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Unit 4: Leadership and Management Case Study by Native Assignment Help
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Leadership as well as administration in the place of work alludes to the capability of a person to administer as well as guide a firm as well as its following workers. It additionally eludes to the capability to constructively persuade other to do their work to the best of their capability. This will show success as outcome for the firm in total. Hypotheses on headship in addition to administrations have been advanced over the long run by various scholars as well as these speculations are not generally less significant than the others, the importance in addition to significance of every hypothesis rely upon the circumstance or setting in which it is utilized.
Thus, one of the main purpose behind conducting this research study is to shed light on the topic of various leadership and management approaches and theories and how various companies including Ford Company is using this context to compete in the market with its competitors.
Use of these theories in three different companies for management activities
Considering the above-mentioned theories in this segment of the report the three companies will be selected to show how they are using these theories for managing the work. Considering the big automobiles companies is Ford Motors, Hyundai as well as Toyota they are is identified for their inborn traits just like the Great Man Theory in addition to trait theory.
Use of these theories in three different organizations for management activities
On Each Order!
Now in this part of the study three companies will be selected in addition to will show how those company are using various management theories for management of their activities.
Three scenarios in different organization where following leadership styles can be used effectively
Three scenarios in different organization where following management styles can be used effectively
Four factors that help in development of culture within organization
Culture is laid out by the advancement of occasions and practices that happen inside the association. Usually, the four aspects that assist in growth of culture within companies like Ford Motors are described in detail below:
Discussion on two motivation theories
Business situation that needs motivational strategy
Several situations in an organization can take place, and motivational strategies are required to inspire the employees. Work-life balance is very important for every employee, and if an employee cannot be able to balance his or her personal and professional life together, he or she needs the motivation to consider organizational performance. It is not possible for the employees to stay always motivated to deliver their competencies effectively, and here motivational strategy is required. Organizational managers need to consider motivational theories as well as strategies to inspire employees so that they can focus on their responsibilities and allocated tasks. Recognition and giving a reward are a form of motivation, and it can help the employees to stay motivated and thereby, the employees can work harder. It would help the company to generate more revenue as well as the performance management system of the company could be improved as well. It helps to accomplish organizational objectives by improving engagement and interaction (Li et al., 2019).
Proposing detailed motivation strategy to achieve business objectives and resolve situation
Motivation in an organization is of utmost importance, and in order to improve motivation among employees, organizational managers need to adopt some motivational strategies. First of all, organizational managers need to set clear goals as a motivational strategy. Considering this strategy, the managers need to hire and select potential employees who will be the most eligible for the organizational performance, and after selecting the employees, the managers need to provide them with an orientation program so that they can be more able to achieve organizational objectives. In this regard, the organizational managers need to communicate with the employees effectively to make them understand the organizational objectives and goals. It would help the employees to stay motivated in terms of achieving organizational goals. Considering "Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory" can help managers to resolve organizational situations. Additionally, managers need to clarify the focus of the business to the employees so that they can understand the business consequences better for the better accomplishment of the organizational objectives (Ozkeser, 2019).
Leaders must know how to priorities their responsibilities, and in this regard, the leaders of an organization need to help the employees to serve their competencies. Effective interaction with the employees can help the leaders to inspire them, and at the same time, if the leaders can establish good relationships with the employees, it would help them to understand their needs and requirements. The leaders need to understand the problems and should resolve those. It would help them to motivate the employees. All at once, improving the organizational culture and providing a better working environment to the employees can help them to stay motivated. Additionally, rewarding the employees considering their performance can help them to stay motivated and improve their productivity (Shi and Lin, 2021).
Three business situations that need the application of new leadership and management approaches
There are several situations where the application of leadership and management approaches is required. In terms of improving organisational culture, there is a significant need for leadership and management approaches. In this regard, leaders and managers have the ability to reinforce organisational values so that employees and the organisational members can develop through opportunities and goal setting (Figueroa et al., 2019). Leaders and managers can help employees to have open communication, and it improves the organisational culture as well. In terms of implementing change management in an organisation, there is a great need for leadership and management approaches. Leaders and managers can make employees understand the change procedure so that they can support the change process. In terms of improving the motivation of the employees, there is also a significant need for leadership and management approaches. Leaders and managers motivate employees to accomplish organisational objectives by interacting with them effectively (Wilson, 2020). It can be found in the case study that Ford Motors motivates their employees using various leadership and management approaches so that the employees can fulfil their predetermined targets. The company aims to build networks and partners beyond borders, and communication is the significant approach taken by the organisation.
