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Wider Professional Practices in Education and Training from unit- 503
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Professional development is considered as process of developing learning to earn or maintain professional certificates like degrees of formal course work, attending conferences and be the part of informal learning opportunities(Nicolae, 2018). This is mainly considered as process which is used by the individual person to improve their core skills and furnish current skills in order to gain faster growth in career.
Professional development process is used by the people to gain new opportunities in professional career. Concept of professionalism and dual professionalism in training and education process will be analysed in report. Personal reflection also will be provided in order to understand the influence of professional value with in own practices. External environmental factors will be analysed in report that can be used to analyse the impact of external factors on the internal policies of educational organization. The current educational policies with in UK will be analysed in report. The impact of the external environmental factor and education policies in UK will be analysed for specialised area. Influence of education policies will be analysed for the education curriculum.Role of various stakeholders and external bodies also will be analysed for the education organization with heal of example. On Basis of personal teaching process the impact of stakeholders and external bodies will be analysed on the education and training process.The importance of working in partner with stakeholders and external bodies will be provided in the report. The impact of Stakeholders and external will be analysed in the curriculum, delivery of education and assessment of own capabilities will be analysed in report. Key policies, codes of practices and guideline of the organization will be studied in research process. The impact of organization requirement and expectations will be analysed on the curriculum practices based on expertise. Quality assurance and quality improvement process used by organization will be analysed in report. Own assessment will be performed in order to incorporate with working of quality cycle in organization. Various processes will be used in the report in order to analyse the learning program of organization. The areas of improvement will be targeted in order to improve the effectiveness of organization in internal operations.
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PESTEL Analysis is considered as effective tool that is mainly used by the business organization and business sector to analyse the impact of external factors on the internal operations of the organization. PESTEL is an acronym of six different external factors that can affect the performance and internal operations of the organization. There are different external factors are considered for the business organization. All these external factors divided in six different factors that are known as Political Factor, Economical Factor, Social Factor, Technological Factor, Environmental Factor and Legal Factor. These factors are considered in the macro factor analysis. This process can help the organization to evaluate the impact of each factor on the internal processes of the organization. Here the impact of PESTEL factor has been analysed for the educational and vocational training organization.
Political factors are considered as factors that are related to the decisions that are made by government related fields the changes that are made by the government in different policies are also analysed in the political factor analysis. Government of UK is in action mode for the education sector. There are various decisions are made by government in the country in education sector(Kara, E., 2018). These changes are crucial for organization. Government has taken decision to perform privatisation of the education sector. This is major decision that can affect the education sector critically. Various education organization that are currently working under government can be privatised if the performance level of organization is not good enough. These educational organization are under huge risk and pressure. This pressure can affect the curriculum that is used by these organization to deliver education to the students. These changes also has increased pressure on the teachers to perform effectively and generate better result. This might can affect the performance of teachers in education sector. The political decisions has forced the educational organization to perform self-assessment process in order to improve their own practices in order to keep working as government organization. Overall political factors are crucial for education organization and it can majorly affect the internal operations of the educational and training institutes.
On Each Order!
Economic factor are considered as the impact of local and international economy on the performance and internal operations of the schools and other educational institute in country. All the operations of the organization are based on current capital f organization. If the current economic condition of organization is effective then it will help them to maintain effective performance in market place. All the funds that are available to the educational organization are provided by the central and local government. Minor changes the allotted funds can majorly affect the operations of organization. Poor economic situation can lead to affect the fund rising process that are used by education sector. In the current time due to Corona Pandemic international economy is facing major hit. It has affected economy of almost countries. This economic crisis condition has created condition of unemployment for teachers. Economic factors are most important for business organization. Changes that are implemented in financial policy can majorly affect the internal operations of educational and training institutes. Shortage of financial capital can affect the resources that are required to perform regular activities. This is how economic factors are most important for educational sector organization.
