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Education is one of the most important things for leading the world towards advancement and development. The education system needs to be much effective so that the students can receive better education which is important for there development. It is important to use the different methods and techniques in an effective manner in the educational system so that better learning can be delivered to the learners. When any kind of information is being delivered to the audience, then it is important to have better training and education process, which can help them in delivering the information in an effective manner(Flennerhag, et. al. 2018).
In the present report, the researcher is focusing on explaining the different theories, models and principles which are being used in the education and training. The report will include the detailed description of the different theories, principles and models of learning used in training and education, models of communication in education and training and theories and models of assessment in education and training. Along with this, the report will also provide a better understanding of the different theories and models of curriculum development within the area of specialism and models of reflection and evaluation in reviewing their own practice. The present report will not only explain the theories and models, but the report will also provide better knowledge of how these theories can be applied in different areas of training and education.
It is important to use the different theories, models and principles of learning while delivering any information to the audience because if the theories are well implemented during the learning process than this will have a positive impact on the learning capabilities of the learners and help them in learning the things in an effective manner.Different theories of the learning are being explained below, such as:
Gagne Skill Development Theory
According to this theory, there are different factors which are having an impact on the learning ability of the leaner and there are different skills which are important for the learner which can help him in learning new things. This theory explains thatit is important to focus on the development of five important skills which are crucial for the learners to have better learning capability. The different important skills include the attitude, motor skills, intellectual skills, cognitive skills and verbal information(Loand Hsieh, 2020). If these skills are improved in an effective manner that then it can have a positive impact on the learning process or it can be said that this is an effective theory which can improve the learning process.
Constructivist Approach to Learning
According to this approach, it is important for the learner to focus on his own experience and it is important that the learner should focus on constructing their knowledge in an effective manner by connecting with the environment. As per this theory, it is important for the learner to actively taking part in the learning process and should focus on constructing knowledge and learning in an effective manner(Kurteš, et. al. 2017). It is important for the teacher to focus on developing critical thinking skills among the learners and motivate them to become an independent learner who would help them in improving the learning process.
On Each Order!
Principles of Learning
For improving the learning capability of the learner and for making the learning process effective, it is important for the teachers to use the different principles of learning in the education and training process.The teacher should focus on developing better terms among the teachers and learners, and they should also develop effective communication among themselves which can help them in making the learning process much effective. Along with this, it is also important to develop the feedback process, which can improve the learning process. Other principles of learning which are important to be considered includes principles such as creating a cooperative and collaborative environment in the teaching institute which can help the learners in learning new things effectively(Crutzenand Peters, 2018). It can be said that if the educational institutes focus on the different theories and principles of learning than it can help them in improving the learning process and delivering the knowledge in an effective manner to the audience.
When the teacher is looking forward to implementing the different theories or principles of learning than it is important for them to focus on all the different factors which are having an impact on the process of the learning which is being explained in the different models. For implementing any of the theory in an effective manner, it is important to develop a plan and then proceed in an effective manner so that the theory can be implementing corrected and better results can be obtained. For the implementation of Gagne skills development theory, the teachers should focus on developing the skills of the learners by conducted a seminar for the development of different skills. This can help the learners in understanding the importance of these skills and will also help them in working on their skills which can make them better learner. If the teacher is focusing on the implementation of the constructivist approach of learning, then the critical thinking skills of the learners should be developed.
1.3 Models of learning pReferences
While delivering the information to the learners, it is important for the teachers to understand that the individual differences are very important, and the teacher needs to identify the learning preferences of the learners. For identifying the learning preferences, different theories can be used by the teacher such as Honey and Mumford theory, Gardner's multiple intelligence and Coffield et al. critique of learning styles.
Honey and Mumford Theory
According to this theory,there are four different learning styles of the learning which varies from person to person, and it is important for the teachers to analyse that what is the learning style of the learner which can help them in making the learning process much effective.On the basis of this theory, the learners can be categorised into four different types on the basis of their learning styles such as activists, theorist, pragmatists and reflectors(Yadav, et. al. 2020).
