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The presented project is a critical analysis of the managing capacity of the managerial staff working in healthcare sector.This report outlines the solutions to the challenges faced in the healthcare sector. It outlines the selected solutions for the identified problems.
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The problem here being identified in the management of healthcare sector is the lack of leadership skills and responsibilities of managing good standards in the workplace. I will be citing the report of Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust which was released after an inquiry been done under the Inquiries Act 2005. This report has been presented to the Secretary of State where there is identification of the major challenges and problems faced by the hospital which resulted in greatdespair among the patients. Further I will be citing the work of Smith (2019), where athere is identification of the weak signals in the healthcare sector. The work outlines the ignorance of the signals which resulted in disaster for the patients (Smith and Chambers, 2019). Further I will be highlighting the application of management principles and theories where I will be discussing the role and benefits of the application of these management theories in the healthcare sector.
The main theories to be applied for better professing of management capacity will be risk management theories and leadership theories. Further, I also recommend to implement a common culture which shall be shared by all the employees rendering service of keeping their patients at priority. Furthermore, I also recommend and find the solution of the above problem in making a set of fundamental standards which shall be easily understood by the patients and the staff members and if there is violation of any of these standards, it shall attract punitive actions (Arya, 2020). All these solutions shall make the workplace healthier for the staff members and also management of cultural differences shall reflect a good management capacity.
The non-identification of the challenges and poor management in the healthcare sector are becoming popular in the community for research. Hence, I have made an attempt to outline the drawbacks and limitations in management capacity in the healthcare sector. For this purpose, I have relied on secondary source of data which includes the report of Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust. Through the analysis of this I have identified the signals which need to be attended for better management of the healthcare sector. The ignored signals which led to this disaster is also extracted from the personal experiences which I have undergone in my managerial capacity.
I have adopted a qualitative approach for the investigation of this issues which occurred during my managerial tenure. For this research project I have applied the PDSA model (Play, Do, Study and Act). the application of PDSA model shall be a helpful tool for the problem which have been identified above. This tool shall help in realisation of the weak signals which knock as warning signals in the organisations. As Staffordshire faced disaster not due to any human error but due to ignorance to the warning signals, hence, I believe there is need for the identification of these signals. Further PDSA model shall also be helpful in identifying the managerial and leadership defects which led to the above problem and also the failure in rendering professed managing responsibilities (Goodwin, 2019).
As a manager being appointed for the National Health Service for the United Kingdom, I hereby present a critical reflection of the challenges and shortcomings in my management capacity being applied in the healthcare sector and organisation. The major issue as a challenge which I have experienced in my past practice is failure on the part of leadership. It also includes incapacity in managing the insidious negative culture which spread among the staff members of the hospital and other healthcare organisations. There is also systematic failure being noticed in the past practices. Hence overall it can be analysed that there is failure in practising managerial responsibilities and lack of highlyprofessed leadership skills.
Before proceeding with the description of the past experiences I have encountered, I want to demonstrate various definitions being given on what is management and also different types of approaches to management.Fayol has described five practices and functions of management as planning, organising, commanding, coordinating and controlling. The practice of management defined by Peter Drucker includes an important function where the priority is given to action orientation which should be both creative and adaptive (Gross, et. al., 2019).It is defined as a systematic decision-making process where managers have a responsibility building and organising and leading the workers towards development.
Along with definition it is also required to understand the different approaches to management. Hence, I hereby describe the various approaches to management for the better understanding of the further descriptions. For the better understanding of the managerial functions, many scholars have made an attempt to describe various concepts andapproaches to management. The following are the approaches to management:
As a manager, I have experienced that there have been various issues regarding the management of several factors in the healthcare organisation which has led to severe disasters and also it has increased the sufferings of the concerned people. I have also experienced failures in the system and working mechanisms where there were deteriorating quality in the services being offered by National Health Service (Sousa, et. al., 2019). Though there was positive side as well which I have experienced as a manager in the organisation, but there were more drawbacks in the practices done in the organisation which resulted in serious consequences.
I also experienced defects in organisational culture and poor leadership skills where the managers and other authorities have failed in structuring the organisation and also leading the team towards better performance. This was the time were there was requirement of the application of management leadership theories. Under the leadership theories of management, it is important to understand the meaning of leadership and its successful practice in any organisation. Leadership means any relation between two or more persons where one person leads the other towards a particular direction for a definite period of time. Under the management theories of leadership, it is exercised when people with certain motives along with other resources to satisfy the motives of the people following.
Although the dictionary definition of leadership means to control a group of people, situation or a country. But on analysing some wide definitions given by scholars, there can be observed some wide meaning of leadership which includes giving directions and completing of the processes in advance. I have experienced in my organisation that there was less application of the leadership theories in my organisation where it sometimes led to chaos and the patients of the hospital had to suffer (Janati, et. al., 2019).Hence the direct consequences of poor management have to be faced by the patients first and along with them the staff members.
Regarding my feeling about the experiences I have encountered in the organisation, I have observed that poor leadership qualities and bad management practices have led to disasters and depression among the patients.Also, I have felt that there was a further factor which contributed to the weakness of my organisation which was the nature of the management team. I also felt that the staff members at my hospital were less concerned about the care they are rendering to the patients. The higher authorities in the hospital were more concerned about the external factors affecting the productivity of the organisation rather than solving the internal factors prevailing among the nature of the staff members.
