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Student Council is a student-led and adult-supervised organisation. Student council’s aim is to provide students an ability to build leadership through the organisation and implementation of school events and service projects. The student council is the representative of the student body, in addition to organizing activities that relate to the school spirit and community wellbeing. They help share student ideas, interests and concerns with the school wide community (Student Council / Purpose of Student Council, 2020).
The Student Council role is focused on legislative processes. The President of the student body proposes, decides on and approves proposals. Any student interested in teamwork, interpersonal activity, organizing activities or being more active in the school is welcome to get active.
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Student government provides outstanding opportunities to include students via their inner workings, at the secondary and college stages. Students who serve in their student governments are privy to a range of personal and career advantages and can be introduced to a number of programs in and outside the classroom. Hearing from students who have been through it before and learning some additional knowledge regarding the processes, duties, advantages and obstacles of student government will help high school and college students determine if student government is the right complement to their personal and academic pursuits (Writers, 2020).
Student governments can undertake a broad variety of roles, and the position of a student government can differ greatly based on the school and its needs. For example, councils of high school students are typically responsible for coordinating group events such as concerts, spirit weeks, community service, and transfers and assemblies to fundraising. Governments of college students, especially those in smaller colleges, may assume common roles, and may oversee clubs and student events. Larger administrations of college students may have further obligations, such as overseeing health and wellbeing at the school, community engagement, recycling, writing and implementing programs and group agendas and budgeting ((Student Council - Weston High School, 2020).
Schools can provide more than one student council to oversee multiple fields of concern on the campus. UC Berkeley, for example, is made up of several student councils that serve the schools and colleges at the university. The key government of students, ASUC, is so huge that it is managed as an autonomous, non-profit, and fully different from university governance. ASUC not only manages student activity budgets, offers student counselling, and organizes programs and events, it also supports and campaigns at local, state and national level for university students.
It varies on the school but usually, councils of students in high school are smaller and have less obligations than their peers in college. The emphasis of a council of high school students is very much in the classroom, and focuses on student events. Governments of college students have the ability to be even broader in order to handle a greater student population and increasingly diverse social and academic students. Governments of college students may have many positions and diverse duties, be consisting of elected and appointed officials, serve multiple facets of student life, and affect university policy and practices, as well as local, state , and national legislators (Student Government Body of a US College: Everything you need to know as an International student, 2020).
Governments of college students may have many positions and diverse duties, be consisting of elected and appointed officials, serve multiple facets of student life, and affect university policy and practices, as well as local, state, and national legislators.
There is no selection of behavioural characteristics enabling students to enter the government of students. Students may discover that there are several diverse tasks and obligations that profit from specific backgrounds, experiences and interests particularly when they reach college. Having such talents, desires and qualities will also allow students to excel in their leadership positions and appreciate them.The structure of Student Government councils
Governments of high school and college students have systems and duties in place to help ensure them work as well as possible. Looking at the organizational map of a school's government or attempting to decode definitions of positions, particularly when you are not quite familiar with the names and intentions of school-specific groups, programs and activities, may get daunting.
Depending on the school, the framework of student government can differ, and the size of the organization and the degree of student involvement will factor heavily into which system fits well. Despite their variations in size, there are a few key frameworks that model most student governments. It is common for the student governments to be modelled after the U.S. government, especially at the college level (Dunham et al. 2020). There are three divisions of these student governments: Administrative, Legislative and Judiciary. These departments collaborate to maintain equality of control within the government of the students.
The division of the executive can assume several forms, but at least it comprises the president, vice president, and other roles of the management. It is normal for the executive branch to have a treasury, chancellor, and chief of staff, who, if one exists, will serve as presidential cabinet member. The Cabinet can consist of directors or vice-presidents representing numerous important student government interest groups or branches, such as Public Relations or Diversity and Inclusion.
On Each Order!
Department of Legislation
Usually, a senate takes up the plurality of the legislative branch. School senators serve numerous colleges and schools or communities of concern across campus, and can cast votes on behalf of these organizations. The senate is governed by a president and a parliamentarian and holds sessions. The legislative branch works to discuss student interests, to plan and execute programs and proposals in committee, to develop regulations and to collaborate for strategies to enhance college life.
