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This part will focus on the research approaches and methodology as well as the justification for the methods used in this research paper. The primary data collection method will be used for gathering relevant information. Apart from that, a survey with the help of google forms will be conducted for collecting data directly from the employees who have experience in working in any organization. Quantitative and qualitative data will be used for the data collection process communication with the research outcome will also be used in the research paper. There is also a description on the reflection on the application of the methodologies and process will also be described in the research paper. Thematic analysis will also be done in the secondary data analysis with the help of some articles and journals. The researcher will be provided with relevant information about talent management and its application to bring innovation and productivity to the organization with the help of data collection. The primary and secondary data will also be analyzed in this research paper for developing an understanding of the research topic.
The importance of findings and analysis cannot be ignored as it plays a very crucial role in research work. The outcomes from the findings are used to combine the data to get a proper and effective solution for developing the idea. In this research paper, the primary data are used for collecting data to reach the findings. The survey method has been used to reach the desired findings that can help the researchers get necessary information regarding the research topic. The data will be analyzed based on the responses found through the survey. The data will help the researcher get the necessary information regarding the topic.
Q1.What is your age?
The survey was conducted to analyze the talent management requirements. In this survey, the candidates were from different age groups starting from 18 years to 60. The candidates were employees of different organizations. A total of 25 candidates participated in the survey. The first question that was asked to the participants was based on demographic area. The question was “what is your age”? As per the survey report, 16% of the candidates belonging to the age group 18-23 participated. Out of 25 participants, 32% of candidates were from 23 to 26 years of age, 24% were from 26 to 29 years and 28% were above 30 years. It is therefore very clear that most of the participants were between 23 and 26 years age group. The survey also reveals that the least response has been received from the age group of 18 to 23 years. This demographic part of the survey is very important and it has therefore highlighted that the employees of all age groups have some opinions about talent management.
Q2.What is your gender?
The next question that was set for the survey was based on gender of the candidates, “What is your gender?” This is the most crucial part of any survey that can help the researchers analyze the data as per the participation of the candidates.
All the 25 candidates responded to the question. The participants were from all the gender group and there was no gender discrimination regarding the participants. So, people from any gender group were allowed in the survey to provide their valuable opinion to find the researchers get the maximum outcome from the survey. As per the survey report, it is highlighted from the report passed above is that 60% of participants were male. Out of the total participants, 32% candidates were females and 8% candidates did not prefer to provide information regarding their gender. Therefore, most of the candidates were male employees.
Q3. Does your respective business practices talent management?
The third question is also important for the survey as it is based on the importance of talent management and how many of the employee’s organizations have talent management. All the candidates responded to the question as per the report of the survey. Total 64% of the entire candidates supported that their respective organizations have talent management whereas 20% of candidates have responded that their organizations have no talent management. And, 16% of candidates have no sure information whether their organizations prefer talent management in the organizations. A large number of candidates agreed to have a talent management group in their organizations. It has therefore highlighted that most organizations require talent management. Through this question, the researchers can understand that organizations need talent management for organizational growth and development. Therefore, the importance of this question is huge to identify the current perspectives of the organizations whether the managers use talent management or not.
On Each Order!
Q4. Do you think talent management can help you improve your performance?
The fourth question is also important for getting the data and information about the importance of talent management in the organization. The question is what they think about performance improvement with the help of talent management. It also highlights the opinions of the candidates. The survey report provided above shows that 36% of the total candidates strongly agree with the question. 28% of participants agree with the question. 24% of candidates were neutral and could not provide any relevant information regarding the question. 8% of participants disagreed with the question.
Therefore, throughout the report, it can be stated that most of the candidates think that talent management can help them in improving their performance. The candidates to a large extent have also agreed that their organizations can improve performance rates with the help of talent management. So, this question is very important to reach the findings and the researchers can get necessary information through the responses of the candidates.
Q5.Does your respective business take measures to motivate its employees?
The fifth question in the survey was whether any motivational practices are performed in the organization or not. This question will also provide relevant information to the researchers to understand the importance of motivational practices. All the candidates have answered effectively the question that helps the researchers get the necessary information.
The above-responded question in the survey shows that 56% of candidates responded positively to the question about whether their organizations take necessary steps and measures to motivate the employees and workers. And 20% of candidates negatively responded whereas 24% were not sure of the answer. This data shows that many organizations not only practice talent management in the organization but also try to implement effective measures for motivating the employees. Therefore, it can be stated that contemporary organizations implement practices that can help improve the motivation of the employees.
Q6. Does the HR of your respective company ensure deeper employee engagement?
