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Understand How To Safeguard Individuals Assignment Sample By Native Expert
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Learners should consider how different legislation relates to and influences safeguarding practices.
This may include, but is not limited to:
For example, the 6 principles of safeguarding embedded within the Care Act 2014:
For example:
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Where a person (the whistleblower) exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical or incorrect. Whistleblowing is necessary when no action has been taken to address the issue despite following usual reporting procedures.
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Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Will usually mean the person supported by the learner but may include those for whom there is no formal duty of care.
Learners should consider acts of control and coercion.
Learners should consider different kinds of abuse/neglect and the associated physical, emotional, behavioural and social indicators that suggest they may be occurring or have occurred.
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Is away of working that recognises an individual’s right to participate in the activities and relationships of everyday life as independently as possible; the individual is regarded as an active partner in their own care or support, rather than a passive recipient.
Arethose within the learner’s responsibilities to respond to disclosures or suspicions of abuse according to internal policies and procedures. They should include actions to take if the disclosure or suspicion implicates:
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Refers to all aspects of an individual’s quality of life,taking into account health, happiness and comfort. It may include aspects of social, emotional, cultural, spiritual, intellectual, economic, physical and mental wellbeing.
Delivery and assessment guidance
This unit must be assessed in line with Skills for Care and Development assessment principles.
Relationship to national occupational standards (NOS):
Please answer these questions in your own words as plagiarism is not accepted and may result in being removed from the course.
Safeguarding is giving protection to the right to live of a person. The right to live of any person is in security and in absence of any neglect and abuse. Safeguarding is all about securing and ensuring it.
To safeguard and protect the adults, the government has introduced acts and legislation, under the “Care Act 2014”; six principles of safeguarding are provided which are accountability, Protection, Empowerment, Partnership, Proportionality and prevention.
Others are “The mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019, Health and Social Care Act 2012, Equality Act 2010, Liberty Protection Safeguards” etc.
As a local system, “Safeguarding adults boards (SABs)”, Agreements for the protection of adults are conducted by multinational agencies. “Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006” has also helps to avoid risk of harm, through gaining access of working with children. Dealing with the independent safeguarding authority this act has considered unsuitable work with children (Scie.org.uk, 2021). As per the analysis of legal obligation providing services to the vulnerable groups. The relevant information has focuses on retaining the national barring function.
Different practice codes and safeguard personal are appointed as a national policy framework.
“Safeguarding adults boards (SABs)” can offer intervention to protect the right to life of any person who is a victim of abuse. Agencies can seek the help of the government and local authorities of law and security to arrange safeguards according to the “Care Act 2014” and help the victim with completely different paperwork involved in the process. The care quality commission considered the safeguarding practices based on individual rights and practices of the involvement of police as effective for notifying incidents. Health, welfare, and safety practices bring into consideration as social services consider the regulation for the healthcare of children (Cqc.org.uk, 2022). As per the analysis, the independent regulator of CQC considers domiciliary care agencies based on providing services. Regulating health and social care services has been ensured by the commission to ensure quality and safety practices.
If the agencies could not protect the right to life of any person without neglect and fear then the rate of human trafficking, bonded labour, child labour, and supply chain slavery will be the common causes, which will affect society severely. The case of Winterbourne cares home where staff are caught torturing vulnerable residents sets an example where there is a failure to protect the right to live. Winterbourne practices have transformed into the services of learning disabilities as the national health commission laws and practices based on mental capacity. Based on the policies of the government body "mental health act 2014" has been reported to deal with incidents of Actual bodily harm (Nicswell.co.uk, 2021). The code of conduct has promoted health by evaluating the care quality commission. Physical, mental, and emotional health has to be focused on as it major influences the neglect and abuse condition along with believing in the cause of maltreatment.
The role of Safeguarding concern is to recognize and apprehend the abuse and protect a person's right to live without neglect and fear. Whistle blowing is a role of a person, who helps to expose any details or actions, which seems to be illegal, incorrect or unethical. The role of the Whistle-blower is very crucial in such situations where no actions or measures are taken in spite of repeated reporting following usual procedures.