Judiciary Departments
The judicial branch is the major actor in all procedural issues relating to the student government and the rights of students. Comprising a Chief Justice and Associate Judges, this division operates closely with other student associations to guarantee that the divisions of the administrative and legislative divisions follow and conform to legal norms. They can manage cases related to the bylaws and constitutions of the student government, disputed elections, and actions of representatives of the student government.
The tasks that a student can perform in their student government are numerous and varied, the easiest way to think about particular positions and duties within the student government is focused on where they go to school
Position: The President of Student Body
Duties: Runs meetings of the student council and encourages dialogue, serves as a voice of the student body while communicating with the teachers, breaks relations in voting and actively engages in school events.
Position: The Vice President of Student Body
Duties: Shares the duties of the president and fills in for the president when appropriate. Can assume Duties for overseeing student groups and other academic committees.
Position: Secretary of the student body
Duties: Monitor Student Council meetings minutes and attendance, maintain track of debates and resolutions, and handle archives and other relevant materials.
Position: The Treasurer of the committee
Duties: Manages the finances and expenditures of the Student Government, manages budgetary reports and partners with the president and vice president to establish strategies and distribute money for clubs and activities.
Position: The class representatives or officers
Duties: -- class level has its own chair, vice chair, delegate and/or treasurer. They are regarded as the class officers, which reflect each class's special interests. They will have different meetings from the student body council, and at student body council meetings the president of each class will act as the official voice of the students.
Position: The President of the council
Duties: Opted by the student council and serving the whole student body. They pick a cabinet and appoint positions that help guarantee that the school is managed in the best manner for the student body.
Position: The Vice-President of the body
Duties: Varies, yet usually to support the President in handling representatives and operations of the executive branch. If the President is ill, he can stand in for the president.
Position: The staff in chief
Duties: Supervising Cabinet officials and much of the executive branch’s operations. The president's chief strategist and vice president, who ensure priorities are discussed who deadlines are kept. Will meet with cabinet members separately to address concerns and communicate them to the president and vice-president.
Position: Other cabinet members
Duties: The number and form of councils, commissions and community colleges can be large, and sometimes it is the duty of the president of the student government of a school to establish positions to serve and fulfil the desires of these groups and concerns.
Position: Senator
Duties: College assemblies consist of senators from colleges, organizations, or other bodies within the institution. Senators share their own student associations' grievances and priorities, and collaborate alongside each other to pass laws that would enhance the overall college environment of students. They will even campaign for or against cabinet appointees of the President.
Position: Parliamentarian
Duties: To encourage senatorial votes, to formulate and disseminate bylaws and to implement the protocol at sessions (Choudaha, 2017).
Position: The Justice-in-chief
Duties: He presides over and acts as the judicial branch’s spokesman. Writes the judicial branch’s formal instructions and rulings, which transmits this knowledge to other divisions of the student government and the institution.
Position: Attorney General
Duties: Acts as part of the judicial system as a contact for mourning groups, guilty persons, magistrates and other divisions of the student government. They can collect allegations against representatives of the student council, and perform investigations.
Position: Other representatives of the committee
Duties: College student councils within such organizations will have a number of crossover organizations and participants, because students may pursue student government positions that are unique to their needs. Duties differ according to community and position.
Built upon extra-curricular training is an essential factor for foreign students preparing to seek higher education in the United States. Such exposure will not only improve their cultural understanding but also give them a chance to network and grow their communication skills. One such great chance for foreign students is to get interested in the student government body in their college.
The concept of a student council is rooted in the wider context of a representative society, where students with diverse backgrounds can voice their opinions regarding college climate problems affecting them. While the student government's internal framework and function can vary from the institution's scale, it also parallels the US framework. Government which has divisions of the administrative, judiciary, and legislative branches that neglect the government's operation, while some schools can still adopt parliamentary models (Storey, 2018). In any model, students are granted the chance to run for the open seat and have to receive enough votes from fellow students to be elected to their involved seat, just like a democratic election. Catching fellow students and being willing to interact with them on topics concerning the student body definitely brings meaning and comparison to a potential foreign student
Start to know the mechanisms of government
The Student Council and Student Governance exposes students to the government's general framework and operation and its procedures.
Relationships construction
Working together with other students and faculty offers opportunities for the students to develop deep, positive connections and professional relationships.
Change the school
Many participating with the government of students will suggest programs, legislation, education and other events that will bring about meaningful improvement with their school and society.