The sixth question that was asked in the survey is whether the HR of the participants’ companies ensures employee engagement in their companies. This is another very crucial question that will provide relevant information about employee engagement practices. In question as pert he surveys report, 56% of candidates responded positively by showing their positive responses to the importance of employee engagement in the organization. On the other hand, 24% of candidates responded negatively to this question and 20% were not sure of providing an answer. The answer is significant that most of the organizations have employee engagement practices performed by the HR in the organization.
Q7. Would a proposition for better succession planning uplift your performance?
The seventh question is “would a proposition for better succession planning may uplift your performance?” and almost every candidate answered the question. Out of the 25 participants, 48% of candidates responded that they strongly agreed to the importance of the better succession planning is required for better performance. 16% of candidates agreed to the question and 16% of candidates were neutral whereas 16% of candidates disagreed with the question. Therefore, it is visible that most of the candidates strongly agreed that better succession planning is required. With the help of this question, the researchers will find relevant information regarding the question.
It will also help the researchers understand the importance of making plans for getting the most desired result from the question. The importance of planning cannot be measured as it is the thing that can make all the plans to be directed as per the goals to achieve the desired effect.
Q8. Do you think talent management can drive organizational innovativeness?
In the eighth question of “do you think talent management can drive organizational innovativeness?” all the candidates have provided their valuable responses that can help the researchers get the necessary information to find out effective solutions to reach the research outcome. The survey report shows that 48% of candidates out of all the participants strongly agreed to the question, 24% of the candidates agreed, 16% were neutral and 8% disagreed with the question. Therefore, it is visible that most of the employees who participated in this survey think that talent management is important and they also think that organizational managers can bring innovation to the organization. Talent management can help organizational managers bring innovations with the help of managing talent.
From this report, it is also clear that the organizations can practice talent management practices for developing innovative approaches in the organization. Therefore, the significance of talent management for creating innovation in the organization is huge and it also cannot be measured.
Q9. Does your HR play an active role in conflict management and conflict resolution inspires you to do better?
The ninth question “do your HR plays an active role in managing conflicts and implementing necessary solutions to resolve the conflicts that can inspire you?” has also got a positive response to help the researchers get relevant information about the research topic. Out of the 25 responses, 64% were positive responses to the question. 24% of responses were provided negatively and 12% of answers are given in terms of vagueness and uncertainty. Most of the participants revealed that their organizational HR can resolve and manage conflicts within the workplace. Therefore, it can be stated that most of the employees think HR can play a very crucial role in conflict resolution in the organization. It is therefore a very crucial and significant responsibility that can be used in the data analysis process. It will also provide supporting responses to the researchers to reach the research goals.
Q10. Have you ever experienced that facilitating talent management has resolved your productivity?
The last and final question of the survey was about whether the candidates have any experience regarding the facilitation of talent management to improve the productivity rate of the employees. In this question, as per the survey report, 40% of candidates have strongly agreed to the question, 24% of candidates agreed. And, 16% of participants remained neutral to the question and 20% disagreed with the question. As per this report, it can be stated that the candidates have much experience in talent management. The researchers can find ideas that talent management can help improve the productivity rate of the organization with the help of the management of talent in the organization. This response will also help the researcher get necessary ideas about the research topic.
As per the description of Masri and Sulliman, (2019), talent management has a huge significance in organizational performance. Talent management practices in an organization help develop the potential of the employees with the help of different strategies and planning made by the human resource department. The different practices in talent management include resource strategy, role development, performance management, career management, employee retention, and employee engagement policies, and reward facilities all these elements help the organizational managers manage the performance of the employees. Talent management refers to the method of attracting, creating, and developing the high potential of the employees and by doing this the managers try to increase the productivity of the employees. When the skills and potential of the employees increase, their performance level also increases. The employee’s performance level develops as their talent increase. This is how the managers focus on boosting organizational performance of London Hilton on Park Lane.
As suggested by Narayanan et al., (2019), employees are more involved, experienced, and encouraged while they are part of a talent management strategy. It allows them to work towards the industry's organizational objectives, enhancing efficiency and customer performance. Companies are able to discover which workers will be most fit for the position with the support of talent acquisition. They will identify the employees appropriate for the job with fewer quality management difficulties and issues. It will also guarantee that the company's top talent stays for the long term. Strategic talent management will assist London Hilton on Park Lane in retaining their staff enthusiastic that supplies them with significant reasons to retain in the company and fulfill their responsibilities. Developing comprehensive personnel management in the workplace enables employers to hire the best and smartest employees. It helps build a brand image that can help attract workers, which ensures better the organization‘s quality and outcomes. Developing the employee brand and improving the skills of the employees help the organization develop the performance level of the employees as well as the workers.
