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1. Introduction
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1.1 Background of the Research
In the modern era, technology has covered all kind of sections in the global business. The use of the technological system has a massive implication on global industrial services. The adaptation of technological platform has fast the overall services of the industries. In the age of the digitalization platform, the service through the technological system has a fascinating impact on the customers (Kovynyov and Mikut, 2019). Regarding this matter, Self-service system in the airport has a huge implication on the overall services. Airports across the country have had to develop systems and operations to meet increased demand and to fulfil constantly changing passenger needs with a steady increase in passenger numbers. When people think regarding air travel, they often speak regarding their waiting experience. From check-in queues and secure queues to integrated queues, everyone else leads to a bad airport experience and often leads to tiring passengers who are annoyed through social media platforms. The airport quality department needs to introduce the new and high-tech self-service bag drop system in that regard (Bogicevic, 2017).
Therefore, the airport service across the globe has adopted the Self-bag drop system (SSBD) and several advanced technological systems. For that reason, the airport authority need not engage more employees in the services in the workplace (Thamaraiselvan, Arul and Kasilingam, 2019). On the other hand, in the airport service, there are several Kiosk systems to provide the service in a faster way. The advanced technological system has increased the turnover in the airport services. In has been proved from the several reports that, from the last few years most of the workers of the airport have lost their occupation. The adaptation of the SSBD system has a fruitful impact on the airport system but on the other hand, it has a negative impact on the staffs. Additionally, the self-service technological system has reduced the interpersonal contact of the employees with airport customers. Besides, the advantages of the self-service system in the airport, the employees are faced huge disadvantages. Additionally, the self-service system has a few positive implications on the staffs.
1.2 Aims and Objectives
The aim of this research is to identify the impact of the self-service system in the airport on the staffs.
1.3 Research Question
Q1. What is the experience of the staffs for the self-service system of Airport?
Q2. What is the impact of self-service system of Airport on staffs?
Q3. How self-service system of Airport affect employee turnover?
1.4 Rationale of the Research
In the era of the modern global platform, technological services have a massive impact on global industries. Every industrial sector has now installed the advanced technological system in their services. Thus, the airline industry has also installed the self-service technological system in its operational system. In fact, self-service technology provides both customers and companies with many benefits. The customer can sell more, reduce cost and improve customer satisfaction, creating a loyalty link between them; they can get their desires faster and faster. But, on the other hand, the advanced technological system of self-service is creating an issue for the airport staffs (Sinha, 2020). The airline industry is using this advanced system for their better performance of services to the customers in the United Kingdom.
The Self-bag Drop System (SSBD) and several advanced technology solutions have been adapted by airport service worldwide. Additionally, their several Kiosk systems for the self-service technological system for faster service. That is why airport officials do not need to involve additional workers in workplace services. On the other hand, the self-service technological system reduces the huge pressure on the existing employees in the Airport. Regarding this matter, this particular research will try to identify the factors regarding the matter. This research will also evaluate the experience of the staffs for the self-service system of the airport. On the other hand, the self-service system of the airport has a lot o effect on the employee's turnover in the UK. Hence, this particular research will also analyze how the self-service system has an impact on the turnover of the employees. The evaluation of this research is necessary and rational enough to clear all the factors regarding the research topic.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Identification of the effect of the self-service system of the airport on the staffs
In modern era technology is a core key for every industry to provide its service in a better way. Several technological uses have a huge implication on industrial services. Thus, the self-service system has also adapted in the Airport services. As per the statement of Kovynyov and Mikut, (2019), the technological use of self-service is promoting a better and standard level of customers' services. The industry is mainly focused on the customers' satisfaction and its services based on demand. Regarding this matter, most of the global industry has adapted the self-service technological system. In the aviation industry, the self-service system has accelerated in the domestic and international airport. Regarding the self-service system, the airports have given several advantages from it. The self-service system is helpful to reduce the labour cost of the authority, make the service faster. The airport authorities are able to provide the standard and quality level services to their customers. But, on the other hand, it is a big impact on airport staffs. The advanced high-quality technological services automatically reduce the engagement of the staffs in the workplace. The automation technological system has reduced pursuing capacity of labour in any kind of industry in the United Kingdom. It has been seen from the several reports that, across the globe, all the airport has adopted several Kiosk automation systems. It can reduce the overall cost of the organizations.
As per the statement of Bogicevic, (2017), the self-service system of the Airport has reduced the several obstacles faced by the passengers. Thus, this is also a risk for the employees in their occupation. The use of an automation system in the Airport indicates the reduction of the employee in the workplace. The authority has installed the self-service system through automation technology only for the better and faster services which have a negative effect on employees. Besides all the threats the self-service system the has some positive impact on the employees. The advanced automation system has reduced the workload of the staffs. Across the globe, every Airport has adapted the self-service system to execute a standard and faster work level. That is works as an impressing factor for the staffs as well as customers.