Gain professional skills
Through the student government, technical skills such as efficient communication, analysis, proposing proposals, arranging meetings and activities, and coordinating among various groups can all be learned and honed.
Enhancement within the resume
Getting student government on a resume may be an asset when applying for schools, careers and internships, owing to the qualifications and experience learned and the effort needed.
Time committed
As well as other school obligations, the effort taken to engage in the student government can be taxing.
Responsibility Taking
For several, school is a time to concentrate on research and social life, but there might be a downside in the extra workload that comes with engaging in student government (Phelps, 2018).
Working with others
It's a wonderful talent to collaborate together for others but it's not always enjoyable or easy to learn. It can be difficult to work closely with and interact with a number of individuals who have diverse interests and commitment levels.
Feeling insignificant
Any student councils have tremendous impact over how their schools operate. Others are even more abstract than anything else. Students may be enthusiastic about causing reform just to discover that there is not much influence in the student government of their school which can be disappointing.
Handling stress
Students may get frustrated with the time commitment and obligation needed for joining the student government. Others can work though and learn from the tension, while others will find it too hard (Anderson and Donchik, 2016).
Contrary to common thought, the experience of participating in a student government body not only helps political science or pre-law majors, but also provides students with the ability to operate in a team atmosphere by managing budgets, as well as creating a agreement among diverse participants to enact reform.. Transferable skills that are learned through participation in the student government certainly go a long way for students in building their professional image.
This study is being focused on the assessment of the aspects related to the implementation of a student council policy within the educational institutions in the UK. In order to study the aspects related to the topic of concern, there is a need to assess the significance of the research work in order to identify the background of the research, as well as its rationale. Moreover, the other aspects such as the existing school council policy, as well as the engagement of the students in the democracy shall be covered in the study where the emphasis shall be laid upon the importance of implementing such a policy for ensuring their engagement and participation. Moreover, this study would also be addressing the issues that are being faced in addition to the implementation. Furthermore, this study would also consider the role of the government bodies in order to provide suitable recommendations to the study.
Youth education and development plays a significant role in the development of the nation. Such policies not only aid in the development of the students, but it also aids in the improvement of the national economy, arts as well as ensuring the integrity of the nation (Kahu and Nelson, 2018). This is due to the fact that the students tend to ensure the aspects of self-awareness, integrity, leadership, management, soft skills, hard skills, engagement, as well as promoting network opportunities. This study aids in the assessment of the importance of student council policy in the UK. The research aids in the assessment of various aspects linked with the topic of concern. This study would aid in focusing on the need to implement such a policy for the development of the youth, as well as the nation. Moreover, this would also aid in the development of the ideas of various factors that ensure the growth and development of the future generations due to the implementation of such a policy.
This study focuses on the assessment of the importance, as well as the impact of such a policy where the youth could be provided with a platform to discuss and provide their opinions. There is a need to ensure that the students are being allowed to provide their ideas and put forward their opinions. In addition to it, it has further been inferred that the student councils aid in the provision of a representative structure, which aids the students in debating their issues of concern so as to undertake the initiatives in order to benefit the educational institution, as well as the whole of the community. Hence, it has been assessed that there is a need to provide the students with the opportunities in order to express their views and opinions on the issues of concern, which includes the social, political, economic, or other factors. This aids in the participation of the students in the national, as well as the international concerns so as to actively provide their views for the decision making.
The Student council refers to a representative structure, which can be used by the students in the school of higher grades in being involved with different issues and affairs of the school. This small organization works in partnership with the school management, as well as the staff and parents in order to ensure the benefits of the schools, as well as the parents. This aids the students in being more aware of their self and aids in discovering their potential in the management (Austin, 2020). In this situation, it has been assessed that there is a central role of the School Principal in the establishment, as well as the operations of the student council. In addition to it, it has further been assessed that this aids in the development of the policy of the school, as well as aids in working with the teachers, as well as the parents in order to ensure the efficacy in the implementation to the day-to-day levels.
