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In every study, it is essential to have a philosophical strategy to understand the analysis. Philosophy is based on the project in which the work is done. Philosophy means understanding the main roots of the study and analyzing it. On the basis of the philosophy of management, it is more effective when it depends on some philosophical theory (Boje, and Rosile, 2020). By taking the help of philosophical theory the management philosophy would more powerful to achieve the goal of management. Management is a part, which is needed in every industry and in every organization also. The Goffman philosophical theory on management is the best strategy to make it clear how the philosophy of management works in any organization. By applying the Goffman theory, it is very clear to understand some management philosophies which are applied in any organization. Goffman gives a theory on the basis of impression management. This impression management will help to understand some key points about the management philosophy.
Impression management is basically based on the self-impression of a person. In the management sector, how a person behaves and how they are presenting themselves is the most important thing in this philosophy. Creating an impression of their own selves in the management sector is known as impression management (Boje, 2018). Conveying their particular abilities, knowledge, attitudes, motives, status, emotional reactions, and other characteristics creates the impression of a person in any management sector. By accepting the part of the impression of a person management also get to know the characteristics and ability of that employee. It will help to decide in which part of the organization the person is able to work and give the best products and services.
The thing is Goffman creates a theory in which the philosopher said that every person has their individual impression in the organization and that also affects the management, it is called impression management. By applying the Goffman theory, it is very clear to understand some management philosophies which are applied in any organization. Goffman gives a theory on the basis of impression management. On the other side, every management also has different kinds of impressions in the industry. The management impression is based on the ethics, rules, behavior, and beliefs of the organization (Boje, 1995). For example, every organization has their own motto and goals, and for that reason, they create its management team with that motto and rules, on the basis of its functional system. Because of this reason, it will be very helpful to know that different organizations' management has a different management impression on the industry.
There are many techniques in impression management. By using those techniques, it will be very helpful to know impression management. The techniques are very important in giving the positivity to accept the impression of management. In many techniques, there are mainly four common impression management techniques which are very essential to understand impression management. The first one issurprising emotions (Burrell & Cooper, 1988). It means maintaining self-control to show an impression to the organization. This surprising emotion also includes such practices which are speaking briefly and modestly.
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The next technique is conforming to situational norms. Conforming to situational norms is the factor which follows the rules and regulations of the organization. On the other side, the behavior towards the organization of the employees also gives the impression. The third point of the technics is, flattering others (ROSILE, 2021). When the organizer’s performer compliments the organizational perceiver then that would be very helpful to take out the best product and service from that perceiver. This strategy works best when it does not become more flattery which can exploit the whole impression. The last and fourth technique is being consistent. Being consistent will help a person to create a different impression of their characteristics. This point also means the involvement of the person with their verbal and non-verbal communication.
The key components of the impression are also very much help full to understanding those theories. Every person has their individuality to create an impression on the basis of their characteristics. For example, if there is a critical moment in the organization every one gave their own statement to prove their points (Burrell, 1988). In this part they have to create their own aura and their own impression on the basis of the situation, so that is very clear that every person is different from others but also to create an impression in the organization. The key components also help the persons who are not able to talk in front of others. The next technique is conforming to situational norms. Conforming to situational norms is the factor which follows the rules and regulations of the organization. People are also conscious of an impression of what the other person is thinking. This will help to develop the characterizes of the person.
In every sector of management is based on the process of the organizational behavior about the topic and also needs a philosophy to follow. In that case, the Boje philosophy is the most perfect philosophyof management which said about the Antenarretive. It is very useful for the market to know the management philosophy. The management philosophy also helps to know about the organization which is to create a connection between the collective experience and the living story (Leon, 2020). This Antenarretives process is invented by Boje. This process will show the organizational reflective story in which the impressive person should impose their living process on the basis of the philosophy of management. In the management sector, philosopher Boje has a different place to explain the philosophical theory. By taking the theory of this it would be very clear that the thoughts of people are very much related to the living process. Boje's theory is a process which creates an idea that is not really formed but without forming the plan if an organization fulfils the plan and achieves that goal then that would be known as Boje's theory.