Accountability for decision-making is important where the decision-making about actions is difficult. To understand different signs of abuse where no direct report of abuse is done, decision-making is important. Decision-making helps to comprehend the emotional, physical and behavioural indicators and take actions according to the act and legislation.
Information Sharing is necessary to find out who is the sufferer of abuse and the best solutions to protect an individual who suffers from abuse
2.1 Explain what is meant by each of the following terms:
Safeguarding has been treated as an action that have taken to promote the welfare of the children as well as protected them from harm. It has also protected the children through maltreatment and abuse by preventing harm to the children's development of health perspectives. However, the Abuse has been conducted as a violation of individuals among the civil and human rights by other persons and created a negative impact on the health and well-being of the persons. In addition, Harmful conduct has created a negative effect on physical harm related to distress and causing fear (Localwelcome.org, 2022).
The major risk factors involve the mental capacity lack as low self esteem creates negative experience. Based on that, the social isolation has results more vulnerable approach that contributes in the abusive process. The chances of fragility, and illness have been increased the rates of risk factors as well as vulnerability (Localwelcome.org, 2022). Along with that, physically dependent on other through increasing age in another major factor to deal with vulnerable practices (Britishcouncil.in, 2022). Thus, lack of health and social services creates challenges and results abusive activities.
Physical abuse involves injury in the body as slapping, hitting, burning, kicking, and other physical bodily harm that has been done intentionally. As to control over the other person such as partner, parents, and other members this type of abuse is adapted to enjoy the exerting power of such abuse. In contradiction, "Psychological abuse" has been embarrassing to the public and increased the rates of threatening cultures (Brammer and Pritchard-Jones, 2019). Psychological abuse is to threaten someone based on their mental condition to harm mentally through embarrassment among friends, relatives, or the public. "Discriminatory abuse" focuses on the unequal treatment of people that have based on the different kinds of aspects related to disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy, maternity and others (Peattie, 2022). The process of discrimination has created abusive behaviours as the person has to be neglected due to different regions, gender or caste. Organisation abuse is behaving improperly in the workplace as inadequate support and practices lead to mistreatment in the organisation. Lack of supervision and leadership creates these practices resulting in discouraging the involvement of people and relatives (Britishcouncil., 2022). Sexual abuse is another act mainly enforced on women to force them for having sex without the consent of their partner. As this kind of violence mainly happens by encouraging sexual acts with bad pictures and exposing the person's genital part to the child. Financial and material abuse is mainly considered related to property or real estate. The person creates pressure on their parents or relatives to forcefully take the owner of all the properties. Thus, threatening other individuals due to material or property owner has a major part of financial abuse (Nicswell.co.uk, 2021). Domestic abuse is another kind of physical threat based on exerting power on the weaker person as it mainly happens in married women due to the dowry system. In this case, the partner or the family members creates pressure of bodily injury for asking for money or dowry. "Self-neglect" have been used in vulnerable adult living and increased the rates of health and safety circles which means that vulnerable adults have been facing these serious issues (Localwelcome.org, 2022).
As opined by Leslie (2019), the possible signs of risk factors that have created negative effects are that the individuals have not to be any belongingness and there have also not been overviewed and care plan, the admitted softening in hospitals has been considered a core problem. The major indicators are involving poor food supplements, behaving rudely, insulting in front of the public, misbehaving and not creating the person. Along with that, not providing medicines for health issues to provide treatment to cure them thus these practices has indicated the major symptoms of being abused or neglected (Scie.org.uk, 2021). Furthermore, the presence of professionalism has increased the rates of unsatisfactory in this regard the chances of increased rates of harm have also been effectively considered as the main problem that has been treated as an indicator (Kerr and Stirling, 2019).
Hiding violence in public places represents loving and kind however the cruel and violent in private. These activities have the major cause of the perpetrator's behaviour as jealousy, practices of controlling behaviour, isolation, and blaming every time are the major aspects of these kinds of practices (Broxtowewomensproject.org.uk, 2021).