In addition to the aforementioned factors, it has also been inferred that the contributions, which are being made by the student council for the development of the policy of the school aids in the provision of various benefits that are being understood by all the partners within the schooling community. The key functionality of such student councils within the school are supporting the aims and objectives of the council in order to promote the development of the school, so as to ensure the welfare of the students (Asim and Dee, 2016). The council is required:
In addition to the aforementioned activities, there are a wide range of other activities that the student council undertakes, which have been mentioned as follows:
As it has been inferred from the above inferences, the student council could aid in the development of the school policy, which could feature various aspects, which includes bullying, uniform, code of conduct, as well as ensuring the participation of the students in the co-curricular activities. Moreover, they can also aid in the representation, as well as the mitigation of the other issues that are being found within the school as this would aid in the development of the school (Asim and Dee, 2016). This aids in the significant development of the participation and engagement of the students, as well as it aids in the increasing their awareness regarding the key issues that are being discovered by the student council or the students or their parents.
According to The Teaching and Higher Education Act of 1998, the act recognizes that the student councils are an inseparable feature in the post-primary schools, which has been working in order to aid the students, parents, as well as the school management (Ashwin et al. 2020). In addition to it, this act also aids in the extension of the success of this model in order to aid the schools from all over the nation. This is a crucial subject as it has been inferred that the students have a valuable contribution in improving the efficiency of their schools by the means of involving in the operations of the school by the means of engaging with the teaching staff, the school management, parents, as well as the students in a structured manner so as to ensure the engagement of the students with the required stakeholders (Kahu and Nelson, 2018). According to Lo and Tierney (2017), student councils are adequately being able to ensure the improvements in the academic standards, as well as ensuring the reduction of the dropout rates from the schools. Furthermore, this also aids in the development of a sense of ownership, as well as their responsibilities towards the school.
In addition to the aforementioned factors, the students are also benefited as they are being able to develop various sets of skills that include leadership, management, discipline, engagement and participation in different activities, development of the talent and skills, as well as ensuring the improvements in the communication in order to make it more effective. In this manner, this aids in the all-round development of the children within the schools. This includes the set of code of conduct, as well as planning, which aids the students in not only excelling in their academic performance, but also aiding in the development of the personality and skills of the children for their future, so as to ensure their efficacy in the management in the future (Augsberger et al. 2018). However, it has also been inferred that the students cannot interfere in the final rules and decisions made by the school management and if necessary, would be required to take proper assistance from the respective authorities.
In addition to the aforementioned aspects, the student council also aids in the development of the communication within the school in order to listen, as well as encourage the students to communicate and aid in the improvement of the management. Moreover, the council also aids in the assistance of the students who are new to the school, aiding in the improvement of the environment for the fresher as they might feel different in a different school. Hence, they aid in the development of healthy relationships within the school. This also aids in the reduction of the instances of bullying and harassment in the school premises as the council takes control. Moreover, this also aids in the development of the progress of the students as this improves the engagement of the students with the school by the means of conducting various events such as cultural and sport events (Howard et al. 2016). Moreover, they also aid in the development of an effective communication of the parents with the school.
The students are being encouraged to join various reformatory activities within the school such as the suicide prevention and awareness, as well as road and fire security as per their specific events’ schedule. In addition to it, it has also been acknowledged that the students of the present generations would be representing the nation in the future as entrepreneurs, doctors, engineers, as well as politicians (Fleming, 2017). This makes it a necessity to ensure the involvement of the students in their personal democracy from the beginning. As the student starts to grow certain skills such as leadership, management, as well as effective communication, they tend to be perceived as the leaders of the community they belong to. This involves the school at the foundation level. In addition to it, this aids in the encouragement of the youth in being the future leaders by the means of making them more responsible and democratic, and hence, ensure their efficacy and proficiency as the future leaders for the welfare of the nation. Moreover, this also aids in the improvement of the population as the creation of a political environment within the schools could bring about a significant change in terms of the perception of the common mass regarding the concept of voting. In this manner, this would aid in ensuring the active participation of the youth in national and international politics in order to ensure the efficacy in providing better solutions to the concerns of the public (Asim and Dee, 2016).
Moreover, it has been inferred from the studies that the aspects of effective leadership and management among the youth would aid them in improving their abilities such as decision making. This would aid them in being more flexible towards the process of decision making in order to ensure the development of the governance in a more efficient and orderly fashion (Klemen?i?, 2017). As a result, the development could be ensured by such an initiative in the schools. Moreover, the student councils in the schools aid in promoting elections on the school or class or sub-categories’ level (Callingham, 2019). This aids them in understanding different controls of the hierarchy, as well as the concept of being more efficient in goal setting and decision making in order to provide better solutions to the nation in the long run.
