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The Role of a Pastoral Mentor Nurse in Coaching and Healthcare Support Assignment Sample By Native Assignment Help!
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Mentorship is essential in order to provide assistance, guidance, and support to the nursing staff and all nursing students. The program based on nursing mentorship is crucial as it is helping to provide high-quality care and treatment to the patients. Mentoring and Coaching nursing staff are making more vulnerable to the healthcare settings by enhancing and developing both personal and professional skills. A Pastoral Nursing staff aids in providing patients with finding wellness from injury, diseases, and brokenness. This report has shed light on the evaluation of several roles, responsibilities, and skills of a Pastoral Nurse who shifted from Australia to the United Kingdom and works as a Pastoral Mentor Nurse in a UK healthcare organization.
The current reflective report will highlight the effective mentoring relationship of the respective pastoral nurse with the organisation and additional professionals and the overall effectiveness of the potential relationship approach. Additionally, it will indicate the potential duties and responsibilities of a pastoral support nurse and also a mentor, accountabilities have been determined. Apart from that, the respective reflective report will indicate effective and relevant theories and models, which should be acquired by the respective nursing staff, and also determine the overall impact of the respective responsibilities of a pastoral support nurse.
The primary objective of an adequate pastoral support nurse is to produce the potential possibility for the respective patients to overcome and reduce all their complexities and pain aspects and become comfortable with their respective living. As per the case scenario, I have come to the UK for the appropriate and adequate production of mentoring and coaching approaches to trainee nurses regarding becoming effective pastoral support nurses. Therefore, while conducting the entire training session, I require maintaining appropriate mentoring relationships with my fellow trainees. It has been obtained that it is particularly important to acquire appropriate relationships with other healthcare professionals while serving as an efficient pastoral support nurse (Christensen et al., 2019). The respective approach will, in turn, help in the adequate production of premium-quality care services to patients and search for the most relevant care therapy for the patients (Winnington and Cook, 2021). Additionally, the appropriate construction and maintenance of adequate communication approaches and effective connections with the respective patients have also been obtained to be advantageous in the respective context (Timmins et al., 2022). The appropriate connection with patients helps to easily and better understand the potential diseased conditions and different disorders that have been experienced by the patients. Apart from that, the adequate maintenance of effective connections with regulatory members within a healthcare sector is also required to provide convenient care services to patients.
I have understood that the appropriate construction and adequate management of potential relationships with the trainee members are also required to be accomplished during the entire course of mentoring. Therefore, I have acquired appropriate and suitable approaches and techniques to develop adequate connections with the trainee members, who attend the entire coaching and mentoring session. Additionally, I have supplied effective and potential pieces of information regarding the suitable and relevant creation and management of effective relationship approaches with other professionals, patients and other regulatory members. Additionally, I also supply lectures regarding the overall significance of maintaining appropriate relationships with the mentioned members within the healthcare sector.
There are several potential benefits and adequate effectiveness of the appropriate management of relationship approaches within the respective healthcare sector. It has been obtained that the appropriate creation and efficient management of relationships with other healthcare professionals, regulatory staff members, and ultimately, with patients, acquires effective benefits. The initial effectiveness of adequate management and sustainability of relevant relationship status is the adequate accomplishment of effective communication approaches with other professionals and patients (Nasheeda et al., 2019). Additionally, the appropriate maintenance of effective relationship skills within the workplace has helped in the easier achievement of solutions to more difficult tasks regarding patient-centred care services (Kyaw et al., 2019). Apart from that, effective relationship skills acquire a direct impact on the overall development of different impactful interpersonal skills and behavioural approaches, which should be accomplished (Bardach and Klassen, 2020). Additionally, according to my understanding, efficient relationship skills and practices of an effective pastoral support nursing staff have directly supported the active and voluntary participation of the nurse in different activities related to nursing care practices. I also have encountered that adequate construction and maintenance of appropriate relationship skills assist in the adequate achievement of valuable feedback from others, which in turn, will help in the overall improvement of more appropriate skills. I also have observed that more effective and impactful relationship skills and approaches assist in developing more efficient personal as well as professional skills and strategies and improve the overall self-awareness aspects.
I have particularly realised that effective maintenance and continuous modification of the respective relationship skills and practices are considered to be the primary requirement for becoming a more effective pastoral support nurse. Therefore, I have specifically included important and relevant pieces of information, which in turn, indicates the overall effectiveness and importance of maintaining adequate relationship approaches within the respective mentoring session. Additionally, I also supply effective indication, which determines the overall approaches that can be acquired to develop effective relationship skills and practices.
