire a setup objective by the team or team practice. The managers can also motivate the team practice by setting up a vision and strategic direction for how to meet that vision (Davey et al., 2022). The mission statement on the other hand can enable the organization to set the vision for the team and others. The aim is to provide a guideline to the team about what is expected from the and what principles should they follow. Clear communication can motivate the team to practice.
The use of monitoring software is one of the best ways to check staff performance. It allows to track the activities and analyse of the data related to the tasks. It can help to improve team-wide productivity.
Check-in with regularity is another technique or strategy to monitor staff performance. Regular communication with the workers and measuring their progress in respect of the setup goals and checklist for any project can help the manager to measure the performance and overall progress of a team (Lin, 2022)
The term "underperformance" refers to the scenario, where the quality of the work of the employees deteriorates and fails to meet the required level (Adams et al., 2022). The underperformance can be defined by:
To manage the underperformance of a team, the first and foremost requirement of the team will be to recognize the problem. The sign that should be determined for managing the underperformance is:
Conducting a meeting and asking questions to establish the cause of underperformance by the member is another way to manage the scenario. The one-to-one meeting can help to identify the actual problem within the team or among team members associated with the cause of underperformance.
Reiterating the job expectation is another way to manage underperformance. The team leader should understand whether the members of the team can understand what "you" are expecting from them and areas of improvement. Supply proper instruction about the tasks and standards which the employee should fulfil, documentation of the targets and how the employee has missed those targets- a clear explanation can leave no room for misinterpretation.
The basic laws and ; legislative principles in the UK for selection and recruitment are:
In the case of NHS, the regulatory framework and laws that govern the recruitment and selection process, have been set up to avoid unfair discrimination during the selection process. The regulatory principles in NHS direct employers that they should judge job applicants based on skills, knowledge, and experiences, rather than based on personal characteristic features. employers in NHS should also be aware of other legal requirements like legislation on criminal records, which need to be checked at the time of selecting the candidate for the right work. The role of the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR in NHS is to ensure that the data of candidates should be protected and only be gathered at the time of the recruitment process (Zaman et al., 2022). value-based recruitment or VBR helps employers in NHS to recruit employees whose personal values and behaviour can align with the values of the NHS and the NHS constitution.
Serious case reviews or SCRs can offer opportunities to learn from examining any cases which have failed to protect the safety and security of the vulnerable. The finding of SCRs lead to a change in policy and practices and can help to ensure the prevention of similar failures in the workplace setup of NHS.
In the context of recruitment and selection in the NHS, SCRs can play an important role to establish policies and procedures for ensuring the safe and legitimate recruitment of job applicants. SCRs can highlight the importance of pre-employment checks, checking of professional qualifications and experiences, and verification of data and information to identify any criminal records or potential risks associated with that individual or not (Skoogh et al ., 2022). The SCRs and inquiries can also help the recruiters of NHS to understand the need for effective supervision, training, and provision of support to the staff along with the implementation and compliance with concerned policies. By learning from the findings of SCRs and inquiries, NHS can incorporate the recruitment policies and processes in line with the rules and regulations of the recruitment process NHS (Kessler, 2023). By learning from the SCRs and inquiries, the recruiters of NHS can incorporate those in real-time for establishing the recruitment policies and processes. This can help NHS to improve the safety and security, as well as the legitimacy of the job application and recruitment process, in line with protecting the vulnerable in society.
the one role, that has to be selected is Team Manager in NHS, UK. the criteria that have been followed by NHS to recruit job applicants overseas are:
The NHS follow a different set of criteria to recruit team manager within the healthcare team. The first and foremost criteria being followed by the recruiters of the organisation is whether the job applicants, whether are competent in the role or not. This criteria used to focus on scrutinising the professional qualification and personal attributes of the job applicants to check whether the selected candidate will be able to lead and manage a team within the healthcare sector and system (Alkhaqani, 2022).
To get selected for the team manager role in NHS, the foremost criteria being used in the recruitment and selection process of NHS is to pass the CBT or computer-based test. This test will check whether the applicants have profound knowledge about the healthcare sector of the UK and system policies, and legislation or not. Then the selected applicants are asked to attend direct or online interviews, where the relevant qualification and experiences in healthcare management and related field are checked (Hursman et al., 2022). This typically includes the assessment of the degree held by the applicants in healthcare management or clinical disciplines or business administration, checking the authentication of the degree and the ability of the applicants to work in the different scenario in the healthcare sector,
For educational qualification, NHS used to emphasize the importance of having leadership skills, communication and decision-making abilities of the applicants. During the interview, the applicants are asked to demonstrate a solid understanding of the NHS structure, policies and procedures.
The Recruitment process in NHS involves the active participation of team leaders, managers, the HR team, supervision and outsourcing agencies. Every stakeholder used to play a crucial role to ensure the successful and legitimate recruitment of the right candidate for the right time and at the right place (Larsson et al ., 2022).
The Human resource managers in the NHS are responsible for overseeing the entire recruitment process. The collaboration between the HR manager and Hiring manager can help to determine the staffing needs, the job requirements, and desired qualifications for the vacant role. The role of the HR manager is to develop job descriptions and advertise the vacancies along with eligibility criteria along with timelines. The role of team leaders and managers within NHS is to be actively involved in the recruitment process and provide valuable insight regarding the recruitment and selection process to the respective team. They work in close proximity to the HR manager for defining the skills, experiences and competencies that NHS need for the job role of a team manager (Weller, et al., 2014). The role of recruitment agencies is to assist the process and outsource the job applicants specifically for hard-to-fill positions. They can carry out initial screening and provide a shortlist of eligible candidates to the NHS. And then further processes are being carried out by the HR managers and recruiters at NHS by complying with the policies and procedures related to the recruitment and selection process.
To conclude this report, it can be stated that the importance of teamwork can never be denied in any industries or sector. In this assessment, three reports have been formed to shed light on managing team work in the health and social care sector. At the end of this assessment, it can be said that starting from developing a team, to managing the underperformance of the team and recruiting candidates for job posts, teamwork is important. To manage the healthcare sector in line with its objectives, every stakeholder including team managers, supervisors, service users and employees should have to work in a team. In this report, the instance of the NHS has been taken into consideration to understand the approach of recruitment and selection process being followed by NHS in the UK.
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