Creating a new history in the philosophy of management Boje invented the Antenarretive theory. In this theory, Boje said about the strategy which is not completed but applying that half-hearted strategy every organization take the achievements by applying their past experiences. It becomes a very unnatural thing to apply this kind of strategy in the segment of management. It also helps to achieve that kind of goals which are not even created by planning (Reed, 2013). every organization create plans and strategies to achieve its goal of the organization, but in this case, the organization don't need to create any plans or strategies, they only need to focus on past experience and develop its planning. This theory also put the organization in a risky factor. The main factor of this theory is to believe in past experience and apply the developed version of the strategy in the future. These things are creating a risky factor for the organization for some time.
Boje's this theory is based on the theory of storytelling. This storytelling process also creates a new sight of philosophical management. This theory, not only contents of only telling the story, but it also creates a narrative of the past and the second aspect of the alternative process. In this process which is selecting the future will get the chance to storytelling the situation (Helle, 2019). On the other hand this storytelling process will also attract the audience towards the organization. It is very important for the organization to make the best storytelling process to grab the maximum number of people toward the company. This theory also makes a different view on the organization. For an organization, it is very important to create a storyline about the company. The storyline of the organization affects the audience the most because the storyline will attract people towards the organization (Qi et al. 2018). For example, if any company has its own storyline and is on the same page as one other company that did not make a storyline about their company then people get more attracted to which has a storyline. By using the organizational storyline, the organization has made many new things about the company and that should be also helpful to this storytelling process.
There are five types of storytelling, the first one is which ignites our inner fire. This inner fire will exaggerate when the person has connected the story about the company. The second one is which educates. In this case the storyline should be very educative for the people. The third one is can simplify the story to understand people (Hancock, and Garner, 2021). The people who are interested in the organization want everything about the organization very clear, to clear the statement the storyline should simplify the logic and the process. The fourth one is storyline has to be motivating. If the storyline is not motivating the people towards the organization, it would be never acceptable for the people. This process will show the organizational reflective story in which the impressive person should impose their living process on the basis of the philosophy of management. The last and final type of storytelling is, the storyline should launch a movement about the organization. The storytelling also includes that kind of part which is not applicable to creating a movement about the organization.
There are many writers and philosophers who are making many theories about the philosophy of business management. These philosophies are very effective for an organization. The organization also can follow these philosophies to make the company better in the future. The philosophy of the management also creates a new explanation.There is a small but relevant connection between the philosophical perspective and the organizational system. The explanation also makes new things in the organization. It also exploded by many theories (Merunková, and Slerka, 2019). Completing the organization's ethical values and beliefs there is also needed organizational philosophy. Philosophy is playing the part in the organization, creating new strategies and planning to increase the company. The company also do the same thing to grab people from the market. In this study, the best two theories are Goffman's theory and Boje's theory. These two theories are related to the philosophy of management. Management is told the story about every sector of an organization. Management also handles the organization's every department. In any circumstance, the organization's management team will handle everything about the organization.The organization of every industry always needed a management team to handle the situation about any risk. By following the organization's ethics and value only philosophy can handle the organization (Moulin?Sto?ek, 2019). The organization is the one and only thing in every industry which can attract people and at the same time distract people from their process. In this study the using two philosophical theories are Goffman's theory and Boje's theory. The main theory which is very much related to this topic is Goffman's theory.
The Goffman theory says the process of impression management and self-presentation. If a person is joining the company, then the person has to follow the rules and regulations of the organization and create an image for that company. This image creates an impression of that person. The person has to make a decision about creating the image of himself. Impression management is a term in which the organization have to believe the person who gives an impression of himself to the company.