The basic job role of a pastoral nurse includes providing clinical support to patients. Clinical support involves looking after both the physical and mental health of the patients (Stewart et al. 2019). Providing support to health is a part of nursing in every field, but mental health is almost exclusive to pastoral care. Providing mental support to patients is most important after they have undergone any operational procedure. This is because physical and mental health is interdependent and mental health needs to be replenished to help the patient recover from physical weakness more quickly. As mentioned by Austin and Halpin, (2021), another job role of a pastoral nurse involves signposting a wide range of well-being services for those who find it difficult to adapt themselves to the healthcare environment. Considering that there are several patients for whom adjusting to the clinical settings is difficult, this might be considered a critical job role of a pastoral nurse.
Providing pastoral support to the nurses who have been newly recruited to the facility is a major responsibility of a mentor nurse. Besides, they are required to have the ability to work under tremendous pressure in the midst of frequent interruptions (Muirhead and Birks, 2019). Other than possessing practice skills and fundamental knowledge in nursing, a pastoral nurse is expected to have knowledge of the OSCE process and “International nurse recruitment”. Hence, another role of a mentor pastoral nurse involves delivering this knowledge to the newly recruited nurse and mentoring their practice. Supervising the performance of the subordinated nurses and communicating with them daily regarding complex and sensitive patient information are included in the list of job roles of a mentor pastoral nurse.
Nursing staff plays a crucial role in terms of providing health education and giving information about several kinds of diseases and their impact on health. Pastoral Nurses provide both physical as well as mental support to patients in terms of leading a healthy and normal lifestyle. As a result, it is useful for the patients to lead a pain-free lifestyle. According to the statement of Haslam, (2021), it has been noted that “Pastoral Care” is helping to restore bonds with patients or other individuals. Therefore, it can be stated that nursing staff play an important role in order to provide high-quality treatment and care to patients and enable them to live a normal lifestyle. As stated by Hill and Wilson, (2021), providing mental support to patients is a major role of Pastoral Nurses, and it is helpful for the patients to overcome all their fear while taking operations and treatment. In addition, it is making cooperation and involvement with the “Pastoral Care Program” in the UK healthcare settings. On that note, attending this program is beneficial for me to create a strong bond with patients and I assist them to overcome their health status in a quick manner.
The terms signposting and social prescribing are addressed as relating patients with all kinds of non-medical resources of support. “Signposting a wide range of well-being services in healthcare organizations” is considered a major role of Pastoral Nurses in improving the health status of patients who are suffering from pains due to brokenness and injury. As opined by Cramphorn and Maynard, (2021), Signposting is addressed as new support and roles for healthcare practitioners and health advisors. In addition, signposting a huge range of high-quality services is helping patients and service users access, understand and navigate several kinds of community-based services. As a result, it will assist patients in improving their health status. I believe that signposting high-quality services is helpful for those patients who are suffering from several kinds of pain. On the other hand, as depicted by Holt et al. (2022), delivering high-quality health services and accurate requirements of those patients is another role of Pastoral Nurses in healthcare settings. The reason behind this is, I am able to provide proper and accurate care and treatment to those patients and it enables them to lead a pain-free and healthy lifestyle. Therefore, after taking into consideration all those roles and responsibilities and the purpose of Pastoral nurses and care, it has been evaluated that Pastoral Care is crucial in terms of improving the health status of patients.
For the successful mentioning and coaching process, a nurse should follow proper processes and models so that the nurse can give proper facilities to the patients. Mentoring enables the most suitable clinical procedures and experienced developers for both the mentee and mentor (Heinen et al. 2019). A mentor needs to stay contemporary with clinical procedures and techniques to best focus the mentee (Henshall et al. 2020). A nurse mentor needs to describe modifications in medicine management for personnel experiencing hemodialysis. Medicines may be "washed out" or dialyzed by the patient going through dialysis (Creanga et al. 2020). I understand that I may present to the mentee the doctor's sense for a lesser amount of special medicine.
The administration is supported via mentoring (Henshall et al. 2020). Proper exercise schedules, training, and preceptorships supply a basis and the knowledge to organize administration positions and evidence-oriented courses (Heinen et al. 2019). A mentoring connection enhances communication talents. A nurse is accountable for transmitting any problems to the patient as well as the patient's relatives, and the integrative group while supporting the patient's aspect (Creanga et al. 2020). Teaming with a professional instructor may help a beginner to enhance personal contact methods. Authorizing the mentee to attend, experience, and comprehend benefits creates trust and a sense of individuality.
The basic processes that are involved with mentoring, as well as coaching, are as follows,
Listening is the foremost influential stage in communication. Hearing concerns delivering awareness to the diverse notes being transmitted by the patients (Siegel et al. 2023). The apparent statement is the thoughts being transmitted.