In this regard, the "Warner’s signs" of abusers have been also broadly divided into multiple kinds of segments related to "Possessiveness, Unpredictability, Possessiveness, the cruelty of animals, verbal abuse, controlling behaviour, and bad temper" effectively (Malgieri, 2019).
As opined by Champeret al. (2019), "Person-centred care" means working together around the people to plan and support and care to meet their individual unique needs based on their understanding. In addition, the cuts down on negative problems, unfair treatment or negligence have been selected and controlled for determining the rates of support and care effectively. In contradiction, the "Enabling of active participation" has decreased the rates of vulnerability and increased the rates of self-confidence, as well as self-esteem needs, which have been prone to explode the cultures and harm others (Champeret al. 2019).
"Promoting choice and rights" has supported the adults to conduct safeguarding activities and training and educating the volunteers and staff by increased the rates of awareness and providing valuable information in an effective manner. "Working in partnership with others" has provided opportunities regarding new skills and increased the rate of knowledge structures by boosted up confidence rates and reducing the chances of exploration which can be treated as a much more effective side. Furthermore, "Supporting individuals with awareness of personal safety" have created specific information about the multiple kinds of recognised abuse and protecting themselves to increase the rates of security infrastructure (Miles et al. 2022).
The significance of accessible complaints can be created contributions through reduced abuse and likelihood rates and assures the people by receiving the care and creating a contract with care services that the challenges can be diminished the rates of challenges by avoiding reprisal or fairness effectively. Complaints management has been treated as an essential component that has provided an effective customer services process by increased the rate of business success effectively (Firmin, 2018).
It has developed the cultures of company improvements that have directed to diminish the rates of costs and developed the cultures of consumer’s satisfaction rates. In this regard, it has also been allowed to deal with the complaints effectively and promptly. Reliable information can also be developed in the cultures of practised management rates and making equivalent cultures by improving the rate of quality rates (Localwelcome.org, 2022).
In that case, the persons can also speak to their nearest police stations by loading complaints. As opined by Fan et al. (2019), the abuse of crime-related things police has been immediately involved in the respective cases. However, the individuals can also be in danger or need medical attention by calling their GP or emergency services immediate assistance can also be required. The "Neglect or abuse of vulnerable adults” has known as the negligent or intentional act by a caregiver or other persons that causes harm by taking serious risks of harm to vulnerable adults (Localwelcome.org, 2022). They can also desperately need support and care by increased the rate of experience by making an unable to protect themselves. The inadequate meetings and ignorance can be met with their respective physical or medical needs.
In that case, listening to the victim's consults can be considered as a main opinion about the disclosed and not fill any gaps based on their respective question by clarifying the details. Besides that, need to be keeping their promise and giving her/his assurances to provide the ultimate ranges of safety based on their respective needs and not promise that the reliable information said that will remain confidential statements. Thus, by collecting reliable evidence further procedures will be conducted by the higher authority and government body effectively (Localwelcome.org, 2022).
The sharing of information through suspicion or neglect and the potential issues related to the consent by using gentle persuasion and explaining the help or the protection that can be available by talking with the other safeguarding partners without disclosing the s (Dreyer and Schulz, 2019). In addition, creating an established of the enquiries whether alleged the predators can create support and needed and followed up discloses effectively.
"Safeguarding Policy" has created procedures, guidance, and policy on safeguarding and created a commitment by making contracts based on the working environments. For instance, it can also be created commitments based on supportive and safe environments and make involvements safe from the multiple kinds of aspects related to exploitations, negligence, harm and vulnerable circumstances effectively (Localwelcome.org, 2022).
The effective ways have been preserving the evidence increased by using rates of record evidence based on the body chart and keeping the clothing unwashed. Furthermore, keeping the written records in a safe place, and clicking the photographs in accurate places have been also considered appropriate ranges of evidence that have been preserved in the places. The principles of safeguarding have been broadly divided into six kinds of segments related to "Empowerment, Accountability, Partnership, Prevention, Proportionality, and Protection".