Theme 2: HR plays a key role in talent management
According to Meyers et al., (2020), Human resource management involves talent acquisition as a critical component. HCM comprises acquiring and retaining the proper people, establishing solid management norms and regulations, and constructing interconnected core ability to gather information for business-critical actions. Hiring the correct personnel is the basis of talent management. The greatest recruitment procedures of London Hilton on Park Lane support those efforts by carefully establishing position descriptions, utilizing an applicant tracking program to help organize the interview processes' flow, and meticulously interviewing applicants to choose the best candidates. It is important to have had the correct processes in place to successfully manage workers when they have been recruited. In areas like timesheets, HR technology, and managed services can help analyze productivity and performance.
Periodic review methods keep channels of communication open between managers and staff, allowing workers to just get information as to what is doing well and where they can develop. Managing the workers' respective careers may help improve employee satisfaction while lowering recruitment costs. The leaders of London Hilton on Park Lane can learn further about their staff's skills and interests by building on the information collected during the regular review. With this in mind, long and successful career development plans may be developed in collaboration with workers. Career management is an integral aspect of talent management and employee engagement (Meyers et al., 2020). From identifying talent management as a strategic priority to determining where or how that focus will be implemented, the HR team may play a pivotal part in making it happen. Because hiring, equipping, retaining, and promoting the appropriate people are critical steps in accomplishing staffing goals. It concentrates on personnel management is a crucial part of a wider workforce management strategy in London Hilton on Park Lane. People management efforts include talent and more. Successful HCM requires a knowledge of that and performance of daily activities of hiring, leadership skills, strategy planning, and career progression.
Theme 3: innovation and talent management
As proposed by Salau et al., (2018), the aim of talent management is to bring innovation by providing the employees with effective and necessary skills and developing their potential to improve their knowledge and skills. As the Human resource managers try to evolve the employees with effective training and practices, it helps the employees increase their innovative thinking and ideas. Talent management is also liable to boost organizational innovation in London Hilton on Park Lane. With the help of talent management, the managers also try to retain the skilled and talented employees in the organization. Skilled workers think innovatively to develop innovative ideas that can improve the performance of the organization. It also helps the employees increase their productivity and employability. By pointing out the employees with the best skills and knowledge the managers of the company focus on developing innovative workplaces in which the employees' talents and skills are used for developing innovative ideas. Recruiting employees from different backgrounds and diverse skills and talents and helping them retain the organizational success of two prospects are very crucial for developing an innovative workplace.
Theme 4: productivity and talent management
As per Gitonga, (2019), Human resource managers recruit the right people whose potential and capabilities match the needs and requirements of the organization. Based on their talents and capabilities employees are recruited and selected and are allocated as per their capability. By selecting the right people for the organization, the human resource managers try to manage the talent of the organization. Apart from that, employee retention also plays a crucial role in talent management. The managers try to retain their employees by providing them effective remuneration rewards and appreciating their valuable achievements that can help in employee retention. Employee retention is a great aspect of talent management because it lets the organization retain employees whose skills and talents are suitable for organizational tasks of London Hilton on Park Lane.
Talent management plays another great room to engage and involve employees in the organizational workforce. Talent management also helps in keeping the employees. Employee engagement practices help employees remain committed to the goals and objectives of the company. Talent management tries to keep the employees motivated and help them provide their best efforts and contribution to the development and success of London Hilton on Park Lane. Another great role of talent management is to motivate the employees. The human resource department provides the necessary health and safety-related facilities to the employees so that they can be kept committed and retained in London Hilton on Park Lane (Gitonga, 2019). When a company provides everything that an employee needs it definitely encourages the employees to retain or stay in the organization. It also motivates them to use their base capabilities and talents to produce whatever the company wants from them. It is also another factor of talent management that the human resource department plays.
According to Church et al., (2018), the concept of 360-degree feedback is another significant part of talent management. 360-degree feedback helps the human resource managers to get an upper hand for achieving better understanding disadvantages and advantages of competition. This is a multi-rate feedback method that focuses on receiving feedback from employees and workers and reporting them to the managers. It is a feedback process in which the performance of the workers is measured. Based on the performance review through the appraisal process, the managers evaluate the performance and implement necessary activities and initiatives for increasing the productivity rate of the employees.