Listening to Feelings
The mentor needs to listen carefully, besides needing to comprehend the feelings of the patients (Creanga et al. 2020). Through this process, a mentor can review their respective work process and can improve their current work. Along with that, asking questions of the patients about the problem a patient is going through, so that the nurse could give proper resolution.
The models that are required for these roles are the “ASSET” model and the “Transmission Model”. The “ASSET” model ("actioning spirituality and spiritual Care education and training") is suggested as a potential opportunity for enhancing spiritual supervision teaching in nursing (Harvey and Uren, 2019). It should demonstrate to be a practical framework and motivation in causing differences in nurses' ability and knowledge of the spiritual maintenance needs of patients.
Figure 1: ASSET model
This inspires those in instruction to evolve additionally self-aware and regard spirituality also the spiritual proportions of nursing which are frequently excluded from the standard patterns (Howarth et al. 2020). Spirituality cannot be introduced, and the design of an independent representative for spirituality can guide nurses to acknowledge that it is self-reliant in other parts of nursing consideration. Characterizing spirituality in nursing is complicated and much controversy and anxiety encompass the issue (Haugan et al. 2020). However, there is proof that honour of a person's spirituality needs to be regarded as an essential aspect of nursing supervision. The benefit of spiritual examination implements may be advantageous as procedures for offering holistic maintenance.
“Transmission Model” defines conveying as a direct, one-way method in which a patient on purpose transmits a statement to a nurse. This model concentrates on the sender as well as the note within a contact experience (Howarth et al. 2020). In this sense, the note was successfully sent to the patient as revealed by the client’s activity and answer to the appeal. The intrusion of “environmental noise” is when the nurse communicates softly, and “semantic noise” that the nurse is not supplying entire instructions concerning how the note was decoded, and finally the precision of the results.
Figure 2: Transmission Model
Spirituality is mostly significant in contemporary culture as a total with spiritual sustenance and anticipation of hospitalized patients. Spiritual maintenance offered by nurses is levelled in nursing's chronology, ingrained in its intellectual framework, and subsidized by analysis and experienced directives (Devido et al. 2019). I think that in hospitals nowadays, the prior commitment to the spiritual sustenance of patients’ lives with pastoral care suppliers (Creanga et al. 2020). The cooperation of pastoral care provider nurses may improve patients' spiritual consideration effects. Before cooperation can happen, it is meaningful to understand if the pastoral care suppliers realise nurses as spiritual suppliers (Jones et al. 2022). Pastoral nurses were skilled to reduce the measurement of visits of a number of patients with diverse conditions, which affected important financial advantages for the clinic (Devido et al. 2019). I think that the connection that is specified between the patient and the nurse is the consequence of interplay or confidential discussions until a mutually satisfying connection is achieved.
Depending on the duration of contact between the patient and the nurse, the requirements of the patient, the responsibility of the nurse and the patient's readiness can authorize the nurse (MacArtney et al., 2020). One of four kinds of joint connection will appear: a clinical association, a restorative connection, a corresponding connection or an over-implicated association (Creanga et al. 2020). The experienced sponsorship, advice, and promotion proposed by a thriving mentoring association have been determined as one of the numerous significant structures of security against workplace hardship, assisting to fight work-oriented anxiety, enriching job fulfilment, enriching the meaning of belonging and goal, and enhancing patient consideration (Haugan et al. 2020). I understood that mentoring relationships have even been discovered to be beneficial, with favourable consequences for mentors and also mentees, consisting of the usefulness emanating from assisting other nurses, forming an experience of contemporary challenges, benefits, and possessing expertise.
Supplying information in terms of moral judgment-making, being a district connection, supplying a non-diagnostic contact position within the clinic, and clearing emotional distress for attendants and patients inside complicated and occasionally threatening circumstances (Siegel et al. 2023). It has been determined by me that in this role, support and comfort can be offered by the mentor nurse who is giving coaching to her trainee (Henshall et al. 2020). The mentor can help with substantial details about the patient’s problems. It advances a culture of education. Mentorship schedules help in the growth of interpersonal relations within hospitals by developing connections between people who might not otherwise be related.
Expressing concern and care for the patients is the basis of pastoral nursing and it involves much more than technical skills. As mentioned by Christensen et al. (2019), interpersonal skills play a major role in pastoral care since it mostly involves supporting patients in overcoming their challenges. It might be said that the basic skill required in pastoral care is effective communication skills. This is because it is necessary to provide the patients with a space to interact clearly with the professionals. Only in the absence of communication gaps can the patients convey their discomfort to the nurse without any hesitation. I have come to the realization that communication skills are one of the things I evidently possess. Throughout my career as a pastoral nurse, I have tried to align with my basic job roles. That being said, I might say that my patients have rarely reported any problems when communicating with me and I have delivered even the minor information revealed by them, to my superiors.