The Safeguarding concerns can be protected and making supports top the peoples by taking immediate action plans and making contact with the emergency services and the police of removed the rates of risk factors. The agency or the individuals can be also collected responses about safeguarding concerns and reduced the rate of risk factors in a sustainable manner. In this regard, diminished the chances of negligence and rates of crime chances can also be effectively reduced (Antislavery.org, 2022).
As opined by Peattie (2022), the maintenance of calm appearances can be created a positive effect of not to afraid of saying no at the wrong time. In addition, the Reassure the child the young individuals can be treated as a right statement. In this regard, accepting the children as well as the young person can be disclosed only if they can only be comfortable and recognise the strengths of the children for talking about something that can be treated as a difficult aspect. By collecting reliable information about the victim further procedures will be effectively conducted and the chances of responsibility can also be effectively developed by the sides of victims.
The Unsafe practised can be developed as a culture of multiple ranges of attributes related to unsanitary conditions that can be directed to infections and not washing hands accurately, the presence of a dirty kitchen can also increased the rate of infection. In addition, faulty equipment and not having risk assessments can also increased the rate of disruptions in an effective manner. Thus, the absence of risk assessments can also be treated as another kind of issue that can create a negative effect on well-being (Antislavery.org, 2022).
The unsafe practice can be created challenges immediately and make prevention rates through the continuing. In addition, it can also be allowed continuity and increased rates of risk as well as safety opportunities that can be involved. The chances of practising cultures and rate of wellbeing can be sustainably developed by improving the rate of practising cultures in an effective manner. The unsafe way can also be treated as a special opportunity that is "Speak to them". Thus, the rate of unpractised cultures has expressed their concerns and followed the safe ways for developing the cultures of unsafe conditions and increased the rate of dealing opportunities (Antislavery.org, 2022).
In recent work, there can also be overviewed a wider range of cases cannot be treated as a beneficial side for the development of countries' growths. "Human trafficking, forced labour, bonded labour, child labour, child marriage, slavery in supply chain and domestic slavery" can also be treated as another issue that has also diminished the rates of economic growing cultures around the UK (Antislavery.org, 2022). In this regard, the "Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group (ATMG)" has been created as a coalition that can be making an existence for monitoring the implementations of the UK's "Global anti-trafficking legislation". The chances of prevention of exploitative practices can be also supported by the policies and making a supportive authority based on the survivors and victims’. Responsible businesses can also not be provided with the best services at the time of occurring with modern slavery. In this regard, the adaptations of effective rules and responsibilities have been also getting successful to develop the cultures of the policies and infrastructures and creating support by exploiting the practices through the policies and unchecked support with the survivors and victims’ effectively. According to the report "Global Estimation of Modern Slavery, 2022" 49.6 million individuals lived in modern slavery by being forced into marriages and roughly a quarter of all victims of modern slavery have been considered as a child (Antislavery.org, 2022).
22 million individuals have been suspected to be trapped in labour and 17.3 million have been also forced labour exploitation in the private economy and 6.3 million have been exploited in sexual exploitation. The 4 million people have been forced imposed on the state authorities and in the situation of Covid-19, the rate of exacerbated conditions can be increased by the rate of modern slavery as well as the migrants can also be created a particularity by diminished rates of vulnerability by forcing the labour of an effective manner. It can be clarified that collecting valuable information and taking the necessary action based on valuable needs and making an appropriate range of situations for resolving the issues. Hence, in the organisational sectors, contacting the hierarchy and escalating the senior management the chances of issues rates can also be sustainably resolved (Nhs.uk, 2021).
The chances of effectiveness can be getting developed by accessing the electronic systems as well as the devices and creating effective decision-making approaches based on the balancing measurements. Following the differentiation of aspects, the chances of risk factors rates can be easily diminished that is changing the cultures regarding social media settings and using "Virtual Private Networks (VPN)". By getting to know about the using cultures of cloud services related to Microsoft Office and Google Docs the chances of effectiveness can also be sustainably increased. Besides that, reading about the fine printing cultures developed the cultures regarding online services and the chances of understanding rates can also be effectively increased. Thus, using the increasing rates of password-practised cultures and using secured websites through taking the help of Google Chromes. Bypass phishing attacks and the installation of Malware software have developed the cultures of prevention rates (Gov.uk, 2021).