Social factors are mainly related to the personal opinion of individual and communities. These social factors are most important to consider. These factors can affect the performance and internal operation of organization. For example current population of country, diversity and educational level of people can affects the internal operations of educational sector organization in UK. High diversity in UK can help the education organization to work in different educational field. This can provide more opportunities to get more chances to keep organization running with effective performance. Higher population can provide more opportunities to the education sector organization to provide education to different people(Nicula and Spanu, 2019). This process also can help the organization to deal with local community in effective manner. There is also some ethical risk for educational organization due to discrimination due to different factors. This can affect the performance of the education sector organization. In UK most of population is educated and have knowledge. This high literacy level can help the education sector organization to get skilled staff to perform curriculum in more effective manner. This is how in external analysis process social factors are crucial for organization.
Technological factors are related to the technology that is used in the education delivery process. Technologicalfactors can be categorised in three different factors which are – current technology used in education sector, upcoming technology in education sector and compatibility of technology with current updates. Current technology that is used in the education sector is effective and latest version. It can improve the effectiveness of the processes and actions that are performed within the education sector. The technology that is currently used in UK is latest technology in education sector and it can provide more opportunities to the students to gain education more effectively. The technology that is used by education sector organization are compatible with the upcoming technology in education sector. This is how technological factors are positive for Education system in UK.
Environmental factors are mainly related to the protection of environment and biodiversity of country. Most of the educational organization in UK are using digital technology that is effective to save trees by reducing the use of paper in education sector. This is how digitalization can help the education sector to protect environment. There is no major impact of Environmental factors on education sector in UK.
Legal Factors are related to the legislations that are applied to the education sector. Changes in legislation can create risk in the management of the compliances in the education sector organization. It also can increase the legal burden on organizations(Pavlykovich, 2020). Change in the child protection act can influence the processes and methods that are used in the organization. It also can affect the school opening and working hours. This is how legislation have slight impact on education sector.
This is how different factor can affect the educational policies and curriculums of the education of organization. It is important for the educational organization to effectively manage their operations and provide proper education to students.
For the educational organizations this is important to keep track on the changes in the external factors in order to improve the performance of organization. By keeping track on these factors effectiveness of the organization policies can be improved. Organization have to keep track on the policies that are changes by the government in order to keep the operations and process of the institute as per the changes that are implemented in the national education policies. This is how impact of political factors can be reduced. The issues related to the economy can cause high impact on the performance of organization. Economic factors are more crucial for organization. These factors can affect the resources that are important to implement various curriculums in right manner. Social factors can help the organization to keep the processes and methods that are used by teachers and trainer in learning process of high quality and as per the requirement of the students(Meissel, Parr and Timperley, 2016). Technological factors are positive for the organization. New and effective technologies can be used by the organization to improve the learning process and teaching process. This is how technological process can provide better opportunities to the teacher to effectively deliver knowledge and information. The impact of environmental factors is low on educational organization but in some areas educational institute have to consider sustainability concepts to keep operations and processes of institute environmental friendly. Legal factors are more crucial for organization. Legal factors are need to be considered by the organization to protect rights of all people who are associated to the organization in different manner.
In the education organization there are different people are associated to the organization in different manner. Role of stakeholders is important for the curriculums and processes that are performed in organization. In training process. All the stakeholder of the organization works in the collaborative manner to improve the internal processes that are used education and training process. By including stakeholder in the education process effectiveness of organization policies and processes can be improved. Stakeholders can be used to implement some innovative practices in the education and training process to reduce the chances of failure in process and avoid complexities of the curriculum(Kenny, Hobbs and Whannell, 2020). The involvement of the stakeholders can help the organization to develop various learning and training program that are effective for delivery of information and knowledge. There are some external bodies are also associated to the educational organization that can ensure the effectiveness of processes that are used by organization to provide training and education to students. There are some standards need to be developed in the organization that are help the teachers to set benchmark that can ensure the quality and effectiveness of processes that are used in the delivery of information and knowledge. Main stakeholders that are associated with the educational and training organization are- management of the institute, teachers, trainers, parents and students. These are major stakeholder of organization that can affect the internal process of the organization. The external bodies that are associated to the educational organization are mainly social care organization that have responsibilities in order to ensure the services that are provided to the students. These internal and external stakeholder of organization can affect the decision making process of institute. Sometimes these factors are most important for the organization and sometimes these factors can reduce the effectiveness of operations that are performed within organization.