Theme 5: the importance of talent management
As described by Glaister et al., (2018), Talent management focuses on retaining high-performing and skilled and efficient employees by analyzing their performance and skills. Talent management focuses on different processes that can help manage the skills and talents of the employees. These processes include sourcing, attracting, and selecting skilled and qualified employees. They also manage and define the salaries of the employees that can attract them to the organization. Providing a high amount of salary to the employees the managers try to manage their motivation and thus employee retention is practiced. The managers also implement necessary training facilities, educational programs, and skill development courses for the employees to enhance their skills and provide them with different developmental opportunities and advantages. It also helps them develop the ideas and skills that the managers want to use for innovative developments in the company. It is one of the major aspects of talent management to develop an innovative workplace in London Hilton on Park Lane.
Talent management can enhance the productivity of the employees and increase their capability for different environments. They also help them achieve sustainable development. The managing talents and capabilities of the employees the human resource managers try to fulfil the vision of the company with the help of promising efficient and talented employees. It also helps the organization to develop a talent pool that can comprise a large number of talented and skilled employees who can meet the expectations of London Hilton on Park Lane for the future (Glaister et al., 2018).
The research outcome has been developed through different methods used for generating ideas on the research work. Throughout the research work, there are many things that have been revealed that can help the researchers in many ways to get the proper result. The survey has helped identify that many organizations have been using talent management and have also understood the importance of talent management for organizational growth and development. The thematic analysis in the secondary data collection process has also helped in developing an understanding of the topic. Various articles have provided necessary information about talent management and practices of talent management that can help in generating ideas and thoughts about how the managers can use talent management to increase competitive advantages and performance of London Hilton on Park Lane as well as the employees.
The research work has also developed ideas about the various ways that talent management can help leaders and managers implement talent management practices to manage the performance and productivity of the employees as well as workers (Widodo and Mawarto, 2020). It has also been identified that talent management can help in increasing employee retention and employee engagement in the organization. It is also evident from the data analysis that the leaders or managers can successfully implement talent management for the performance development of the employees.
Human resource managers have to play a great role in managing talent in the company. It has also been understood that talent management provides full scope to HR activities. Talent management is the collection of human resource practices that work synergistically. As an outcome, talent management activities are greater than the collection of parts (Meyers, 2020). It also signifies that, in order to attain its maximum capabilities, a talent action plan is necessary. Talent management can fix on all the key activities and actions of HR starting from employee recruitment, selection to the management of the performance of the employees, and developing the chances of staying in London Hilton on Park Lane.
The research data analysis has also helped in identifying the areas that can develop many methods of boosting innovation and performance of an organization with the help of talent management. Managing the talents and skills of the employees the organizational managers and leaders can also help them understand the needs of developing innovative products that can help increase customer satisfaction (Alias et al., 2017). Talent management of London Hilton on Park Lane can also help the managers implement practices that can focus on motivating, involve and engaging the employees and workers to enhance employee retention. Motivating the employee by providing them with necessary advantages can help improve the performance and motivation of the employees. It also helps in employee retention and employee commitment to the organization (Hafez et al., 2017).
At distinct steps of completing the Research Report, and also preparing for and presenting the report, I have exhibited my interpersonal and team abilities. Additionally, producing the Research Report would've been incredibly hard without my confidence and communication skills (Mishra and Mishra, 2020). The quality of secondary information and also the interaction with a variety used to have a direct effect on the research survey in the Research Report. In a conclusion, these concerns were solved easily by carefully reviewing the reliability of secondary sources of data and analyzing approach selections.
Throughout the entire research paper, I have gained knowledge in understanding the importance of talent management. I have also understood how talent management can help in developing the performance of employees and workers and also can develop an innovative workplace. The research paper has also helped me gain knowledge of how human resource managers can help in employee retention by managing their skills and talents.
The main limitations that I have faced while approaching the primary and secondary data collection methods are the lack of time for the conduction of surveys. Another problem is that there were many sources for the secondary data collection. I was a bit confused to select the right and exact source to gather information.
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On a personal basis, just doing a research report impacted me in a variety of ways. The research experience has boosted my motivation for studying, establishing ambitious goals for my future career, and instituting the required measures and initiatives to achieve that goal. My mentor deserves special attention here for all of the inspiration and practical information that can be utilized in a number of situations apart from my academic career. By the time of the Final Report, I also had improved my time management abilities. This is due to the fact that the Research report had a deadline. In order to be able to deliver my project on time, I had to implement some time management methods. For the survey conduction, the communication and interpersonal skills have helped me in many ways to gather relevant information regarding the research work (Mishra and Mishra, 2020).
