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The periphery as the core: the third world and security studies
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Decolonizing security is provided to the colonies who become independent of the countries who tried to keep them in captivity. Decolonization itself is a broad topic where the process by which various colonies across the world started revolting in order to free themselves from the colonising countries. In order to understand the topic, we have to focus on the reasons of colonisation of various weak states across the world. Decolonization itself is a burning topic which will help to focus on the challenges and power relations of various countries across the world. For a long time, various European countries like the United Kingdom, France, Portugal played the role of colonisers in order to achieve the political establishments in that country. In this essay, the concepts of decolonising security will be discussed. At the same time, developments of conflicts within the colonies will be addressed. On the other hand, a few recommendations will be given for a better understanding of the topic. Eventually it will provide an insight into the world politics which will help us to understand the topic.
Decolonizing security refers to the security provided to the colonies who recently fred themselves from the colonizers. Generally the colonizers target the weak states to colonise for their own benefit. Weak states generally do not have any institutional capacity to announce themselves as a free state. They do not have institutional rights to claim them as a free state. On the other hand, the leaders are not that much capable enough to lead the population towards the goal of a free nation (Jansen et al., 2019). The leaders could not provide enough support to the civilians because of the zero institutional capacity. The weak states do not have any proper identity or idea of a free nation. They are not driven by the dream of having a free nation. Monopoly of the political backgrounds can be witnessed in cases of weak states across the world. They do not have their legislative framework which can be imposed on the populations of the states. Weak nations can not provide much protection for the civilians. At the same time, the infrastructure is not that much good in the weak states. People often do not get enough opportunities for education, good healthcare, and proper wages in these weak states. For this reason, it is quite easier to captivate such nations as colonies (Moosavi, 2020).
As per the OECD report, there are 75 weak countries currently in this world. For example, we can count Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan etc nations as fragile or weak states. They often show vulnerabilities as a weak nation in the world. Their insecurity dilemma can result in repression of various protest groups. They are often found to break the codes of human rights. The crime rates are often higher in these weak nations. At the same time, the armed forces of the nation are quite weak when compared with the other countries. Corruption is a huge problem for such nations. The government often turns a blind eye to such cases of corruption and patronage. The politicians often play divide and rule strategy while influencing the civilians. They believe in dividing people in religious or political bases and then ruling them as per their conveniences. This division often plays with the emotions of the civilians. They do not understand the importance of unity and the politicians get more benefits from this situation. On the other hand, often media personnels are manipulated and corrupted. Democratic manipulation can be witnessed in these countries. External actors like the PMC, various alliances with other countries can make these countries weaker. These factors make these weak states more vulnerable and it becomes quite easy to rule over.
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On the other hand, these weak states often pose threats for the b nations. Instability of the politics in these countries, economic turbulence and divided population often play key roles in colonisation of weak states. At the same time, these weak states often become so vulnerable to the b nations that they have to take control over. Criminal activities and terrorism are one of the obvious reasons. Often without a proper armed military force and legislative framework for the population, it is difficult to control the crimes in these weak nations (Penders, 2021). Due to lack of opportunities and education people choose the path of crimes and terrorism. They can be easily motivated to commit any kind of crime and that often will make the b countries worried. At the same time, the b countries also have to suffer the result of terrorism happening in the weak countries. Disruption of trades is another huge reason that the weak countries do not get enough opportunities. The resources are already divided amongst the government officials and for this reason there is nothing left for the civilians. This also threatens the positions of the b countries that want to make them colonies so that they can do the trading. At the same time, drug production is another huge reason behind colonisation. Often the powerful people of the weak states exploit the population by producing huge amounts of illegal drugs. They can do it as there is no proper law for the country (Atangana and Gómez-Aguilar, J2018). At the same time, the legislative structure is actually helping the drug traders in these weak countries. Drug smuggling and selling become a huge concern for the b nations. In order to put a stop to this, they tend to take control over these weak countries.
For countries like Nigeria, Pakistan, the military often is a huge threat for the countries. For countries like Mexico, political leaders and their ideologies can be a threat to the weak countries. Colombia, Liberia are already infiltrated with warlords and criminals. Countries like the Philippines and Indonesia often face problems from religious ideologies. There are some external threats which actually engage the b countries to make more colonies across the world. But decolonisation is very much required in order to attain freedom. Then only the countries will be able to focus on their own future as well. Instead of letting others decide their fate, these countries can choose their own fate. They can work on their education system which will educate every single child. The chances of terrorism will reduce. At the same time, crime scenes will be reduced if the civilians get enough education and opportunities to lead a normal life. If proper legislations are imposed then the criminal activities will be eventually stopped at the nip. For this purpose, these countries are required to be free and work on their own future. They will be able to create a health care strategy and provide everyone proper opportunities to live a peaceful life.