Apply and justify relevant leadership approaches to the above three situations
Leadership can be mentioned as a way to motivate people to focus on the organisational objective, and leadership encourages employees to serve their responsibilities effectively. In an organisation, leadership denotes a significant management function which improves the efficiency of the employees and helps them to accomplish business objectives. An effective leader must have the ability to inspire and motivate others and should have the vision to direct organisational success (Grossman and Valiga, 2020). Leadership approaches can be considered as the ways how leaders accomplish their team objectives, and with the help of such approaches, leaders can improve organisational culture, implement change management procedures and can motivate the employees of the organisation. There is the democratic leadership approach that might help leaders to make decisions, considering the opinion of the team members. In this regard, the leader associates team members in the decision-making process, which helps them to feel valued by the company. Thereby, the team members can be motivated and work harder for the accomplishment of the organisational goals. This leadership approach can solve business issues effectively, considering transparent conversations, teamwork and value collaboration (Lemoine, Hartnell, and Leroy, 2019).
Additionally, there are autocratic leadership approaches where the leader takes vital decisions without considering the opinion of the team members. However, it is not sustainable in the long run. A strategic leadership approach can help leaders to understand the skills and capabilities of the team members so that they can achieve organisational goals. In terms of this leadership approach, the leaders communicate with the team members effectively and make them understand the change management procedure required for developing the organisational culture. Effective communication and interpersonal communication between the leaders and team members support the change management procedure effectively (Kiral, 2020). The strategic leadership approach can help team members to be self-aware and consider open mindedness. In addition to this, there are coach-style leadership approaches that help leaders to focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the team members. Regarding this, the leader helps the team members to develop their skills so that they can take an active part in organisational success. This leadership approach can help the employees to improve their productivity, and considering communication, the leaders motivate the employees so that they can perform better in accomplishing the organisational objective. Hence, these leadership approaches can resolve organisational issues and can improve motivation.
Apply and justify relevant management approaches to the above three situations
In terms of resolving organisational issues as well as accomplishing organisational goals, there is a great significance of managers and management approaches. Management approaches can be mentioned as the way managers function to accomplish their goals. The major activities of a manager are planning, organising, making decisions, delegating and managing employees. Every management approach has to consider some of the major factors, including organisational policies, priorities, the skill of the employees and employee engagement (Goniewicz et al., 2020). In terms of improving organisational culture, an autocratic management approach can be significant. In regard to this management approach, it can be mentioned that the managers who follow this management style consider communication as a vital form of control. Managers control the employees while making their decision and hold power to monitor the performance of every employee. The managers who consider an autocratic management approach deal with the improving process of the organisational culture and consider the code of conduct of the organisation to develop this.
Additionally, there is an authoritative management approach that might help an organisation to implement change management procedures, and in this regard, the managers monitor the performance of the employees closely. Managers try to understand the confidence of the employees by communicating and interacting with them effectively (Weiss, 2021). Managers try to make the employees understand the change management procedure so that they can understand the benefits of the change management process and support the change. In this regard, the managers consider the changed behaviour of the employees and define their roles and expectations for the employees. Moreover, there is a persuasive management approach and the managers who use this approach convince employees to understand the decisions made by the managers. Managers order the employees to perform their tasks so that they can achieve the organisational goals. This management approach is significant for establishing a high level of trust between the employer and employees. Thereby it would be possible to motivate them effectively to accomplish the organisational objectives (Shepherd and Griffiths, 2021). There is a paternalistic management approach that might also help employees to understand the legitimacy, and in this regard, the managers explain their decision to the employees through interactive collaboration. The managers who follow this approach focus on the well-being of the employees, and it makes the employees feel valued by the company. Thereby the employees stay motivated and work effectively to achieve the business objectives.
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