I also feel that the consequences resulting form such behaviour could have been avoided if the organisation would have realised the signals which were indicating towards the consequences in the near future. The organisation could have recognised the signals and could have implemented measures like training programs for the staff members to make them understand their priorities. These programs could also have been arranged for the leaders and managerial staff to make them aware of the management theories relating to leadership and its effective application and benefits for the better performance of the organisation (Bresnen, et. al., 2019).Hence, my feeling about the experiences I have taken in the organisation overall results in emerging the opinion that my experiences reveal that the organisation lacked various practices which were essential for the same and also lacked proper direction to be given by the leaders for its better shape.
On evaluating the experiences which I have had in my organisation, I have opined that these experiences led me to formulate both positive and negative feedbacks regarding the working in the organisation. The majority of the feedbacks are negative as the organisation has failed tremendously in rendering good quality service and also in managing its internal affairs. One of the major weakness which is evaluated is that of the senior authority who consistently failed to listen to the patients as well as the staff members. The authorities' attention was drawn towards the deficiencies prevailing in the organisation, yet they failed to address it on time (Blanco-Ariza, et. al., 2019). Along with the authorities, the managerial staff can be held equally responsible as they failed in their leadership qualities which was actually the most required aspect.
The theories of management can be in this respect termed as significant in application in the healthcare sector as these theories develop skills and qualities among the managers who can effectively run the organisation. At this point I have evaluated that, along with the leadership theories of management, there is yet another theory which requires application in the healthcare sector by the managers. This theory is called the theory of social innovation. This theory emerges when the challenges in the organisation are resolved by keeping social values in mind (Sabato and Verschraegen, 2019).This means that the managers need to give priority to the values of the society rather than individual.
I have noted above my experience in my organisation and this reflects critical analysis of the incidents which have occurred during my tenure. On analysing these incidents, I have settled that the application of management, its theories and its approaches is a must in every sector including the healthcare sector. The theories and principles of management in healthcare sector shall make the managers better in their performance as they shall be able to resolve the occurring issues as per the needs of the employees as well as the customers to whom they are rendering service. It can also be analysed through my experiences that there are mainly two issues which needed resolution for the better performance of the organisation (Mustafa, et. al., 2019). Firstly, the organisation needs to build a strong chain to communicate with the patients and give them a stand for expressing their words. And second, the staff members also need freedom of expressing their views to make the organisation work better.
Thus, to conclude I want to settle that my experiences in the past organisation led me to draw my shortcomings as a manager and also made me realise how can I make better application of my management studies in performing better. I have also noted that the application of management theories makes the performance of the staff members better as they gain knowledge through training regarding how they need to act at a particular situation. There is also need of introducing leadership theories of management on a regular basis so that the managers have a better direction to guide the subordinate staff members. Hence, I conclude that for better performance in the future, there is a need of implementing an effective action plan which shall guide the managers towards the right path and completion of every task on time. Hence, I am using the SMART goal action plan for this purpose and drafting the same to make the task of the mangers effective.
Goals to achieve |
1. To make effective application of leadership theories of management 2. To apply social innovation theory 3. To train the managers as well as employees through training programs and seminars for the same |
Due time 1. 3 months
2. 3 months
3. 3 months |
Is it specific?
The goals decided are specific in nature as they are free form vagueness. |
Is it measurable?
These goals are also measurable as they can be measured in terms of application and the application to be completed in due time. |
Is it attainable?
These goals are attainable as they can be applied through proper training programs and with the help of management experts. |
Is it relevant?
The attainment of these goals are relevant as these goals are important to strengthen the weak points which prevailed in the organisation in the past. |
Is it timely?
These goals can be easily attained in time if they are properly implemented. This shall make the performance of the organisation better in very less time. |
Arya, D., 2020. Use of quality management tools and methods is essential to support effective governance of healthcare organisations. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 15(1), p.49.
On Each Order!
Blanco-Ariza, A.B., Messino-Soza, A., Vázquez-García, Á.W. and Melamed-Varela, E., 2019. Social Innovation in the Non-Profit Organization Framework: A Review. Social Sciences, 8(8), p.236.
Bresnen, M., Hodgson, D., Bailey, S., Hassard, J. and Hyde, P., 2019. Hybrid managers, career narratives and identity work: A contextual analysis of UK healthcare organizations. Human Relations, 72(8), pp.1341-1368.
Goodwin, D., 2019. NHS Inquiries and the Problem of Culture. The Political Quarterly, 90(2), pp.202-209.
Gross, B., Rusin, L., Kiesewetter, J., Zottmann, J.M., Fischer, M.R., Prückner, S. and Zech, A., 2019. Crew resource management training in healthcare: a systematic review of intervention design, training conditions and evaluation. BMJ open, 9(2), p.e025247.
Janati, A., Hasanpoor, E., Hajebrahimi, S., Sadeghi-Bazargan, H. and Khezri, A., 2019. An Evidence-Based Framework for Evidence-Based Management in Healthcare Organizations. Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences, 28(3), pp.505-314.
Mustafa, S., Farver, C.F., Bierer, S.B. and Stoller, J.K., 2019. Impact of a leadership development program for healthcare executives: the Cleveland clinic experience. Journal of Health Administration Education, 36(1), pp.77-91.
Olden, P.C., 2019. Management of healthcare organizations: An introduction. Health Administration Press.
Sabato, S. and Verschraegen, G., 2019. The Multi-Level Governance of Social Innovation: How the EU Supports Socially Innovative Initiatives. Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, 14(1), pp.35-66.
Smith, J. and Chambers, N., 2019. Mid Staffordshire: a Case Study of Failed Governance and Leadership? The Political Quarterly, 90(2), pp.194-201.
Sousa, M.J., Pesqueira, A.M., Lemos, C., Sousa, M. and Rocha, Á., 2019. Decision-Making based on Big Data Analytics for People Management in Healthcare Organizations. Journal of medical systems, 43(9), p.290.
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