The school councils are very much needed as they give voices to students to put forward their point of views through established forums, which was earlier difficult. The policies also aid in the development of student’s personal as well as social skills, as a part of national curriculum student council policies also help in the development of citizenship education, it also facilitates communication between students and teachers and so on.
The implementation of the school council policies has several impacts on the students and the schools and addresses various problems related to them. Some of the major Problems addressed or solved to some extent by the implementation of school council policies are- equipment facilities, uniform issues, organization of breaks or intervals, toilet and cloakroom issues, meal menus, conduction of schools events, combating bullies, overall school culture, links to the local community and the image of the school as a whole (Lafferty-Jenkins, 2017).
All of these aforementioned problems were addressed after the implementation of school Council policy. The equipment’s under the supervision of council members were damaged less and were maintained properly. For example, around 27 schools reported improved maintenance of the equipment facilities like drinks machine, parking areas, water fountains, sporting equipment, etc. Earlier before the implementation of student council policies, the breaks were not adequately organized and there was a lack of punctuality. But, the council policies were successful in properly organizing schools break within the time boundaries. Cleanliness in toilets and cloakrooms became better and issues related to locks in cloakrooms were also successfully addressed by the school council policy measures. Intervention of school council policies in uniforms facilitated improved and ordered uniform (King, 2017). For example, many schools included trousers as a part of the girl’s uniform after the policy came into effect. Catering facilities were also improved. In many schools, more variety of food items were included in the menu and the quality check was carried out regularly by the council members. Salads and mineral water was also included. This solved food quality-related issues.
Earlier it was difficult to collectively address the students regarding school events. But the introduction of school council has resolved this problem. Since the students are also a member of the council, it has become very easy to connect to students and gather them as a whole for events like fundraisers (School councils and pupil participation | Department of Education, 2020). Student involvement in council decisions also helps in coming up with new ideas for events. The administration of the school council policy has improved the disciplinary aspect in the context of combating bullies. For example use of the buddy system, bullying statement, bully box, etc. were significantly reduced since there were supervisors assigned to prohibit such activities via school council policies. Conduction of social events through council policies also help in building a positive relationship with the local community in which the school is established (Leechman et al., 2019). The successful execution of the school council policies has also enabled in improving the overall image of the schools, which has helped schools in establishing a good reputation in their locality and also in the eyes of the parents of the existing students.
The school council is generally governed by a head teacher, while in some rare cases, students can also be elected as governing bodies. So the school council consists of a chairperson (usually the head teacher), other staff members (teacher’s leaders or teacher councilors), student representatives (student councilors) and parent representatives. These members carried out many roles for the effective functioning of the council one such role being spreading awareness of democratic processes and developing an understanding of democratic practices.
Other important roles of the school council governing bodies were developing personal, social as well as problem-solving skills in the students, facilitating career development through various council activities, solving issues faced by students, creating and providing a good learning and development atmosphere, and so on (Roles and Responsibilities of Council Members, 2020). Arranging and calling for and addressing council meetings, deciding on agendas for these meeting, developing an action plan for various activities, deciding on the budget of the school council activities, communicating activities to the principal, etc. also accounts for the roles and responsibilities of the school council governing bodies.
Several primary, as well as secondary schools, have benefited from the effective and successful implementation of the school council policies in several ways. The advantages of applying school council policies can be increased in many ways by assigning the council and its members a well-recognized status within the boundaries of the school. Doing so will give the council members broader access to the students and school functionalities. It can also be recommended to include a member of the school management team (SMT) as a prominent and influential member of the school council. This will assist in the execution of council policies in a more classified manner and reduce bureaucracy struggles in decision making. Including non-teaching staff members in the school council meetings is also recommended as it will give a better insight into the problems existing in the school. Involving governors in school council activities can be beneficial for students as well as all council members as the feedback from the governor regarding the activities can be helpful in improvising the activities and make them more beneficial for students. In some schools, the school council body is not fully active. It is recommended for such schools to overcome this partial inactivity and set distinct goals for the proper functioning of the school council, providing which, the students, as well as the school as a whole, can benefit and improve.
School council policies are presently being promoted for their contributions to school life, the participation of young people in democratic processes and the provision of individual, social and citizenship education to the school as a component.
The report reflects on the views of council members, council student councilors and their colleagues regarding their interactions with school councils. The discussion also includes information about the relevant studies, the value of student participation, the effect on students of school council policies, the issues raised by the policies and the governing bodies' roles.
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