As following the report of the Birmingham Airport in the UK, it has seen that the adaptation of the self-service system is providing an excellent level of services to the customers. However, the UK has the largest and potential aviation network in Europe. Only for the use of the automation system the aviation industry in the UK has contributed £22 billion to the UK economy. That means the Airport services has gained a huge level of profit for the self-service system with better technology. But in that case, the employees of the airport services have faced massive risks. The advantages of the self-services of the airport are maybe the cause of their unemployment.
2.2 Analyzed the relation of the self-service system and employee's turnover
It has been proved from the several reports that, the service automation system of the Airport has increased the employees' turnover rate. According to the statement of Thamaraiselvan, Arul and Kasilingam (2019), the self-service system and employee turnover has the proportionate relation. If the technological automation system is increased then the turnover rate is also increased. Due to the covid-19, the aviation industry in the UK has faced a great loss. Due to this matter, the authorities of several airports have thrown out many workers from their workplace. It may save their financial loss. Therefore, it is a big threat to the staffs. Additionally, the self-service system of Airports has brought out great risks for them. In the era of the technological concept, it is common to use several technological aspects in the operational procedure. Regarding this particular matter, the aviation industry also uses automation system for their potential and better services to the customers. That is why the authority of the airports needs not to require more employees than necessity. Thus, the matter of self-service increases employee turnover in the aviation industry.
As per the statement of Sinha (2020), the automation system of self-service bag drop (SSBD), reduces the staff requirement in the checking sector in the airport. The overall system of checking is controlled through the self-service system of the airports. On the other hand, there are several technological systems like Kiosk which are conduct into the automation system. Kiosk automation system like retail Kiosk, Cuss Kiosk. These are including in the self-service system of the airport. Retail Kiosk promotes several kinds of retailing services through the automation process. This kind of retailing service is happening without the help of any manual service. On the other hand, Cuss services have included bag checking and other security procedures. Thus, in the Airport the various uses of automation technology are reducing the importance of manual process. That is why the value of the employees are gradually reduced in every industrial sector to adopt the advanced self-service system. In that way, every year the employee turnover is constantly increased in the Airport. The self-service automation technological system has a big threat for staffs of the Airport in the United Kingdom.
2.3 Analyzed the experience of the Airport staffs and effective solutions regarding this issue
In the present time, the effect of digitalization is the cause of the increase in the employee's turnover rate. Regarding the aspect of the digital platform, the self-service system of the Airport in the United Kingdom is a big threat for the staffs. However, the advanced automation system reflects standard as well as faster services. It has a faster the service of the Airport which increases the overall profitability of their services. The adaption of the Self-service system has a ramification of the reduction of employment level (Thamaraiselvan, Arul and Kasilingam, 2019). Hence, it is necessary to solve this particular issue of the staffs about unemployment. In the present era, it has seen that the digitalization has reduced the manual system of service that is why every sector wants to reduce its employee. That is why; the employee turnover is high for the last few years due to the installation of eth automation service in the Airport. From several reports, it has proved that the self-service automation process builds insecurity among the employees. Additionally, due to the Covid-19, the aviation industry faced a massive loss that is why the unemployment rate is high for cost-saving. Hence, besides the self-service system, it is necessary to give importance to the manual services which are helpful for reducing the unemployment rate.
3. Methodology
3.1 Research Philosophy
The philosophy of research usually refers to how to analyze and collect data for possible use. Three major philosophies, such as positivism, realism and interpretive have therefore generally been published in the Western tradition of philosophy (ukauskas, Vveinhardt and Andriukaitien?2018). In this particular research paper, the realism theory will use for the mixed method. This research paper will follow the mixed methodology. The philosophy of realism is appropriate for the mixing method. The research results in these theories are basically mixed and help to deliver accurate results that contribute to better analysis and interpretation of research information. Realism philosophy will be used to derive accurate data to help develop the research's future scope. The philosophy of realism is based on empirical aspects that lead to better analyze and collect data. The researcher's role is generally limited to data analysis and data mining under this philosophy.
3.2 Research Approach
While executing research, the appropriate research process is crucial. The research approach is a strategy and process consisting of broad phases of assumption of a planned process of data collection, analysis and interpretation (Azungah, 2018). It then varies on the scale of the issues under consideration. There are two types of research approach inductive and deductive. The inductive research approach is based on current evidence on a subject. On the other hand, deductive approach is based on the hypothesis. Thus, this particular research will follow the inductive approach for this particular research. The inductive approach will move through the exact observations to board an overview of the topic.
3.3 Research Design
In a research paper, it is necessary to follow a particular research design. The research design research will help the researchers to solve the problem of the research precisely. Research design is one of the most important aspects of the assessment process. The research design reflects a thorough development of systemic procedures that enables the researcher to analyze the desired results more precisely (Dzwigol, 2020). A research phase allows for a number of activities and processes. The planning, explanation and data structure are the three fundamental principles of analysis. A well-established method facilitates a researcher to correctly obtain the results. This particular research will follow the exploratory research design. The research project is conducted for a research topic where the researcher has no past information or only a few reference studies. This research is sometimes casual and unstructured. It offers a theory or theoretical concept of a research issue as a method for initial research.