All the individuals are different, and it is important for the teachers to focus on identifying how the learner understands the concepts and their ability to learn types of knowledge. If the teacher analysis this in an effective manner, then it can help the teachers in identifying how effective the learning program will be for the learners. Analysing the capability of the student is crucial for designing the teaching and learning process in an effective manner and delivering the manner in a more specific manner to the learners. This analysis is important for the teachers as it can help them in making their teaching more inclusive, which would make the teaching and learning process much effective.
Communication is one of the most important things for making learning and teaching proves the exchange of data and information in an effective manner. The communication process plays a major role in the learning process, and it is important for the teacher to have effective communication skills so that they can teach effectively. It is important for the teachers to use the different theories and principles of communication, which can help them in making the teaching and learning process effective. While teaching, it is important that the teachers should focus on offering better accessibility of all the study material to the learners, which can make the learning process much more effective for them(McMahan, et. al. 2017).
In the present world, which is digitally advancement, it is important the teachers use both the online and offline methods of communication which can help them in making the communication effective. Along with this, the educational institutions can also make use of better theories which can help them in making the communication process effective in the organisation(Blom, et. al. 2017). Piaget's theory of communication explains that there are four different stages which can help the organisation in improving the communication process. According to this theory, four different stages of communication are Sensory-Motor, Concrete stage, preoperational stage and Formal Operational stages. All these stages are important for the development of cognitive skills, and these skills are important for leaders and teachers, which can improve the communication process in the firm(Kurdi, et. al. 2019).
When the educational institutions are working for developing effective communication in the organisations, it is important for them to focus on implementing the different theories and principles. For implementing the theories in an effective manner, it is important for the institutions to focus oncreating a culture which should support better communication so that the theories can give better results and the institutes can create better communication between the learners and the teachers. Open communication should be created in the institutes, and all the learners should feel free to express their views and does not hesitate in asking the questions from the teachers whoare important for making the learning process more effective(Bogarín Vega, et. al. 2018).
In the learning process, the assessment has a major role to play, and it is important for the teachers and the educational institute to focus on assessments so that they can analyse the effectiveness of the teaching process and can collect the feedbacks as well. Better assessment can help the educational institutions in making changes in their internal operations and their teaching process so that they can offer better learning to the learners. It is important for the educational institutions to focus effectively on the assessment and consider it as an integral part of the learning process. The teachers should focus on both the two important concepts or the processes which are widely used by the teachers for assessing the performance of the teachers.Teachers should focus on both the formative and summative assessment, which can help them in assessing the performance of the learners in an effective manner. For assessing the performance of the leaners, the teachers can also focus on formatively assessing the learning within the classroom by asking the questions, giving group tasks and self-assessment. Also, the teachers can focus on giving feedback to the learners on the basis of their performance which can help them in assessing the performance of the educational institution, their teaching and also of the learning process(Jabbarova, 2020).
Principles of Assessment
When the teachers are working on the assessments and are looking forward to evaluating the effectiveness of the learning process, then it is important for them to focus on theprinciples of assessment. There are four different important principles of assessment which needs to be considered in an effective manner which is fairness, flexibility, reliability and validity. When the assessment is being done that it is important that it should be valid, and it is important for the teacher to ensure that the assessment task is being performed effectively. Along with this it is also important than the assessment needs to be reliable and needs to be conducted in a fair manner so that the better changes can be made in the learning process on the basis of the assessment(Lockyer, et. al. 2017). Moreover, it is important for the teachers to focus on several other factors such as equitability and inclusiveness, which are also important for the assessment.
It is important to analyse the effectiveness of the learning process, and for doing this, it is important to implement the theories and principles of assessment in an effective manner which can help the teachers in assessing the performance of the learners effectively. The teachers should focus on evaluating the results of the formative and submitted assessment effectively so that they can analyse the performance effectively. Along with this the offering better self-assessment to the learners, the teachers can also make use of the latest assessment platforms such as moodle, which can help them in assessing their performance on their own. These online platforms can also help the teachers in conducting the online tests which can help them in assessing the performance of the learners in an effective manner(Gynnild, 2017). It can be said that it is important for the educational institutions to implement the theories and principles of assessment in an effective manner so that they can make their assessment process effective for both the organisations and also for the learners.