Decolonising security can be very beneficial for weak countries. Often the rich countries do not get enough supply of minerals in their countries and thus they become dependent on the weak countries who have more minerals (Acharya, 1995). The situation happened because of less natural resources is known as Dutch Disease. They often face poverty due to the less resources in their countries. For this reason they make colonies so that they can extract more minerals from there. If the poor countries take the lead and decolonise they can actually use their own minerals for their own purposes. They can join in trading of various minerals. At the same time, the revenues can be used to build a proper infrastructure for the nation.Thus these weak nations can get some rays of hope. This will provide more securities after the process of decolonisation. In order to attain security after decolonisation, the colonies need to choose a proper leader who will be able to lead the civilians (Kepe and Hall, 2018). The leader will be able to show the right path to the citizen while making the weak state as a b state in the world map. On the other hand, by reinforcing the military the weak states can increase their strength. Various legislative structures will provide them a proper guidance to follow a proper social life. Thus the weak nations can get a chance to get security after decolonisation. It is very much important to become economically independent after using their resources. At the same time, the weak countries need to have more military power to protect their boundaries from the colonisers. They have to understand their worth as a country otherwise the colonisers will always dominate them (Moosavi, 2020).
The conflicts faced by countries that have been colonised for years include some major problems that administration has prevailed over centuries. It is difficult to remodel the entire functioning of the system in the colonised era while maintaining the integrity of the continual public proceedings. In the tears of complete control, the countries did not develop the ability to function solitaire and deliver an independent approach to running the government and subsidiaries (Tinsley, 2019).
The specific problem that the new or decolonised country encounters is the establishment of their freedom. Being subjugated for years, the country has to unlearn all the wrongdoings happening to them. It is important to establish new reforms that only put the national interest in its priority. The significance of curating a stable government is the primary step for implementing freedom and governance. The influence of a governing body puts a head of supervision and ultimately leads to gaining the confidence of the citizens. They are assured that, after all, they are validated, and their well-being is looked after by the newly formed government (Ndlovu-Gatsheni, 2019).
Secondly, the maintenance of established state affairs is essential for continuing the existence of the country. The emergence of reformed state affairs is exclusive to the interest of the nation by eradicating the influence of the colonisers. The significance of these state affairs is brought to introduce an essential aspect of stability to the nation. The regulations imposed are highlighted to ensure proper administration of the nation is followed. The formulation of state affairs is as important as its continual following. Thus, the significance of state affairs is crucial in maintaining the general homogeneity of the decolonised nation (Halvorsen, 2019).
The country being secluded for centuries from the global economic retrospective has no relevance to it. While formulating new functioning in the economic development system, the country has to do extensive research. During the colonised period, the only economic imposition that prevailed was solely benefitting the colonisers. The nation has to break from the wrongdoings and unethical practices established by the colonisers. They have to start from scratch and take reference from the functioning and successful economic practices of the world. The global influence of the economic revolution and its pertaining fluctuations form an important aspect of decision-making.
The significance of the following attributes is noticed in the formulation of the conflicts arising in decolonised countries.
In terms of introducing agendas, regulations, and laws, the nation prefers being guided by a national sense of duty. They try to be authentic in establishing certain governance and code of conduct. They are liable to introduce their image in the global retrospective by severing the link to their colonised state (Jaggar, 2020).
Subaltern is a broad term directed to the working class, and it specifies the hardships that they had to endure in the colonised era. The total control of the colonisers over their art and professional career had severe implications on their aims. The influence of specific causes that the new government introduced is thought to be revolutionary for the working classes.
Diaspora refers to the individuals who have been severed from their homeland due to the division of lands by the post-colonisation nations. Once the colonists lose their power, the subordinate nations are prone to divide the land of control accordingly. The Indian partition involving the formation of East Pakistan and West Pakistan in 1947 is a typical example where thousands of diaspora surfaced by being forced to leave their native lands based on their religion primarily (Mark and Betts, 2022).
One of the distinguishing factors of colonialism was the blend of lifestyles between the colonists and the captured natives. To completely free the nation, the influence of any manner must be eradicated and replaced with authentic cultural practices. Thus, the incorporation and replication of life norms before being colonised was a challenge for the governing body of the free nation.
The development of conflicts in the third world and its corresponding security measures are highlighted in detail.
The existence of diversities in the internal states is the primary cause of intra-state wars. It is significant in sparking civil conflicts, which ultimately leads to turbulence in the much-needed stable conditions of the nation. The difference in reasoning and overall agenda of the individual person involved in the state affairs are prominent in causing tension. But they are liable for keeping continual tolerance between the different states. The prevalence of peace and harmony is maintained in such developing countries and is practised by the continuous change of people in position of power. A prominent influence of such shifts in power can be noticed in countries such as India and Bangladesh (Calzati, 2021).
A developing country has a lot at stake, and looking after an ethical employment rate is one of them. The country is unstable in terms of economy and solitary power, and so the scope of job prospects is not very promising. In such unpredictable times, unlawful activities are promoted by individuals keen to fulfil their pockets. The tension can be promoted in the nation, and it can easily be instigated into a war due to the lack of experienced diplomats in the panel. The state of war can easily be promoted among uneducated youths with the promise of a military career. Arms dealers and terrorists can seize this opportunity to draw millions of kinds at the cost of livelihood.