Moreover, I have also understood that not only data collection can complete the research work. I have realized the vast importance of data analysis. The most important thing that I have understood is that I have developed the critical mindset that is crucial for analyzing gathered data and information. Critical analysis is very significant for analyzing data to pick out the most relevant one and remove the irrelevant information to attain the research goals (D’Alessio et al., 2019). Data analysis can help in getting proper and appropriate information that can help in generating research outcomes. Apart from that, I have also enhanced my skills and knowledge in business-related matters including talent management, roles, and activities of human resource managers that can also benefit me in my future career development (Lejeune et al., 2021). It will also help me in managing different activities in an organization for generating innovation and productivity in an organization.
Throughout the entire discussion of the research process and methodology, it can be concluded that the data collection process has no alternative to reach the research work towards a successful achievement. Data collection is very important for the research work as it helps the researchers get the necessary information to complete the research work. In this research paper, the primary data collection method using a survey has helped the researchers get necessary data directly from the employees who have given their respective opinions regarding talent management. These opinions have helped the researchers draw the necessary conclusion to come to a fixed point. The secondary analysis with the help of thematic analysis has also gathered much information regarding the benefits and processes of talent management, how the organizational leaders can manage the talents of the employees to make the workplace a better environment. To get a proper findings for the research work, it is important to analyze the data and information collected through various sources.
Data analysis helps the researchers keep the most crucial data and removes the unnecessary and irrelevant data by analyzing how they can meet the research prospect. Data findings play a very major and crucial role in the research paper because findings can only help researchers draw an appropriate conclusion from analyzing the data collected from primary and secondary data collection. Reflection on the research methodology has also helped in analyzing the learning and practice. Both the quality and quantitative data have been used for the data analysis process in this research paper. These two forms of data analysis have a significant role in directing the research towards proper findings. The reflection helps in analyzing the learnings from this research paper that help in generating ideas of which learning has been gathered and how it can help in future research papers. This paper has also a huge future scope because it will help the future researchers in completing their research work based on a similar topic.
Alias, N.E., Othman, R., Loon, K.W., Ridzuan, A.R. and Krishnan, R., 2017. Towards Effective Employee Retention Strategy: Implementation of Talent Management in Information, Communication and Technology Companies. Advanced Science Letters, 23(8), pp.7857-7860.
Church, A.H., Shull, A.C. and Burke, W.W., 2018. Organization development and talent management: Divergent sides of the same values equation. In Enacting Values-Based Change (pp. 265-294). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
D’Alessio, F.A., Avolio, B.E. and Charles, V., 2019. Studying the impact of critical thinking on the academic performance of executive MBA students. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 31, pp.275-283.
El Masri, N. and Suliman, A., 2019. Talent management, employee recognition and performance in the research institutions. Studies in Business and Economics, 14(1), pp.127-140.
Gitonga, A.G., 2019. Influence of Human Resource Capability in Relating Talent Management Strategy and Competitive Advantage. Journal of Human Resource Management, 7(4), pp.120-130.
Glaister, A.J., Karacay, G., Demirbag, M. and Tatoglu, E., 2018. HRM and performance—The role of talent management as a transmission mechanism in an emerging market context. Human Resource Management Journal, 28(1), pp.148-166.
Hafez, E., AbouelNeel, R. and Elsaid, E., 2017. An exploratory study on how talent management affects employee retention and job satisfaction for personnel administration in Ain Shams University Egypt. Journal of Management and Strategy, 8(4), p.1.
Lejeune, C., Beausaert, S. and Raemdonck, I., 2021. The impact on employees’ job performance of exercising self-directed learning within personal development plan practice. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(5), pp.1086-1112.
Meyers, M.C., 2020. The neglected role of talent proactivity: Integrating proactive behavior into talent-management theorizing. Human Resource Management Review, 30(2), p.100703.
Meyers, M.C., van Woerkom, M., Paauwe, J. and Dries, N., 2020. HR managers’ talent philosophies: prevalence and relationships with perceived talent management practices. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(4), pp.562-588.
Mishra, S.K. and Mishra, P., 2020. Functional Aspects of Communication Skills for Professional Empowerment. Journal of English Language and Literature (JOELL), 7(1), pp.79-85.
Narayanan, A., Rajithakumar, S. and Menon, M., 2019. Talent management and employee retention: An integrative research framework. Human Resource Development Review, 18(2), pp.228-247.
Salau, O., Osibanjo, A., Adeniji, A., Oludayo, O., Falola, H., Igbinoba, E., and Ogueyungbo, O., 2018. Data regarding talent management practices and innovation performance of academic staff in a technology-driven private university. Data in brief, 19, pp.1040-1045.
Widodo, W. and Mawarto, M., 2020. Investigating the role of innovative behavior in mediating the effect of transformational leadership and talent management on performance. Management Science Letters, 10(10), pp.2175-2182.
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