Proper planning is very important in all the different tasks so that the tasks can be completed effectively. For teaching the teachers developed a proper plan in advance, which helps them in delivering the information and knowledge to the learners in an effective manner.Development of the curriculum is a very important part of the learning process(Shawer, 2017). While designing the curriculum, it is important for the teachers to focus on the aims of the curriculum, syllabus, teaching methods which would be used and the learning outcomes of the learning process. Different theories and models should be used by the teachers and the educational institutes, which can help them in developing an effective curriculum. The different theories for the development of curriculum are explained below, such as:
Humanist Curriculum
This is an effective theory which can be used by the educational institution for developing the curriculum or for making improvements in the existing curriculum and making it more effective. The organisations should focus on implementing this approach by a focus on the development of the children as a human being(Eden, 2017). According to this theory, the curriculum should focus on all the different factors of humanism and this approach focuses on the development of both personal skills and practical skills of the children, which are crucial for them. This approach is also based on the concept that the teaches should develop the ability of self-learning and self-motivation among the children, which would help them in making their learning process much effective. It can be said that it is an effective theory or model for the development of the curriculum as it allows the teachers to focus on the complete development of the children as a human being.
If the teachers or the educational institute is working for the development of the curriculum, then it is important that they should focus on implementing the theory of curriculum development in an effective manner. The teachers need to refine the entire curriculum so that the new curriculum can be developed on the basis of the implemented theory, which is important(Akhmetshin, et. al. 2019). Also, the teachers should consider the current issues in the present curriculum and then they should develop a new curriculum and should also create a particular plan for the implementation of the curriculum so that they can apply the new theory in an effective manner.
Self-evaluation is very important for the individuals as it allows themselves to work on the strengths and weaknesses in an effective manner. In the process of learning, it is important for all the individual to reflects on their own actions which can help them in self-evaluation and enhance the effectiveness of the learning process as well. Reflection is considered to be very important for both the teachers and the learners as it allows both of them to work effectively on their skills and knowledge and help them in delivering their roles and responsibilities effectively(Issa, et. al. 2020).Different theories and models can be used for reflection, which can allow the learner in reflecting in an effective manner. The different theories of reflection are explained below, such as:
Kolb's learning cycle
According to this model, it is important for the individual to review, analyse and evaluate the experiences in an effective and systematic manner. This theory states that learning is a continuous process, and it is important for the individual to reflect on his actions which can help them in being an effective learner. The theory explains the learning and reflecting process into four different stages which are concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation(Din, et. al. 2020). In the first step, the individual should try to identify that what he had experienced, in the second stage that is reflective observation the individual should reflect on the experience, in the abstract conceptualisation the individual should conclude that what he had learned from the experience and in the last stage the individual should focus on implementing the changes on the basis of the reflection.
Gibb's Reflective Cycle
According to this model, there are six different stages which can be involved in the reflecting process of the individuals, and these stages can help the individuals in reflecting in an effective manner. The different stages of Gibb's Reflective Cycle are description, feeling, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan(Sekarwinahyu, et. al. 2019).
It is important for individuals to focus on implementing the reflecting theories in an effective manner so that they can reflect and learn new thing in an effective manner.For implementing the reflection models, it is important that the individual should focus on developing the learning ability and self-reflecting ability which can help them in reflecting in an effective manner.Also, the learners should focus on reflecting on their skills and actions so that they can develop their skills and can also enhance their knowledge which is important for them.
Learning is a very importantprocess, and it is important to focus on all the different factors which are having an impact on the effectiveness of the learning process. The above-mentioned report had explained the different important theories, concepts and models of the learning in education and training, models of communication, assessment and curriculum and reflection and evaluation. The study concludes that it is important for the educational institutes to focus on all the different learning process so that they can deliver better learning to the children, which is important for their future. Along with this, the study also mentions that educational organisations should focus on the assessment and curriculum in the organisation,and it helps them in offering knowledge in an effective manner. It can be said that it is important for the educational institutes and teachers to use the different theories and principles for making the learning processes effective.
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