Social instability is a manifestation of a lack of experienced governance bodies. In countries where prolonged government tenure exists, the public is confident about the authority of the governing body. In these developing countries, where freedom was granted some decades ago, the citizens can't be completely protected by the authoritative bodies. The government also has no notable achievements in drawing the trust of the citizens. This causes a significant impact on social stability and hampers the overall system of governance. These conflicts arise from the lack of expertise of the government in providing employment and maintaining a promising wage range (Collins, 2022)..
The Green War hypothesis pertains to the inability of the government in developing countries to secure more resources to cater to environmental needs. It involves agricultural shortages and sustainability issues that arise from population outbursts and lack of resource management. It can be seen as a lack of communication between the resource management and the actual implementation process. One of the alarming effects of the population's uncontrollable growth might be a scarcity of water and basic amenities. It degrades the quality of life in the nation. It leads to added disputes and the questionable status of the prevailing government (Benyera, 2022).
The lack of economic balance in these developing countries led to the division of classes based on the income bracket. The overall revenue that the government acquired was also faculty, with no emphasis given to the poor and needy groups. It caused a barrier to the homogeneous existence of diverse groups. The lack of societal perception leads to the increased undue advantage of the affluent in the industry and the economic outlook. The influence of such unfair practices makes the system follow and leads to increased tensions. Thus, the social imbalance as the development of conflicts in the third world is demonstrated in this particular section (Demir, 2022).
The suggestions are highlighted in the following section to counterbalance the damages caused by security issues and the development of conflicts.
Preventative measures can be employed by meticulously looking after the root cause of a particular problem. It can be sourced from the actual outlets that are influencing the particular agenda. The professionals must not only look after the surfacing problems and the visible results but be aware of the actual situation. In countries such as Africa, India, and Bangladesh, the presence of several variables that are hindrances to the development of the developing status has to be detected. Only then the actual reservation of reformation tactics can be applied so that there is the security of its effectiveness (Linstrum et al., 2022).
The significance of prevention can be demonstrated in a lot of examples in the developing countries' governing strategies. The government's intervention by promoting one child per couple in India is a measure for controlling the alarming concern of population growth. Thus, preventative measures are suggested to battle conflicts.
Developing countries must be insightful to restrain themselves from any problematic middle ground between two superpowers. It is highlighted that the developing countries face the wrath of war even though the tension prevailed between the superpowers. The newly decolonised county must be thoroughly aware of its resources and be known for its positioning for bearing a holocaust. The influence of far-sighted diplomatic sources helps the country in maintaining trade and other relations with both parties. It also avoids any interaction in the political sphere so that the question of war involvement does not arise. The influence of such sources also benefits in establishing relationships with the right nation for the exertion of business administration (Glade, 2022).
One of the prominent sources of development for the third war countries is trading. These sources facilitate that and open connections for interlinking with prominent trading chains. Thus, the influence of diplomatic sources is highlighted in this section.
Mediation strategies are crucial for preventing any questions of conflict in the first place. The influence of this measure is important in making disagreeable nations maintain civil relationships pertaining to world peace and harmony. The third-world countries are an effective asset for such strategies as they are live examples of the wrath of mass massacres for power-hungry nations. They are a source of reference that, with no voluntary harm or conflicts, the extent to which the colonists went to degrade the life of the natives. The existence of several mediated bodies and ambassadors serves the purpose of avoiding any situations out of which turmoil might be a consequence. The significance of such bodies is acknowledged in the overall maintenance of world peace (Spencer, 2021).
Mediation strategies include peacekeeping, peace building, and fighting terrorism. It is to be noted that weak states cannot fully function in the mediation process without aid from any first-world countries. It is important for cordial communication to be prevailing so that the benefits of all the nations are taken into account. Thus the mediation strategies and their implementation are discussed in detail in this segment (Simpson and Bagelman, 2018).
All these recommendations are ideal and have to be referred to according to the relevance of the particular situation. The burden on the developing countries to establish themselves as one the capable entities is a challenging task given their limited resources (Allard-Tremblay, 2022).
Decolonisation is basically a political event to free the colonies from the captivity of the colonisers. Decolonisation is a hope for the people who have been suppressed for long. European countries for a long time tried to colonise third-world countries. It increased the chances of crime across the colonies. On the other hand, trade is disrupted, and people become the targets of unemployment. The useful resources are taken away by the colonisers mainly. In this essay, concepts of decolonising security across the world are addressed. In the meantime, the dynamics of politics and its influence on the global situation are demonstrated. At the same time, developments of such conflicts focusing on the decolonisations are mentioned. This essay focuses on the various contexts which are responsible for such conflicts across the world. Revolts done by the colonies against the colonists are mentioned in this essay. A few recommendations are explained in this essay for a better understanding of the entire topic.
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