Roles of the stakeholder is crucial in educational organization. Some of the major roles of stakeholder in educational organization are- Building expertise in teachers and other operations in order to improve the capability of delivery the information education(Matherson and Windle, 2017). These stakeholders also helps the organization to manage the talent in organization. This stakeholders also can help the organization to manage human resources of institute. Students support and information technology support is also a kind of service that are provided by the stakeholder to organization. These also helps the organization to manage the financial resources of organization.
The accountability of external bodies and stakeholder can affect the internal practices that are performed within organization. The accountability of these stakeholders can be considered as effectiveness of the stakeholders to meet various targets. Policies and processes that are followed in the organization can be influenced by the stakeholders(Laurillard, 2016). They can force the organization to make some changes in the policies and processes of delivering education and training to students. The process through which the impact of accountability can be measures is considered as reporting process. By developing the effective reporting process impact of these stakeholders and external on the internal process of organization. By managing the external bodies and stakeholders in organization effectiveness of the education process and training process can be improved. With this process more benefits can be achieved by this process. The responses of the organization are need to be analysed by the organization tin order to make certain changes in the operation to keep practices of organization effective.If the education and training organization is effectively managing stakeholders and external bodies of organization then positive response and result can be obtained by organization. This is how it is important for the organization to manage the stakeholders in effective manner. Sometimes involvement of stakeholders can reduce the effectiveness of the decision making process and it also can increase the timing that is taken in order to take proper decision for organization.
There are different people are associated to the organization that can help the organization to improve their decision making process. These people also can reduce the complexities that are faced by the education and training organization in internal operations. In the organization practices there are different collaboration are need to be made in order to improve the effectiveness of operations(Galustyan, Berezhnaya and Beloshitsky, 2017). This collaborations can improve the decision making process of company.In different manner various collaboration can be made in the organization to improve the internal operations. Collaboration help the organization to develop various practices that can improvise the teaching and training process that are implemented in organization. Problem solving capability can be improved by the collaboration process. Better communication can be obtained in organization work place. Skill development can be improved in the collaboration process. Engagement in operations and goal alignment also can be improved in institute. This is how collaboration process can improve the internal process of organization.
Stakeholders are important part of organization. The role of stakeholders can affect the operations and internal structure of organization. Mainly the internal process of organization. The internal stakeholders are the part of the organization and they also holds position in organization. Their position in organization can affect the structure of the organization and cause various changes in the operations of organization(Macià and García, 2018). The internal stakeholders can make difference in the structure of organization and this process can affect the allocation of power within organization. For example parents of the students are considered as main stake holder in organization. They can impose various changes in organization and design of the curriculum that is used in organization.Parents can force the organization to implement some changes in the curriculum that is used by the teachers and trainer to deliver information and knowledge to the students. For example the management and other stakeholders like teachers can affect the design of the curriculums and assessment processes that are used by the organization.This is how stakeholders of organization can affect the curriculums and assessment processes that are used by teachers and trainers to provide education and training to the students.
It is how stake holders of organization can be considered by the organization to develop better structure in organization and design effective curriculum and training processes in organization.
In training and education organization various policies. Conducts and guidelines are used to maintain better practices with in the operations. These processes can be used by the organization to maintain standard in the delivery of the education and training to the people.
Main policies that are used in the education organization are- Anti bullying policy, work place policy, education policy, Dress code policies, cell phone policies and Human Resource Policy(Misra, 2018). These are major policies that are mainly followed by the organization to maintain better practices in education and training sector organization.
Code of Conduct is considered as list of some rules that must be followed in organization. There are two types of code of conducts are followed in organization to maintain better practices in organization. First type of conduct is developed for the teachers and other conduct that is developed for the students. The rules that are mentioned in the code of conduct must be followed by the people for which the rules are developed. This is how code of conducts are used in the organization to improve the internal processes in effective manner.