Every organization will follow Goffman's theory to take new persons who are eligible for the organization. Impression means when a person or a thing give an impact on anything that would be an impression for itself (Indhul, 2022). This impression will also be accessible to the management. Before joining an organization, every person has to give a CV to give the basic information about him. After joining the company, the organization wanted to know more about that person and give them some work to see how passionately they do that job. After that part of the game, the company get an impression about that person and this impression will help the organization to take the person and put that person into the right segment of the organization. On the other side of the story, management also gives an impression to the organization, Industry, and also to the employee (Jørgensen, and Boje, 2020). It is very important to make great communication with the organization, employees, and industry.
A management team is responsible for taking care of the employee and keeping an eye on the productivity and service of the organization. The impression of the organization depends on the products and services of the organization. So indirectly the image of the management depends on productivity and services. By taking care of products and services the management team of the organization creates an impression on the industry and on the employees. So it is very clear that the impression management and self-presentation of the management team and employees both are complementary to each other.
The key points of this theory are also much related to the philosophy of management. In this theory, the solution takes a lot of time to create an impression or self-presentation (Boje, and Rana, 2021). On the basis, of this theory it is very important to search for the self-skills which can create an impression on the management and management also keep that in mind employees are the impression of the organization. By taking care of the employee the organization's impression will also increase in the industry. It is very natural that if a person wants to create an impression on the other person so they have to give their best work to achieve that segment. Creating new things or making new ideas is also a part of the impression. After knowing this theory of the Goffman it is very clear that self-presentation and impression management is a very important part of the philosophy of management.
After completing this study, it is very clear that the philosophy of management is very important to follow in the management segment. On the basis of other values and ethics, the philosophy of management is more important. By taking the new steps of the organization the organization has to follow the basic rules of the philosophy of management. Management of an organization is responsible for the organization's image and indirectly employees are also responsible for the company's impression in the market. This study is said about Goffman's theory and Boje's theory. Goffman's theory is most reliable than Boje's theory. Goffman's theory said about the impression of the company and also the employee, and he told also about self-presentation. Self-presentationmeans how an employee or a company presented itself if it is in an industry or if it is in an organization. An employee has to create a basic image with the CV.
After getting into the field the employee has to prove themselves that they are capable to do the work with passion and also can create their own image in the workplace. On the basis of that, the management will put the employees in a workplace in which they are suitable for the work. This impression management will help the employee and the management team to do the work better in the organization. On the other side, Boje's theory is not completely useful for management. Boje's two theories are there in this project the first theory is antenarrative. In this theory the narrative of the project is very complicated to understand and implement. In this theory, the philosopher said about the unplanned strategy. According to him the unplanned strategy sometimes works on the basis of past experience. Taking lessons from past experience will help in future decisions. These decisions are very effective for any organization but they also give a risk factor to achieve. On the same side, the philosopher said about the storytelling process in which the organization can take a big achievement.
A good storytelling future can attract the organization and also attract the people who are not connected to the organization. The five types of storytelling processes are there, and all those types of storytelling gives a big impact on the organization. For an organization it is very important to promote themselves to the customer. The customers are always eagerly waiting for new content. If an organization said its story to the audience, then it will be very strongly affect the organization emotionally. Storyline writing is also an important factor to grab customers. In the customer is eagerly waiting for your which means the management has the responsibility to fulfil that expectation of the customer. This theory also proves a good part in the organization.
After completing this study it is recommended that the Goffman theory is more effective in the management process but Boje's theory is very confusing in managing organizations. The organization of any industry will apply this philosophical idea to achieve the goal of the organization. The theory of Boje is very important and also very complicated at the same time. It is also making some confusion in this study. On the basis of his theory, it seems like the Antenarative. In this theory the organization does not have to make any plan they can only proceed with past experiences.
After learning from past experience taking new steps, is the most risk full thing ding in an industry. On the other side, Goffman's theory is very much applicable to the philosophy of management. Goffman said in his theory that impression management and self-presentation is the best thing to achieve a goal and increase the graph of the organization. The organization of any industry needs an impression to achieve the goal and the motto. The impression is also very much powerful for any organization to grow in the market. This theory will be very clear if the theory said that the employees and the management both are dependent on each other and also responsible for the impression of the organization.
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