Mentors are required to display specific leadership skills, whatever the field might be. In the context of pastoral care as well, leadership falls under the basic skills of a mentor nurse. As opined by Winnington and Cook, (2021), the most preferable option for leadership in nursing is transformational leadership. However, there might be situations where the nurse would be required to adopt a different situation. The quality of a nurse lies not in sticking to a particular leadership style throughout their career but in deciding the appropriate style based on the situation. In my opinion, I have been able to display adequate leadership skills throughout my career. I have tried to decide on the leadership style based on the situation I have encountered. I have tried to display a character whom my subordinates follow and that is an aspect of transformational leadership. However, I have also tried to engage my subordinates in playful competition and advertised awards for the winners, which are an aspect of transactional leadership. Overall, my ability to adapt to the situation and decide the leadership style based on that represents leadership skills.
The job responsibilities of a pastoral nurse include an enormous list of activities on a daily basis. In addition to that, when it comes to the responsibility of a mentor nurse, the list of activities is doubled. Hence, time management is a basic requirement for every nurse in the field such that none of the activities is missed out (Wells et al. 2021). Time management skills are necessary to ensure that the activities are being given the adequate time that would be required for completion and that none of the activities is getting missed due to the pressure of the other. I might say that I have time management skills to a certain extent, because throughout my career in both countries. I have rarely missed any of the tasks I have been assigned. I have also tried to prioritise the tasks based on their urgency, which is the basic requirement of time management. Apart from interpersonal skills, the nurse is also required to possess effective practice skills and profound knowledge of the OSCE process and “International nurse recruitment”.
Figure 3: Interpersonal skills required in pastoral nursing
Objectives | S (Specific) | M (Measurable) | A (Achievable) | R (Realistic) | T (Time bound) |
“To improve communication skills” | It is specific as it is helping me to interact with other healthcare practitioners, I am new in this workplace | It is measured by monitoring the engagement rate of other nursing staff, and it is measured by interacting with other nursing staff according to their language and cultural beliefs | It can be achieved in case I supervise nursing staff regarding their healthcare practices and treatment procedures | It can be realistic as it can improve my communication skills by interacting with other nursing staff in a proper way. | It can be accomplished in 2 months |
“To develop empathy” | It is specific and essential for me to be an active listener, and it helps me to cultivate all traits of my active listening skill | It is measured by practising several kinds of Empathy Building Strategies in order to develop empathetic skills (Stokes?Parish et al. 2020) | It can be achieved by taking several actions and offering support to my team members and to the patient’s family members | It is realistic as it can be achieved by connecting with all kinds of social movements, and discussing with the nursing staff regarding their issues, and resolving them | It can be accomplished within 4 months to 6 months |
“To provide proper training regarding patient care” | It is specific as all nursing staff is required to get proper training and support to improve my supervision skills, and it is helpful to improve the professional skills of those nursing staff in my team | It is measured by giving proper health education and arranging health maintenance programs regarding the treatment and care for patients, and improving my community in the healthcare setting. | It can be achieved by monitoring the practices of nursing staff, and it is useful for me to improve my self-development skills. | It can be real as it is achieved by implementing the smoking cessation program and providing training to my team member is helping me to promote all kinds of preventive care in my community | It can be accomplished in 4 months to 6 months |
Table 1: SMART objectives
On Each Order!
The above table has highlighted several kinds of skills and activities which are helping to develop my own professional and personal skills. As depicted by Batstone et al. (2020), shifting from one place to another place, communication skills are required to be improved, and it helps to interact with other members of a team. As a result, it is helping to supervise my team members regarding the best care and treatment provision. In addition, it is helping them to assist all patients to overcome their health issues and enabling them to lead a pain-free lifestyle.
It can be concluded that "coaching and mentoring" advance the nurses' caring demeanour, and there exists a substantial favourable association between nurses managing conduct and patient fulfilment. It is effective to examine" coaching and mentoring" as nurses’ substance competencies as one of the duties specified for progressive nurse exponents is instruction and growth in attendance. The functions and duties of progressive nurses are being developed this day. It is anticipated that nurses will function not just as caregivers but even as managers who are mentors as well as "role models" regarding those nurses who just begin operating in a tangible atmosphere. "Coaching and mentoring" are significant places to support nurses in creating their possibilities as principals and students. Completing as a trainer, a nurse assumes duty as a director and she can control the patient's conduct. Accepting a position as a mentor can be helpful for a nurse to assist other attendants or healthcare experts to adjust to the employment requirements.
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