There are some guidelines are also followed in organization to keep all process as per the need of the organization policies and code of conducts. The guidelines that are followed by the organization are provide by different sources(Kuhn and Stevens, 2017). For example government guidelines, safety and security guidelines and international guidelines that are provided by UNICEF are need to be considered by the organization to maintain better environment in an organization.
This is how different guidelines, code of conduct and policies are followed by the organization to keep their operations as per the need of students and teachers.
Main operations of the organization based on the certain people who are associated to organization in different manner. For example some of the basic needs and expectations of the organization are related to needs of individual people in organization, collective needs of people, health and safety requirements of people and promotion of equality and diversity within organization.This is how organization have various requirement and expectations that are need to be fulfilled by organization. This expectations can force some changes in organization process, internal operation and curriculum. This is how impact of expectations and requirement is high on the curriculum practices of organization.
In education organization various measures and standards are need to be followed in organization in order to provide better education and training to the students. To maintain quality in organization. Various practices are need to be implemented by the organization in order to improve the standards that are used to improve the education delivery system that are used in organization(Solheim, Rege and McTigue, 2017). To improve the education standards organization have to implement various practices like quality improvement and quality assurance to deliver proper education to the students. In this process feedbacks from stakeholders can be considered for the quality improvement and regular analysis also can be performed to improve the quality standards that are used in the education organization. Various considerations can be implemented in the education process to improve the information and knowledge that isneed to be delivered to the students. Various quality improvement plans can be used by the organization to improve the internal process of organization.
Quality assurance is considered as process that is used by the organization to maintain quality in the services and knowledge that is offered to the students.
Personal assessment is considered as process that is used by the business organization to find the areas of development that can help the individual person to implement personal development plans. In the educational organization various assessment process can be used. For example formative assessment, summative assessment, process oriented assessment, product oriented assessment and judgemental assessment can be used by the individual person to find areas of development and improvement.
IN educational organization various practices are used to provide proper education to the students. The current processes that are used by the organization are effective to develop their knowledge and improve their education level(Koster, Bouwer and van den Bergh, 2017). There are different changes can be made by the organization to improve the education and training processes that are used by the organization. Some of major changes that are need to be implemented in organization are- Improve the use of technology in the process of delivering knowledge and training to the students. This can improve the effectiveness of complete system. The structure of the curriculum also can be improved to improve the effectiveness of the knowledge that is provided to the students.
Main areas of improvement in the organization are related to the technology and curriculum that is used by organization to teach and train the students, There are different interactive technology can be used in the organization to improve the effectiveness of system. In organization technologies like artificial intelligence and other technologies can be implemented in organization to maintain education delivery system effective in the organization. The other change that is required to be implemented in organization is related to the curriculum that is used by the organization to deliver education and training to the students. In this process personalised curriculum can be used to improve the effectiveness of the information and knowledge that is provided to the students(Kovalchuck and Vorotnykova, 2017). Behaviour of all the students need to be analysed in order to develop curriculum as per their needs. This is how education system that is used in the organization can be improved in effective manner.
This report is analysing the importance of various processes and methods that are used in the organization. Importance and need of professionalism and dual professionalism has been analysed in report. Influence of professional values has been analysed over own practices in specific area. Impact of various factor also has been analysed for organization. The role and impact of stakeholders and external bodies also has been analysed in organization. Various internal documents also has been analysed for organization to find the area of development in the operations that are performed by the organization. This is how complete report has been developed for educational sector organization
Books and Journals
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Nicolae, P., 2018. Use of the PESTEL Model in the Management of the Tourism Branch of the Republic of Moldova. Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series. 18(1). pp.370-375.
Nicula, V. and Spanu, S., 2019. PESTEL ANALYSIS APPLIED IN TOURISM EVALUATION IN BRAILA COUNTY. Revista Economica. 71(3).
Solheim, O.J., Rege, M. and McTigue, E., 2017. Study protocol:“Two teachers”: A randomized controlled trial investigating individual and complementary effects of teacher-student ratio in literacy instruction and professional development for teachers. International Journal of Educational Research. 86. pp.122-130.
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