There have been overviewed the wider range of risk factors in the multiple kinds of attributes. The "Use of electronic communication devices" has introduced malware around the computer systems and created a potentiality through the chances of disruption of computers. In addition, the "Use of the internet" has also increased the risk factors of increasing the chances of cyber bullying, invasion of privacy, increased rate of the identity of threats and offensive images and videos can also not be treated as an effective side for the development of cultures. In addition, the presence of strangers can also groom the members effectively (Brammer and Pritchard-Jones, 2019).
In contradiction, the "Use of social networking sites" can be exposed inaccurate content, increased rates of cyber bullying as well as data breaches and privacy modules. The chances of using benefits while using social media can also be treated as a harmful side for increased rates of safety and security. Besides that, "Carrying out financial transactions online" have increased the rate of "Identification of theft statistics, cyber crimes, Payment security and credit card fraud statistics, data breaches, and understanding the fraudsters attacks and cyber crimes detections and preventions" can also be considered as a risk factor that has been increased the rate of disruption by using this financial online transactions (Leslie, 2019).
The use of electronic device is harmful because it emits rays which can be cancerous. To describe and comprehend the risks related to the use of electronic communication devices and prevent them from sharing any identity or account details related to financing. Website surfing and clicking on unverified URLs can be harmful and should be discarded.
To work inclusively with individual seminars and workshops can be organised locally where experts can describe the protective measures to the people. To increase awareness, different campaigns can be organized. For extra safety, a team of educated people can be organised who can visit houses once a week and alert the people.
Brammer, A. and Pritchard-Jones, L., 2019. Safeguarding adults. Bloomsbury Publishing.https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=ch5HEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=safeguard+individuals&ots=MJ8GITS9xb&sig=IozTeIxUjBG2usYyANaXq24f2zE
Champer, J., Chung, J., Lee, Y.L., Liu, C., Yang, E., Wen, Z., Clark, A.G. and Messer, P.W., 2019. Molecular safeguarding of CRISPR gene drive experiments. Elife, 8. https://doi.org/10.7554%2FeLife.41439
Dreyer, S. and Schulz, W., 2019. The general data protection regulation and automated decision-making: Will it deliver. Bertelsmann Stiftung. https://doi.org/10.11586/2018018
Fan, M., Tscheng, D., Hamilton, M., Hyland, B., Reding, R. and Trbovich, P., 2019. Diversion of controlled drugs in hospitals: a scoping review of contributors and safeguards. Journal of hospital medicine, 14(7), pp.419-428. https://doi.org/10.12788/jhm.3228
Firmin, C., 2018. Contextual risk, individualised responses: An assessment of safeguarding responses to nine cases of peer?on?peer abuse. Child Abuse Review, 27(1), pp.42-57. https://doi.org/10.1002/car.2449
Kerr, G. and Stirling, A., 2019. Where is safeguarding in sport psychology research and practice?. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 31(4), pp.367-384. https://doi.org/10.1080/10413200.2018.1559255
Leslie, D., 2019. Understanding artificial intelligence ethics and safety. arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.05684. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1906.05684
Malgieri, G., 2019. Automated decision-making in the EU Member States: The right to explanation and other “suitable safeguards” in the national legislations. Computer law & security review, 35(5), p.105327. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clsr.2019.05.002
Miles, A., Andiappan, M., Upenieks, L. and Orfanidis, C., 2022. Using prosocial behavior to safeguard mental health and foster emotional well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: A registered report of a randomized trial. PloS one, 17(7), p.e0272152. https://doi.org/10.1109/MNET.001.1900506
Peattie, P., 2022. Reframing Narratives of Homeless Individuals; the Roles of Basic Dignity and Safeguarding in Reconstructing Perception. Journal of Poverty, 26(3), pp.214-232. https://doi.org/10.1080/10875549.2021.1910101
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