3.4 Data Collection Process
In a research paper, the data collection process is a crucial thing. The adequate and proper data collect is helping the researchers to present the overall thesis accurately. The data collection methods are based on basic monitoring techniques (Brittain, 2020). This included the collection, as described in the last section, with secondary sources of information focusing on qualitative and quantitative data. This study is based on the quantitative process of primary data collection and qualitative data analysis process. The quantitative data collection mechanisms are developed and fully analyzed. Field observations, interactions and casual discussions, questionnaires and interviews with objective data sources are quantitative analysis. The following sections analyze the collection of data from the main source. On the other hand, the qualitative data collection process will help to collect several scholarly articles, journals and books related to the research topic. The interview is a structured and comprehensive conversation with persons who are particularly aware of the subject, while the semi-structured interview usually occurs with facial features, allowing the investigator to search for new perspectives, question and evaluate phenomena in different respects. In the quantitative data collection process, the interview will conduct among the six individual managers of the Airport to learn their experience. On the other hand, the survey will conduct among six individual employees of the Airport.
3.5 Data Analysis Approach
In a research paper, the approach to data analysis is essential to a research study. The data analysis approach is used primarily for analyzing the various data and data collected by the data gathering method. The data analysis approach in a research paper helps the researchers to achieve a proper result. Two types of qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection are present in a research paper (Dzwigol, 2020). There are two different types of analysis approach one is a content analysis and another is narrative analysis. Regarding this, matter this research will follow both types of analysis approach. The narrative analysis stands for the quantitative method and content analysis is stands for the qualitative method. Thus, the content analysis procedure for the qualitative data collection method and the narrative analysis process for the quantitative data collection will follow this particular research, which will help in achieving the research objectives.
3.6 Research Timeline
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
Week 5 |
Week 6 |
Week 7 |
Week 8 |
Collection of Research Subject |
Scheming Research aim and objectives |
Choice of the methodology |
Initial research question |
Data collection process |
Data analysis process |
Examination of the findings |
Establishment of the Conclusion |
3.7 Ethical Consideration
On Each Order!
A thesis paper on ethics has a critical aspect of the overall research plan. While executing research, it is necessary to follow the fundamental requirement of ethics. If this component is missed, research papers can also fail (Brittain, 2020). The respondents are must participate fully in the study. In fact, if they decide to do so, they have the right to withdraw the research at any time. This particular research will follow the proper ethics while collecting the basic data and information through a qualitative method. This research will follow the norms and will not copy the patent information. The qualitative data collection process will only collect the data from the copyright pages. On the other hand, for the quantitative data collection processes, the researchers will follow the basic ethics when conducting the research on interview and survey.
4. Conclusion
From this particular research proposal, the stages of the research on this thesis topic have been concluded. The above research proposal has promoted the initial stages and proper methodology regarding the research. The research regarding this topic will follow the realism philosophy for the mixed method. The research approach will base on deductive. Additionally, the research will focus on the exploratory design to execute the research. The data collection process in this research will follow both qualitative and quantitative method. The qualitative will follow related journals, articles and quantitative will implement through the interview with six respondents and survey among Airport managers. From this research proposal, the overall timeline will consider within week one to eight. On the other hand, the prominent ethical consideration has also explained on this research proper which will follow in future research.
Kovynyov, I. and Mikut, R., 2019. Digital technologies in airport ground operations. NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking, 20(1), pp.1-30.
Bogicevic, V., Bujisic, M., Bilgihan, A., Yang, W. and Cobanoglu, C., 2017. The impact of traveler-focused airport technology on traveler satisfaction. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 123, pp.351-361.
Thamaraiselvan, N., Arul, S.T. and Kasilingam, D., 2019. Understanding the intention to use self service technologies in the airline industry. International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, 10(2), pp.89-109.
Sinha, A.A., Rajendran, S., Nazareth, R.P., Lee, W. and Ullah, S., 2020. Improving the service quality of telecommunication companies using online customer and employee review analysis. Quality Management Journal, 27(4), pp.182-199.
ukauskas, P., Vveinhardt, J. and Andriukaitien?, R., 2018. Philosophy and paradigm of scientific research. Management Culture and Corporate Social Responsibility, 121.
Azungah, T., 2018. Qualitative research: deductive and inductive approaches to data analysis. Qualitative Research Journal.
Dzwigol, H., 2020. Innovation in Marketing Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis.
Brittain, S., Ibbett, H., de Lange, E., Dorward, L., Hoyte, S., Marino, A., Milner?Gulland, E.J., Newth, J., Rakotonarivo, S., Veríssimo, D. and Lewis, J., 2020. Ethical considerations when conservation research involves people. Conservation Biology, 34(4), pp.925-933.
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